Can you believe it’s the 4th of July already?!?! The summer is just going by in overdrive! So, Happy 4th and of course Happy #AskAwayFriday! This week I found myself Buddy-Less, so I decided to share 10 About Me, MrsTee. Are you ready?

This week we welcome a brand new Co-Host, for the next two weeks, the amazing…
Suzanna from One Hoolie Mama!
Suzanna is a wife and Mama to a crew of ‘hooligans’ (hence her awesomely cool Blog Name) including the adorable Baby D and her Fur Babies. She loves chocolate, a sip of wine here and there and all things running, photography and newbie crafting…we highly suggest you head over and visit her at One Hoolie Mama

Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
Now, to the 10 About Me…
I don’t know how to successfully wash my own hair. Yup, you read that right. I’m a grown woman with Kiddies and I don’t know how to wash my own hair. As a child, I had really thick hair that took forever and a day to wash. When I turned 10 my Grandmother started taking me to a local salon to get it washed and conditioned. She did that until I was 14 and then I started paying for my appointments on my own once I had gotten my first job.
Since then I have always gone to a salon for my wash and sets or conditioning. I did try a few times to wash my hair on my own and it was an utter disaster. My arms would get tired in the shower so I tried to wash it in a sink. Then I couldn’t get all the shampoo or conditioner out. When it came to blow drying I would get the front done fin but the back would look a hot mess! So, hairdressers are definitely my best friends. Well, actually now one of my best friends is a hairdresser so she actually comes over and does my hair for me and I love her for it!
I didn’t learn how to drive until I was 24. I was raised by my over-protective Grandmother who found joy in being my own personal taxi service (yes, I was spoiled). She also was so scared to let me behind the wheel with her in the car that she refused to teach me how to drive. So I spent all of my teen years and most of my 20s taking cabs or getting dropped off by various friends, relatives and well of course my Grandmother. When I met my then boyfriend and now my Hubby he could not believe I was living in New York and didn’t know how to drive yet. He immediately made it his mission to teach me. At the time he was a truck driver and when I tell you I went through the hardest driving lessons ever: “Pick your butt up and look behind you!” “Use your mirrors!” “Drive for everyone around you, not just yourself”. He had me driving and with my license within 6 months.
I have kept a journal since the 6th grade. In the 6th grade my school got this amazing new teacher named, Mrs. E. She was very bohemian and so real. Unlike all of the teachers I’d had prior she wanted to know what we felt, thought and expected from our classes. She taught us music, art and health. It was in her classes that I first started to hear my inner voice. She had us all start composition notebook journals. She allowed us to write whatever we wanted for 20 minutes each day. If we wanted her input, help or just opinions we could turn the notebook in to her at the end of class and she would return them the next day. Mrs. E gave me so much good advice about my life and the preteen emotions I felt I couldn’t share with my Grandmother. She was the first person who told me I had a gift for writing and the first person to encourage me to be myself instead of what I thought people wanted me to be. In her art class, we made masks that were to represent how we saw ourselves. I made a mask within a mask because I always felt like I had to put on a brave face for people’s benefit no matter how I really felt inside. She understood me and encouraged me to take that mask off and to realize that those who couldn’t accept that weren’t meant to be in my life. To this day I am forever grateful for Mrs. E.
I played piano for 7 years. I took classical piano lessons from the time I was 5 until I turned 11. I was in several recitals and performance and even won a few awards. My Grandmother felt that it was important for me to do something outside of school. Yet when I turned 11 I told her that I never really enjoyed it and she let me switch to clarinet which I loved. I had to stop clarinet when the funding for our music program was reduced at my school. I still regret never being able to take my love for music and playing any further.
I don’t know how to ride a bike. I tried to learn like every other kid when I was around 5 but I could never find my balance. I always ended up laying on my side on the sidewalk. Since my Grandmother wasn’t a huge outdoors person anyway she never pushed me to learn. I tried to learn again when I was around 18 and met with the same face planting fate. Face meet curb, curb meet my face. So I am now a grown woman who cannot ride a bike and I’m okay with it.
I have never gone to public school. I have attended Catholic (private) schools since Kindergarten including an all girls High School. My Grandmother was SUPER overprotective and felt private school was the only way to keep me out of trouble. Little did she know… LOL
I was a Twirler in High School. In High School I decided that to be a Cheerleader required too much fake smiling so I picked Twirling instead. All the fame and glory of cheerleading minus the smiling. Yeah, I was just a teeny bit EMO back then… LOL
I didn’t have my first cup of coffee until I was 19. That’s right! This Starbucks Junkie never had coffee until I was in College and had a paper due with no sleep because I’d been working for two days straight. A friend handed me a cup and I have been hooked ever since.
I had my first cup of Starbucks when I was 34. I know crazy!!! I only drank home brewed and the might DD until we were standing outside selling Girl Scout Cookies and our Troop Leader offered to buy coffee. She came out with a Grande Blonde Roast and I have never looked back!
The day after my Senior Pictures I chopped my hair off. Until my Senior Year and the day of Senior Pictures I had hair down my back. The day I took Senior Pictures I left school and headed straight to the hairdresser. I cut my hair into the cutest Halley Barry cut and loved it. When I got home that day my Grandmother literally cried! To me it was just hair. I still wish I could have that cut again but I think I may have outgrown it a bit… LOL
There ya have it! 10 random things about me, MrsTee. That was fun! I hope you enjoyed finding out a few things that I don’t think I’ve really shared before. Don’t forget to click the links below and check out the other amazing #AskAWayLadies and their swaps this week!
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