12 In 12 | 2016 + #BlogHer17 Giveaway

12 In 12 | 2016 Faves, Tops + #BlogHer17 Giveaway | TheMrsTee.com

12 months. 365 days. Each an opportunity to make moments into lifelong memories. Today I’m sharing 12 in 12. 12 amazing moments from the 12 months that made up 2016. I also have a bit of a surprise (*Hint: It’s a Giveaway) for you at the end to help you make an amazing memory for yourself in 2017!

Stats. We all check them, hover over them, obsess about them. They help us make our Blogs successful. Still sometimes the stats don’t favor the posts we love the most. So I’ve decided to share my favorite posts of 2016 here with you. Maybe you missed it or just want to take another look. Either way these are the ones I want to give a special highlight from a year that brought me blessings and opportunities I will never forget.

January 2016

Believe | 2016 | TheMrsTee.com

This was my One Word for last year. Believe. It is something I have not yet mastered but have definitely made progress with. Believing is the only way to make progress. If you want to present yourself as successful you must believe you can be that.  I know that having this as my focus helped me achieve the goals I set for that year.

February 2016

Am I Still His Mom? | TheMrsTee.com

Okay. I know I’ll always be my kids mom. I do. Yet there are moments when you wonder. When they grow beyond needing you – what role should you play now? I remember the moment I wrote this I was so torn as to how to let me then Teenage son be the man he needs to be. He has since turned 20 and guess what… I’m still struggling. He wants to make decisions, choices and moves that I feel aren’t right. I’m his mom BUT he’s also his own person. Writing this post helped me to release some of the anxiety around the changes in our relationship as mother and son. I’m sure there will be a few many more to come as he still matures and I try to watch and not always control the process so – stay tuned!

March 2016

March was apparently a truly emotional month for me. Not in a bad way. I dealt with finding my balance, healing hurt and confronting fear all through my writing. I remember each time I took to my keyboard knowing that I was not only helping myself move forward through each emotion but potentially helping someone else in the same place. That’s the greatest reward in sharing the good and the bad. You never know who you may be reaching on the other side of the screen.

April 2016

Women's Empowerment 2016 | My Experience - My Empowerment | TheMrsTee.com

In April I was able to attend my very first Women’s Empowerment!! I had been trying to get to this event for at least 3 years so I was just a teeny bit excited. Hearing Viola Davis speak on where she came from and why she is where she is was not only inspiring but motivating. I can say this even truly changed my outlook in so many ways – as a woman, mother and entrepreneur.

Read This Too  {Beauty Captured} Day 23

May 2016

5 Ways 'TweetThis' Increases Your Blog's Exposure | TheMrsTee.com

5 Ways “tweet this” Increases Your Blog’s Exposure was a post I had so much fun putting together. I love finding new ways to reach audiences on Social Media. I also love sharing when I find a way that has been successful for me. Tweet This is one of those. It’s amazing how much impact you can have when someone who likes your content shares it with their own audience.

June 2016

Last year Father’s Day seemed to hit me a bit harder than normal. I shared my why and a bit of my journey as a child to a Father who may not have been ideal but was still all I had in this post.

July 2016

When God Works Behind The Seen | TheMrsTee.com

My faith has always been my foundation. Without it I know I could not make it through life and the ups and downs it can bring. If you know me, you know my favorite scripture is Romans 8:28 “…ALL things work together for good to them that Love the Lord” This passage has given me strength, hope and encouragement because it let’s me know no matter what things may look like up front God is always working Behind The Seen.

August 2016

It Still Feels UnReal | #BlogHer16 Day 2 | TheMrsTee.com

Now this is the month I’d been waiting for all year! It was time for #BlogHer16 and boy was this a big one for me. Not only would it be my second time attending but it was in Los Angeles – on my Birthday weekend AND I was being honored with a VOTY Award! Whew! Even now, it all still feels so UnReal.

September 2016

When The Kiddies Are Away... | TheMrsTee.com

This post is one of my faves just because it was fun to write. I’ve been a Stay At Home Mom for nearly 10 years and there are a few things I indulge in When The Kiddies Are Away!

October 2016

This month brought a first for me. It was my first time Hosting a Twitter Party. I have held a CoHost position several times but let me tell you being the Host is a totally different experience – one I loved and learned from. So I decided to share a bit of both in this post.

November 2016

I had a few more fun posts this month thanks to this year’s BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo Challenge. I didn’t make it the full month but I had a lot of fun trying as these posts show. From admitting sometimes I need a Time Out, learning to breath and sharing what happens when I decide to be completely honest the daily prompts let me writer side have a bit of fun for sure! I even launched a Brand New monthly series – MrsTee’s Must See Movies – where I share my Must See flicks of the month. I’m already working on this month so keep an eye out!

