1 In A 1000 | 1000 Voices For Compassion #1000Speaks

#1000Speaks - 1000 Voices Speak For Compassion | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Have you ever been in a room full of people who were all speaking at the same time on different subjects or even in their own individual conversations? It can be loud and even overhelming simply because it is too much going on without one purpose. Take that same room full of people and give them one topic, one theme and one speech. when people are speaking in unison as one set the power of that sound is less overwhelming – more impressive, less annoying – more inspiring, less . Their voices are each working to make a sound and send a message that is more powerful than 1 voice alone. This is the vision behind 1000 Voices For Compassion #1000Speaks.


1000 Voices For Compassion #100Speaks is a Facebook movement started by Yvonne Spence and Lizzi of Considering Considerings Life In Silver Linings who had the amazing thought to bring together 1000 Voices For Compassion – 1000 Bloggers who will open their laptops, take out their pens and allow their voices to unite for one cause: COMPASSION.

“…it occurred to me that so many of us are writing about compassion, without always knowing that others are out there writing too. What would it be like, I wondered, if we could get a thousand of us together and all write about compassion on the same day?” –Yvonne Spence {Read More}

Since it’s start less than month over 850 ‘voices‘ have already committed to this cause with new voices joining each day. Together we are making the conscious decision not to be the noise in a crowded room but instead to fill that room and as much of the outside with the sound of our voices united as one.

Read This Too  In Summer

As 1 in that 1000, I am so excited to be a part of something with such an amazing beginning and goal. To spread the need for compassion in all things for all people! What’s your voice have to say? It can be your experience with receiving compassion, giving compassion or simply seeing a need for concern and caring for what those around us are going through. Take those words, write them down – speak them! On February 20th we will all use our platforms as Bloggers, YouTubers, Vloggers and People  to bring together our words of Compassion and with all our voices we hope to give power to a word that needs to be heard, felt and given.

“Because together we’re stronger, and between us all, we CAN make a difference. Perhaps the difference between life and death. It would be a great start, so I challenge you to try.” Liz Rogers {Read More}

If you would like to become 1 in 1000 visit the 1000 Voices For Compassion Facebook Page or leave a comment for me and I will be sure you receive an invitation. Your voice can add the influence needed to impact the Blogosphere! Want to read a few of the already amazing posts being generated by the amazing members of this movement? Check them out HERE!

Spread the word about 1000 Voices Speak For Compassion with the hashtag #1000Speak on Twitter, Instagram and your other Social Media Networks.

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12 responses to “1 In A 1000 | 1000 Voices For Compassion #1000Speaks”

  1. Ray Avatar

    So excited to be a part of this…. I can't wait to share what I am going to be saying 🙂 Looking forward to all of the beautiful reads…
    My recent post Thank You Notes ~ Scentsy ~ Weather Tech

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! It definitely a really great movement and I am so happy to be a part of it 😀

  2. Blogitudes Avatar

    Beautifully written and wonderfully explained! 🙂 #1000Speak will definitely cause an Internet stir on Feb. 20th – one I'm proud to be part of and so glad you are, too! 🙂 Great post!
    My recent post The Magic of Enthusiasm

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much! I truly believe it will and I am so excited to be a part! Thanks again 🙂

  3. momentousmom Avatar

    I think this is such a cool idea. I would love to be involved. Compassion is something that more people need to keep in mind in their everyday lives. We need to keep in mind that our children watch everything we do and demonstrating compassion will pass the trait onto the next generation.
    My recent post Yes, I am THAT mom and Proud of it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is – I sent you an invitation to the Facebook page to your email. Hope to see you there! 🙂

  4. Reginia Cordell Avatar
    Reginia Cordell

    I think this is a great movement. More compassion is needed in all facets of our society. With so much bullying going on and a culture of "mean girls" compassion is definitely something that needs to take over our society.
    My recent post Street Food in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is…sometimes simply making a statement can have such a big impact. I try to teach my Girlies about bullies and how to be one themselves. It is so sad to watch a child be made to feel less than what they are…

  5. babygatesdown Avatar

    I love how you put this! – I am so looking forward to many voices speaking as one – more voices than one alone – and seeing what ripples. I'm also excited to be a part! – Best – L

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! I am excited about it and can\’t wait to see everyone\’s different perspectives. Thanks so much for coming by 🙂

  6. lrconsiderer Avatar

    Brilliant share – thank you SO MUCH 🙂 I really like your thought of trying to be heard outside the room where we're all talking about the same thing 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lizzi! So happy to be a part…

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