2 Daisies And A Leader: Let’s Get Crafty!

Let’s Get Crafty!

That’s it. I can’t avoid it any longer.  This is the week we have to tackle a craft.  A hands on, stick it there, cut it here, color it craft.  What’s the big deal right?  Well when you’re the person who wasn’t exactly in line when the crafty gene was handed out it can be but for my Girls my mantra for this week became “Let’s Get Crafty!”

Baby Steps…

For my first craft I didn’t want to jump in as if I were a Pro.  So I searched our Daisy Journey Book and my Leader Guide and found what seemed to be something I could handle: a Bird’s Nest.

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It was very relevant to the stories we’ve been covering and the Girls would be excited to have something to bring home.  As I looked at the picture of the nest in the book, I whispered a thank you to The Girl Scouts – NC Coastal Pines for providing such awesome resources for Leaders who don’t naturally have a creative bone in their bodies.  It goes to prove that anyone who truly has the desire can be a Leader.

I Can’t Wait To…

I was so excited to get our craft started. First we read our story and when it came time to do the craft I lined up everything we needed and told the Girls we were going to make our very own Bird’s Nest.  The smiles and looks of excitement on their faces made all my worries disappear.  WE could do this!

Read This Too  The Senior Year Saga Continues…

Our craft needed brown paper bags, glue, crunch cut paper, craft feathers, and craft puffy balls.  Not too much and we were ready to start.  I showed the Girls how to roll the first paper bag down and scrunch it (yes that’s a word…lol) to look like a nest.  The rest of the fun was simply to add the crunch paper as the bed of the nest and the feathers for the realistic feel and puffy balls as ‘eggs’.

I Can Craft!

Look at our results!


Apparently, I can craft and so can my Girls!  The Bird’s Nests came out great.  The Girls were so excited to take them home to show to their parents.  Success!


Are you a naturally crafty person?

If not, how would you approach trying to teach and create a craft?

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2 responses to “2 Daisies And A Leader: Let’s Get Crafty!”

  1. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    Super cute 🙂
    See you have it in you girl! I think I'm crafty, I love my glue gun, glitter, and fabric… it's just finding time to make something with it all.
    Thanks for linking up with us Love #MommyMonday 🙂
    XOXO http://mrs-aok-a-work-in-progress.blogspot.com

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I guess I do have a bit of that crafty gene in me afterall…
      Anytime… 🙂

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