The 10th Week of #AskAwayFriday W/Tenns of New Mama Diaries

Welcome to Week 10 of #AskAwayFriday!!  I’m so excited to be Co-Hosting this week! When Amber from Bold Fab Mom and Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County started this silly question session weeks ago they never imagined that it would become such a great way for bloggers to connect or become this big!  With the entrance into Week 10  some small changes have been made to the #AskAwayFriday set up.

Amber and Penny will be having monthly co-hosts (2 or 3 depends on the interest level), along with your hosts, only co-hosts will have the code for the link up.  This means that anyone posting #AskAwayFriday would need to visit one of our pages to link up.

For the month of October our co-hosts will be (drum roll please)…

Wendy from EffieGirl
Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter
Megan from The Patchwork Paisley
The Patchwork Paisley

These ladies have been wonderful additions to #AskAwayFriday and always have great posts that everyone enjoys to read! 

Second, there is a button change!!  While we loved the button Amber created originally…we wanted to freshen it up a little.  Here is the debut of the brand new #AskAwayFriday button…

The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Without further adieu let’s kick off Week 10 of #AskAwayFriday!!!

I am lucky enough to swap with the lovely Tenns from New Mama Diaries. Tenns is a Soon-To-Be Mother, Wife, Marine, Blogger and Etsy Shop Owner where she creates some really amazing and detailed jewelry.  Whew! She’s already on her way to being my Hero handling all of that. When you visit her Blog you instantly feel a sense of that down home country welcome. Guess what? There’s good reason for that because Tenn’s is originally from Augusta, GA… her Southern Hospitality comes naturally.  Be sure to check out her two most recent Vlogs… “What’s In My Labor & Delivery Hospital Bag” and “What’s In Baby’s Bag”


So, Tenns sent me 10 Questions that I am so excited to answer for her and for you all to get to know me just a little bit better. So are we all ready? Let’s Go!

1. What got you started and motivated to blog?

I was bitten by the Blogger-Bug maybe close to 2 years ago now. At first I thought I would have no way to stand out or draw anyone simply because I felt every ‘niche’ was being done. Yes, I was an Army Wife but not the kind on TV and definitely not an expert on the ins and outs of the Army. I was no where close to the point where I could maintain an entire Blog based on that topic. Yes, I was a Christian but I didn’t want to try to preach my way through the internet either.

I wanted a place for my inner voice to be heard but for people to get to know more than one side of me. So I started my research. I’m a very overly organized and plan ahead type person. I researched, networked and tweeted my way through the Blog world for nearly 6 months before purchasing my Domain.
My Blog name came from my desire to allow people to know me from many angles and areas of my life. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter: I wanted to speak on the Love I have for God, the Life Hubby and I have been blessed to have with my Kiddies as well as the Laughter we share as a family.

2. How does your family react to your blogging? Do they like to be included in some of the things you post?

Ok.  Honestly.  They don’t get it yet.  I’ve only been blogging about 3 months (on the 19th) and they still see it as me having something like an online journal.  I have shown Hubby my site and he has even helped me design my new button BUT he doesn’t take it as seriously as I do just yet.  To him it is still my hobby.  Which is fine because I honestly don’t think many people who don’t Blog really see it as more or even as a possible job.  Little do they know… LOL

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday with Sylva Fae

I do give my Hubby and even my Teenager a lot of credit for supporting me despite their uncertainty of where this may take me.  The Teenager has made “Is This Going on The Blog?” a household phrase and now he even suggests topics, pictures and content.  So maybe I’m winning them over slowly.

Included? So far only The Teenager and I are on the Blog in any visible manner.  My Hubby is totally anti-photography but this is not only in reference to my Blog.  He just generally hates taking pictures.  He either has to be in a REALLY Awesome mood or one of the Kiddies asks him.  I have purposely not included any face forward shots of my younger Kiddies for privacy and safety reasons.  I also never refer to any of my family by name.  I don’t want anyone to approach them and give them a false sense of safety simply because they know their name.

