Monthly Archives: November 2014

34 posts

What's So Funny #NaBloPoMo |

What’s So Funny? #NaBloPoMo

What’s so funny? That’s a question I ask a lot and most times when I realize it’s me I’m a bit surprised. I don’t walk into a situation thinking ‘I’m gonna crack them up’ most times I’m just chatting and saying the random stuff that comes to mind. I find that […]

Starbucks Plus A Ride - My Crafty Hero |

Starbucks Plus A Ride – My Crafty Hero #NaBloPoMo

Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt is all about benefiting from the kindness of strangers. Now I can say that I have had a wonderful experience recently of unexpected but greatly appreciate kindness. The place where we may disagree for this prompt is whether the person who showed it to me can truly […]