#2014BloggerChallenge : KISS – Keep it Smooth Simply


First let me say when I saw that this second #2014BloggerChallenge prompt was one dealing with skincare I was a bit intimidated and take back at first.  For one, my skincare routine is minimalistic at best. Still, I thought there are probably others out there who don’t go to crazy with their skincare but still want their skin to look as if they do.  Right?

My main skin issue is that it tends to get very dry.  So, when I found the Olay Fresh Effects {Va-Va-Vivid} Powered Contour System almost 3 months ago I was beyond happy.  I had tried several other scrubber products on the market and they either had no power to them or way to much power.  I mean who wants to scrub their face raw?

The Olay Fresh Effects contoured power brush has just enough scrub to get rid of any dry skin issues when used daily and it is shaped to perfectly get to those T-Zone areas.  I got the best of everything.

I use the system twice a day in the morning and before bed and I have never been happier with a product.  There are time I may forget or simply be too tired to do it but even then I still have to smooth skin I am looking for.

So, when it comes to skincare for me I need to Keep It Smooth Simply and the Olay Fresh Effects {Va-Va-Vivid} Powered Contour System helps me do just that.  It’s quick and most of all simple!

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6 responses to “#2014BloggerChallenge : KISS – Keep it Smooth Simply”

  1. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    I might need to try this too! I just use a basic face wash, but I could benefit from stepping it up a bit.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I\’m very basic in my routine and this is really easy and effective.

  2. Brittnei Washington Avatar
    Brittnei Washington

    Yay! Good for you for being able to find something that works! I use all natural stuff at home..things that are in my kitchen…that sort of thing. 🙂
    My recent post Emotional Yet Thankful

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow! Really? I heard of using Coffee Grounds but have never figured out how…what do you do?

  3. perfecttenn Avatar

    I might have to try this out, although my skin tends to be very oily! Ever since I had my son, my skin tends to be breakout more and be even oilier. I need something to tame the beast! I really like the little scrubber brush, it looks very massaging to the skin.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…it is very gentle not like others I\’ve tried that nearly scrub my skin off..LMBO! I can get oily at times too…this seems to give me a great balance…

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