3. Do you travel or like to travel? If so, to where?

I haven’t been able to travel beyond where the Army sent us but that was Hawaii so trust me I am NOT complaining.  I would love to get a lot more traveling in once the Kiddies get a bit older and more willing to stay with family so that Hubby and I can take a few trips on our own.  We also want to take them all to Disney in the very near future.

4. What’s your birth order – Oldest, middle, youngest? And do you think it’s had an impact on your personality?

I’m the oldest of 3 girls yet I honestly feel as if I’m an only child because I was raised by my Grandmother and my sister’s were raised with my mother.  I think that had a great impact on my personality because I tend to be more comfortable by myself than in a group of people.  I am pretty close with my sisters but I’m not sure we are as close as we would have been if we were raised together.

5. Where do you see your blog within the next year? Do you have any major goals you’d like to accomplish for it?

I would like to see my Blog gain a loyal readership and become successful with my Branding, Review and Sponsorship ventures.  See more of what I want for my Blog here.

6. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?

Any kind of mess.  I am a bit OCD and a disorder or things being out of line can work me to my very last nerve.  My Hubby will actually walk into a room before me and move things ever so slightly then sit and wait to see how long it takes me to notice.  Trust me…less than a minute and from 10 feet away…I’m On It!  He says I have radar and a built-in leveler…

Read This Too  Before I Go To College – #AskAwayFriday With The Teenager


Image Source

7. Do you have a favorite food or restaurant? If so, what is it?

Hmmm…let me think.  Ah!  Anything edible! I am such a greedy person.  Seriously.  Thank goodness for a high metabolism.  On my first date with hubby we went to an Italian restaurant where you can order a pie for your table.  Let’s just say we ordered two.  I figured I may as well eat like normal so he wouldn’t have any surprises if he stuck around! 😀  To this day he will tell any (and everyone) that I can out eat a grown man. Oh well.

8. Being a woman of faith, do you have a dedicated time of the day in which you reflect or praise.

The morning for me is the most peaceful of times.  I know it may sound cheesy but I hear the birds, it’s still kinda dark.  It just brings me straight into my secret place.

9. What is the most valuable resource a blogger can have?

Most valuable, huh? I would normally mention a Social Media App or something along those lines but most valuable of all is an understanding family and support system.  Blogging is a job whether people understand it or not.  You may not receive a salary or even a steady income at first but staying relevant and in contact within the Social Media world is time-consuming.  Without my Hubby being there when I need to get a post in or do some last-minute ‘hopping’ (even though he still gives me the side-eye when I say that) I would never be able to maintain everything.

10. Do you have a child that is exactly like you or completely opposite? If so, how do you deal with it?

Oh My Goodness Yes!  My BigGirlie is exactly like me including my OCD tendencies and my inability to release control of situations, and although she’s really friend one-on-one she becomes invisible in a crowd.

The funniest thing is she acts just like me but looks like my Hubby’s twin.  My BabyGirlie who actually looks like me is my complete opposite she is messy, unorganized and hates being when to do anything and loves people…the more the merrier.

So there ya have it my 10 questions asked and answered. Now don’t forget to stop by all of the other great Bloggers LinkedUp below and find out more about them 10 questions at time. If you’d like to join in on the #AskAwayFriday Fun just contact myself or any other the other Hosts or Co-Hosts.

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22 responses to “The 10th Week of #AskAwayFriday W/Tenns of New Mama Diaries”

  1. Teems Avatar

    Number 7 is so cute. I loved hawaii. I haven't visited the other islands but I do think I could retire in Kaui. lol

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I haven’t been there yet…we live on Oahu but I loved it…and we feel the same way 😀

  2. Lanaya Avatar

    You are right .. blogging can be like a job — it takes a lot of time! I am the oldest of three as well. It's hard being the oldest {a lot of added pressure to be perfect! I know you get this!}
    I have that built in leveler to and Reagan is absolutely just like me … OCD and all!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Will our similarities ever end? LOL Yes I completely get it…we can do no wrong and when we do Oh Emmm Geee!