Read This Too  It’s Not You It’s Me | Confessions Of An Introverted Mom Raising An Extroverted Child

December 2016

December is one of my favorite months ever – I mean: Christmas! Still most times that means I write less and live more. So my favorite pick for this month is my reflection on TheTeenager becoming MisterEJ. That’s right folks – he turned 20! We had a blast celebrating including getting his first tattoo BUT if you know me you know there was a bit of anxiety mixed in there. I mean this is my first-born and he’s an adult. I’m dealing but for me that means writing about it – here.

[tweetthis]Check Out #TheMrsTee 12 In 12 of 2016! Pssst! There’s also a #Giveaway *Hint: @BlogHer #BlogHer17 ![/tweetthis]

Well That’s it! My 12 favorite posts from the 12 months of 2016. I hope you guys enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed sharing them …

PS – I also did the whole stat thing (like I said numbers matter) here are the posts that Officially earned Top Views of 2016! I designed this really great Magazine Style Wrap Up where all the post/video links are Clickable…Tap the image below and see what posts made the cut!

TheMrsTee.com Top Posts & Videos of 2016
{Click Image – Clickable Magazine Style Recap}

12 In 12 | 2016 Faves, Tops + #BlogHer17 Giveaway | TheMrsTee.com

Wait. I promised you a Giveaway didn’t I? Haha! Did you think I forgot? Never! So I’m not sure if you heard but I will be attending #BlogHer17 this year in Orlando, Florida as a part of the BlogHer Community Advisory Board.


Can you say stoked!?!? Well as part of CAB in addition to helping make sure #BlogHer17 is epic (not that we expect anything less) I also get to giveaway a Full Blogger/Influencer Pass to the Conference to one of my lucky followers!! I think a Win like this would be the perfect way to start a New Year…don’t you?


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39 responses to “12 In 12 | 2016 + #BlogHer17 Giveaway”

  1. The Dusty Parachute by Susanne Kerns Avatar
    The Dusty Parachute by Susanne Kerns

    All of my friends have told me such amazing things about BlogHer. I've gone to BlogU for the past 2 years but it's not happening this year so I need my bloggy-friend fix.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I would say it is a Must Attend for any Blogger. I wish you the best of luck in the Giveaway and perhaps this can be your year to attend & see all your bloggy-friends 🙂

  2. lmc502 Avatar

    I've been wanting to attend the full conference for quite a few years now, and the Orlando location is the most accessible to me of any in the last few years. Winning a ticket would definitely make this a more attainable goal for me. Continuing education is important for any career, and ours is no different – I'd love to get a fresh breath of "bloggy air" and get to finally meet a few bloggy friends I know will be there.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Liz!! That’s awesome. When I saw Orlando this year I knew it was going to help a lot of people make it a destination they could attend. I wish you the best of luck in the giveaway and thanks so much for coming by!

  3. tasutton22 Avatar

    I've been blogging for 5 years and have yet to go to BlogHer. I would love to go to pick up some more tips and information about blogging and finally meet some of my favorite blogging pals!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well I’d say you are overdue 🙂 I hope this giveaway gives you a chance to make #BlogHer17 your year! Thanks so much for entering and for coming by!

  4. Sanley Marie Avatar
    Sanley Marie

    Love the contest.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! Good Luck!

  5. distherapy Avatar

    I was invited to an "Experts Among Us" in Brooklyn last year, and have been dreaming about attending BlogHer ever since! With two boys still in college, finances are the only obstacles holding me back. As I just this week rebranded to a "big girl" blog, the time is NOW. I would be so grateful to win a pass to #BlogHer17!! <3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow! I know that must have been amazing. Oh trust me I know – we are about to have 3 in college and 3 in elementary – I hope this Giveaway can be the way for you to check attending a BlogHer Conference off your list. PS – Congrats on your rebrand! That’s awesome!

  6. SuziesView Avatar

    First of all. Great round up of your posts for 2016 and what great posts they are girl. You continue to inspire me as always. So glad you share your faith journey as well in blogging. ( psss also remember me from the ABCNews channel 11 trip?) I am SOOOOO excited to enter the BlogHer contest. I have never been able to afford to really go nor had time due to family but this year things have changed and my kids are grown. I should be able to now get away if I win this that is! I am so excited at the thought of even maybe winning and going! My blog due to my family coming first( which was best) has stunted its growth due to hetic seasons of our lifes. But now I am ready to jump into this blogging world head on with a mission and do this! I also want to do some Vlogging. Of course I have you to watch and learn from who could ask for more! God bless you and thank you for offering this amazing dream come true chance to go to BlogHer. I really need to go someday and invest in me and my blog. It is time now for me to turn the page and move on in life and do something for me!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hey There!! Thank you so much. Awww- I\’m just happy you enjoy the content. Yay!! Wishing you the best of luck in the Giveaway… this would be the perfect way for you to grow, connect and interact with even more Bloggers and Brands!! Thanks so much for coming by!!

