2 Daisies And A Leader: …That’s How Long I Want To Be Your Friend

As a Troop, creating a bond with your Girls is something that all Leaders want to do.  You want them to trust you and know that you will always have their best interests at heart. Accomplishing this can be both heartwarming and rewarding because you know they will have their NCCP Girl Scouts memories and they will know what it feels like to have a support system.

Our Troop’s Girls have been lucky enough to find a person like this in our Founding Leader. From the very beginning I can remember her excitement in getting to know my daughters’ by their personalities and teach them accordingly.  As a parent, she was always there for me when I had questions or concerns.  As a new Leader, she has been a support and encouragement for me at every turn.

This week we held our Annual Costume Party, something the Girls look forward to and enjoy yet we also had to say goodbye to our Leader and her daughter, one of our newly bridged Brownies.  She is moving and this was going to be her last function with us.

When we told our Girls and their Parents that we were planning to surprise her and her daughter with a small going away the outpouring of love and support was amazing.  They brought snacks, treats and an abundance of love with them that night.  We even had a parent who offered to take our Troop’s group photo from our recent Pumpkin Patch trip and frame it for her.

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Our Leader’s departure is something we have been dreading for months now.  We’ve been preparing our Girls for her move since we first learned about it in June but the reality of it hit us all as we made our presentation and said our goodbyes.

As we gathered for our Troop Closing Circle and emotions were high throughout the room.  As a Leader the bond you create with your Girls is one that, at times, you don’t realize how deep it is until one of you is moving on. Yet as a Girl Scout,we know that we will always be there for each other despite time or distance.



“Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

One is Silver and the Other is Gold

A Circle is Round, it Has No End

That’s How Long I Want To Be Your Friend.”

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2 responses to “2 Daisies And A Leader: …That’s How Long I Want To Be Your Friend”

  1. Lanaya Avatar

    It is SO important {especially with kids} to know their personalities and be able to teach them accordingly. Sounds like a great leader!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo http://raising-reagan.com

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      She really is…we are going to truly miss her XOXOXO

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