  3. thechicsahm Avatar

    I would LOVE for the Army to send us to Hawaii!!! I had no idea Tenns was from Augusta, GA. I'm a Georgia Carolina girl and I think that's so cool!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hawaii was great. My two youngest were born there so we call them ‘locals’. I hope to go back someday.

      I’m a Bronx Gal by birth but I love the South… Xoxoxo

  4. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    We get the same reaction from our family about blogging. My son thinks that it's all about me drawing stickmen and posting pictures but lately I think he now has an idea that mommy is a "funny writer" and I let him read my kid-friendly posts. My husband, though supports me all the way about my blogging, he scolds me all the time when he catches me blogging at 3am up. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’ve definitely had a few of those nights….in trying to schedule a by better but sometimes you just get caught up 🙂

  5. Dana Avatar

    My oldest is so much like me in temperament; that is why we so frequently clash. My mother always said she hoped I had a kid just like me – I certainly do!
    My recent post A Deranged Ask Away Friday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It’s funny seeing little miniature forms of ourselves running around…most days…lol 😉

  6. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    Not everyone in my family {extended} know I blog… gasp!
    I actually like it that way 🙂
    My kids are always asking, are you going to blog that?
    They also make suggestions on what I should blog 😉
    My eldest looks like me but she has more of my husband's traits and my youngest baby girl looks like my husband but is sooo much like me. Little man is a combo of both hubby and I, and he has my germaphobe tendencies as well as my eco-ways 😉
    P.S for only being in the blogging game for *three* months YOU'RE A PRO 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! This is so funny…every time we do these share posts we learn more and more similarities. My oldest Girlie has been a germaphobe since birth. As a baby if she dropped a cheerio she would fight you not to eat it…and it would have dropped on her tray! LOL WOW! A Pro? Coming from someone I look up to that’s an amazing compliment. Thank You So Much! 🙂

  7. dishofdailylife Avatar

    Loved reading this! My family is not completely getting it yet either. Teenagers are concerned with what goes on the blog, and rightly so, but I never put anything on there that they would be embarrassed about. Relationships are more important than likes or tweets. Hubby fluctuates between liking the blog and not understanding why I put so much time into it. But no matter, in the end, he'll support me, because that's who he is.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Same here my hubby doesn’t think it should be so time consuming. I should give him a page of code…lol

      My Teenager actually likes being ‘featured’ LOL I guess he’s a bit of a ham…plus he knows is never embarrass him.

  8. @boldfabmom Avatar

    My family doesn't get it either. Hehe. Maybe it's a guy thing! Thanks for being an awesome co-host lovely lady!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Maybe when we become the famous BloggerBFFs they’ll understand 😀

      Thank you… It’s a pleasure, I look forward to #AskAwayFriday every week. Xoxoxo

  9. perfecttenn Avatar

    Loved your answers girl! I really enjoyed the one about your daughter being just like you. The older I get the more I turn into my mother, personality, looks and all! That's so cool though! I'm the same way when it comes to food, anything edible! I also have a fast metabolism, so thank goodness for that.

    I had so much fun participating! Thanks again for inviting me to do so!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you…this was so much fun. Your questions were awesome and I had a blast with the answers.

      Aaah a fellow EdibleEater! HAHA … Greedy girls unite! 🙂 I just hope my metabolism stays this way…

      I’m so glad you joined us and I hope we’ll see you again as part of #AskAwayFriday…

  10. @MeganHawthorne1 Avatar

    Love what you said about our hubby giving you the side eye, LOL. My family doesn't really understand what this is all about either, nor do they read it. I actually forced my hubby to sit down and read my most recent post about Violet the other day (he's not a big reader anyway.) That's why I'm so glad to have found such a great support system on here, including you lady!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yeah my Hubby is definitely a character. He doesn’t like reading either and I think he read the Apple Juice Post but like you, I had to force him to LOL 😀 I’m glad we connected too…what would I do without my editing partner? 😉 xoxo

  11. @mrs_chevalley Avatar

    awesome job as always! so glad you are a co-host for October!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! So am I…it’s awesome watching how fast this is growing!

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