  7. Bernadette Siazon Avatar

    I love your one word last year. I think with so many accomplishments and posts, your one word was a success. Cheers to 2017!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! I\’m still trying to decide on my \’one word\’ for this year and I hope it has the same impact … thanks again for coming by Bernadette!

  8. Mommy Hates Cooking Avatar

    One of my favorite things about being a blogger is looking back at old posts from the year before and reminiscing. I caught a couple of these posts when you wrote them. Now I need to go back and catch the ones I missed. As a random thought — I can't imagine what it would feel like for one of my children to be an adult! So many mixed emotions there.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is really fun and interesting to look back. Sometimes it\’s weird to read and almost relive the emotions you were feeling as you wrote. Yay!! I hope you like the ones you check out now. Oh it\’s a weird ride at times…LOL Thanks again for coming by!

  9. irkedmommy Avatar

    I would love to go to BlogHer17 because I have always wanted to go to a big blog conference! I have only been to a local one and I really want to learn from experts how to grow my blog and brand! I also wouldn't mind seeing the ocean again!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well I wish you the best of luck in the Giveaway because I would love for you to get the chance to go!! I’d also love to be able to connect IRL 🙂

  10. Rheanna Avatar

    I've never gone and it would be such a fun opportunity!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh #BlogHer17 would be an amazing first time experience!! Best of Luck!

  11. Valerie Avatar

    I pray you have a great 2017. You look way too young to have a 20 year old. I've always wanted to go to a blogger conference but haven't made it yet. Hugs.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! Awww shucks… *blushing* Well maybe this Giveaway can help make #BlogHer your first one 🙂

  12. webmdiva Avatar

    I hope you have a great time @ BlogHer this year! I can't believe you have a 20 year old! You look far too young. Loved your 12 in 12.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You!! Yes, I can hardly believe it myself…LOL Thank you though and thanks so much for coming by!

  13. akaleistar Avatar

    I've always wanted to attend a blogger conference, and BlogHer is the ultimate blogger conference! Plus, this year it's a great excuse to go to Disney World 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Maybe this can be your opportunity to make it!! Oh yes, I am definitely going to make time to see Mickey 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by!

  14. MrsTee Avatar

    Thank you so much!! I wish the same for you 🙂

  15. Laura at Trés Belle Avatar
    Laura at Trés Belle

    I would love to go to the BlogHer conference because one of my goals for this year is to really dive into my blog! It's always been a hobby that I've wanted to put more time into!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well Blogger will definitely give you the confidence and guidance to dive completely in!! I wish you the best of luck in the Giveaway and hopefully getting to #BlogHer17

  16. Laura at Trés Belle Avatar
    Laura at Trés Belle

    Looks like it was an amazing year for you! Hope 2017 is just as wonderful!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly was a blessed year. Thanks so much! Have an amazing year!

  17. Teri W. Avatar
    Teri W.

    Winning would allow me to attend my very first BlogHer conference. I want to attend to network with phenomenal influencers and ultimately to gain wisdom for this blogging journey.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh Wow!!! BlogHer is definitely the conference to learn and connect. Best of Luck!!

  18. Sandy Brandon Avatar

    I really loved this post!! I have seen a lot of "end of the year" posts this past week but I belive that this is my all time favorite one! You really gave me a good picture of how your year went , and put your personality into at at the same time. I even found a couple of posts that caught my eye and made me want to go further into your blog and check them out. Thank you for sharing and God bless!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sandy!! You’ve got me sittin’ here smiling. I definitely wanted it to stand out a bit and I’m glad you found a few posts to check out. Thanks again for coming by and your awesome support!

  19. Censie Avatar

    2016 was a rough year in some aspects but honestly, after reading your post and thinking about our 2016 – it was a good year. I love all of your inspiring quotes and sayings. I hope that 2017 treats you and your family well! Happy New Year!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I don’t think anyone has a year without any downs but sometimes focusing on the good helps make the bad – not so bad. I truly appreciate you coming by and I’m glad my post helped you a bit! Happy New Year!!

  20. Lauren Riemer Avatar
    Lauren Riemer

    I'd love to attend! I've been working for a blogger for several years helping her push posts and work on social media plans and posts. I launched a blog of my very own not even a year ago with the knowledge from my position, but I would love to connect with fellow bloggers on a different level. A level where I represent myself and not my boss or other businesses. I blog about food allergies + kids, as well as parenting and lifestyle. I feel like I am kinda in a unique position, as there are not many food allergy related blog out. I also like to tailor content to Charlotte, NC, where I currently live. I'd love to just spread my wings and network with my blogging, social, lifestyle peers. What a real treat it would be!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Finding your own Blogging identity is a great reason to attend a BlogHer Conference!! I love it. Sounds like your blog represents much of who you are and that is definitely a great way to get started on the right path. Yes! Finding your place within you local community can help with growth and creating your Blog\’s audience as well. Thanks so much for coming by Lauren and I wish you the best of luck in the Giveaway!!

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