2 Daisies And A Leader|Ready, Set, Earn!


ReadySetEarnThis week we had our very first Troop Meeting since the Holiday break AND since Cookie Rally!  We were so excited!  Ummm…WE being the Troop Leaders 😀  We couldn’t wait to get our Girls ready and prepped to set their goals, learn how to approach the customers and earn!

That’s right folks, it’s more than just “Do you want some cookies?”  Even at the Daisy and Brownie Levels we teach the Girls how to introduce themselves, the Troop and the product.  We also make certain each Girl knows how to be safe, be confident and be successful. We decided that this meeting would be the best time to start right at the beginning.

Now that we have merged, we have enough Leaders to cover each group of our Girls, 1st Year Daisies, 2nd Year Daisies and Brownies.  We each went to our corners and started learning.  I focused on teaching the Girls the value of the money we earn for each box we sell.  We learned how to tell the customer the prices and even how to know what more than one box will cost.  Of course we know they are only 5-6 years old BUT we also want them to be prepared and confident.  There is nothing that can give you more confidence than knowledge.

In addition to teaching the Girls the costs we also taught them how once they sell and achieve their Goals they will be able to earn Rewards and Prizes.  We took them to the NC Coastal Pines Girl Scouts ABCSmartCookies Site which allows the Girls to track their progress and their badges, rewards and recognition throughout the sale.

Read This Too  #KiddieLogic | Life Advice and Randomness

After I had my lesson time with the Daisies we came together with our Brownies and had a mock demonstration of Customer and Girl Scout.  My Daisies were the Customers and our Brownies were the Sellers.  We had them approach as if in a door-to-door situation since this is their first year selling this way and as they went through each step we coached them.

Thanks to this week, I am confident that our Girls are

Ready to Learn, Set to Sell and Prepped to Earn!

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