I Can’t Wait To…START!
My first week Troop experience was so awesome. I experienced that initial adrenaline rush when you’re starting some thing new and exciting. When we closed out and said goodbye to all the Parents I realized that the next week was our first real meeting with the Girls.
Our Leader designated who would be teaching each level: She would be teaching our Brownies (2nd Graders), the other Leader would have our 1st year Daisies (our brand new set of Kindergarteners) and I would have our Veteran Girls our 2nd year Daisies (1st Graders).
That’s When It Hit Me…
I’m teaching on my own? Suddenly my adrenaline left and was replaced by nerves and anxiety. How would I handle this? The Girls only know me as my daughters’ mom and that volunteer parent. Somehow I have to reintroduce myself and make the transition from Parent to Leader. I was also going to have my oldest daughter in my group since she is a 2nd year Daisy. How do I handle that?
Getting To Know Them…
I thought on everything and decided to have something to bond with the Girls over. The first night we met the Parents and Girls, I wore a hot pink Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines T-shirt with a pair of Chucks sneakers that the Girls noticed and liked. So I figured I would make this my ‘trademark’. I have stocked up on hot pink T-shirts and my favorite Chucks are always present.
It worked! As soon as the Girls arrived we had a point to start talking, an ice breaker. I told them how happy I was to be their Leader now and that when we were in a meeting or Troop activity, my daughter was a Daisy just like them.
It Was That Easy…
Children are naturally willing to be your friend if they can feel that you are willing to be the same. So just like that my fears and anxiety were done away with. We were off to a great start and I knew these were My Girls, My Daisies, My Troop. I am so proud of each one of them already and I Can’t Wait To… see how far they will go this year.
How would you introduce yourself to a Troop?
Do you have any ice breaker games or ways to get to know your Girls better?
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