2 Daisies And A Leader: Sell, Handle, Manage: Money !

What does a customer need to buy a box of cookies?

This was how we began our Troop meeting this week.  All the Girls raised their hands…

‘To be hungry’

‘To know a Girl Scout’

‘A Cookie Booth’

‘My name’ 😀


That was the answer we were looking for ~ Money.  This week we wanted to teach our Girls how to not only sell but how to handle and manage the money involved in a sale from beginning to end.  keep in mind we are working with Girls between ages 5-7.  So we started with a Buy & Sell demonstration.

Luckily for us the GSNCCoastalPines Brownie Guide come complete with pages of play money and even items to sell!  We made a few copies of this cut them up and had our own ‘Elf Boutique’ set up.  Each Girl took a turn being that ‘Cashier’ while the other Girls made their ‘purchases’.


As the Girls made their ‘Elf Boutique’ purchases we explained how to count up their money and be sure they had enough to cover what it was they wanted to purchase.  We also explained to the ‘Cashier’ how to add up the purchase be certain the ‘Customer’ gave her enough money and check if she needed to give them change back.  The Girls had a blast and really picked up the concept and how the money was given in exchange for the product and what the value of each was.

Read This Too  Let’s Write


After the ‘Elf Boutique’ we took the Girls over to our impromptu ‘Cookie Booth’ and let them use their money to buy cookies.  I was both amazed and proud of how quickly each Girl understood the value of the money and the boxes they wanted to buy.


How old do you think a child should be before they learn the value of money?

What ways would you use to teach how to manage and handle money?

Does your child ever play ‘store’?

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