Monthly Archives: March 2014

59 posts

{CoHost} Share The Love Blog Hop

Welcome to Share the Love Blog Hop for March 2014! Come and add your blog and social media accounts and find other great blogs to follow. Don’t forget to comment and let others know how you find them HOSTS Natasha from Serenity You Consie from Atop Serenity Hill Danielle from Life of a […]

Grateful – #828Blessings

  This year has been one full of so many Blessings. Starting this Blog, My Teenager beginning his Senior year, Birthdays, Anniversaries and so many wishes fulfilled I can barely keep count. I am in constant awe of the blessings and fulfillment of my hearts desires yet even in the […]

A Reflection

Here I Am… { A Reflection }

 Here I Am… {A Reflection} Here I am sitting and wondering why Here I am sitting and wondering how Here I am sitting and pondering when Here I am sitting and pondering what Why I have waited so long to go forth How I can get back to where I […]