
65 posts

Apps, Gadgets, PlugIns, WordPress – Tech! I love it all and love to learn and share all about it.

NaBloPoMo November 2014 |

Boredom Busters To YOUR Rescue! #NaBloPoMo

The BlogHer NaBloMoPo Challenge: blog everyday in November (except Saturdays and Sundays – we all need a bit of unplug time and thankfully BlogHer realizes that) with the help of daily prompts from some of BlogHer’s greatest minds. I took part last year and loved it. So when the chance came […]

iPhone 6 | Did You Know?

Okay so I have officially had my iPhone 6 for 2 whole days now! I am so excited it feels like Christmas in September! The day I received the email saying when my phone would arrive was like Christmas Eve but the entire day I was waiting for it (okay […]