3 Ways The R.Riveter Generation 3 Otto & A Military Spouse Are The Same

3 Ways The R.Riveter Generation 3 Otto & A Military Spouse Are The Same | TheMrsTee.com
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Each R.Riveter handbag has its own unique journey and history much like a military spouse. These #BagsOnAMission are not only a unique source of mobile flexible income for military spouses around the country but they are also a unique representation of what it takes to be a military spouse.

3 Ways The R.Riveter Generation 3 Otto & A Military Spouse Are The Same | TheMrsTee.com

Behind The Brand

The story of R.Riveter and it’s founders Lisa and Cameron is one that has always fascinated me. Two amazing women who took a shared desire to provide mobile flexible income to any military spouse who wanted the opportunity and turned it into an inc.500 company.

Yet there is more to this Brand than meets the eye. When you take a look at an R.Riveter handbag you are seeing the combined stories, passions and goals of military spouses working to share the mission of empowering women to do what they love while supporting the spouses they love.

The Generation 3

Recently R.Riveter launched the Generation 3 Collection. These bags take the term New & Improved to an entirely new level. R.Riveter has managed to take everything we as customers loved about our favorite bags and improve them based on our suggestions, new trends and put genius (I may be a bit biased)! When I had the opportunity to select one a Gen 3 Handbag to add to my own closet I went with the Otto. After using it for a bit I’ve come to notice a few ways this awesome bag and those of us who live the life of a military spouse are the same.

A Night For Empowerment What Inspires You | TheMrsTee.com
Image Source: R.Riveter


Versatile:  able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.

The Otto

The Otto is one of those bags you can take from day to night and work to play. With the versatility of being both a tote and a cross body this bag gives you the freedom to carry everything you need for just about any situation.

A Military Spouse

As a military spouse there were often times when I had to learn how to be versatile – to be able to change according to and when my situations changed. Whether it meant moving across the country while 7 months pregnant or learning how to parent my military child. I had to have the ability to be what my family needed when they needed it.

Moving away from our family and friends meant I had to become more than just mom. I became friend, confidant, support system and more all because I had to be. I learned how to mother my child while keeping communication open, support my spouse while being the friend he needed and still keep my sanity in the midst of it all.


Durable: able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing.

The Otto

The Generation 3 Otto is made of water-resistant canvas. Heavy duty and able to withstand the worse we can put out as busy moms, entrepreneurs or simply women on the go. There’s no need for concern if you get caught in an unexpected shower or if your baby knock your beloved cup of coffee out of your hand and a bit hits your bag. A quick wipe of a damp rag and you’re good to get back to the tasks at hand.

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Crafted from full grained leather this leather is chosen because of its ability to stand the test of time, durability and unique characteristics like patina. This leather is not only able to withstand wear and damage but for its ability to take on its own unique look with time that brings it to a place where it’s a bag like no other bag.

The new brass hardware of the Generation 3 Otto gives me the confidence that no matter how hard I am on this bag it will never let me down. It can withstand the tugs of a 6-year-old, sitting on the floor at all my appointments and even weight of all my extra chargers and batteries and even the pull of the wind when I’m riding with my Hubby on his bike. This bag was made to last.

A Military Spouse

The military life is not all Army Wife tee-shirts, FRG Meetings and dream PCS Stations. It’s hard. It was a lot harder than I thought. I admit I fell into that spiral of thinking that being an Army Wife was going to be as easy as finding my click, setting up our lunch dates and smiling at all the military balls. It wasn’t. It was full of early mornings kissing my husband goodbye, late nights hoping he’d make it home and months of stalking all the postings to be sure his unit was safe.

Still, those hard times helped to make me into the person I am today. The Wife, Mother and Woman I am today. Much like the leather of a Generation 3 Otto I started out new and fresh. I may have come through with a few scruff marks and even a bit of wear but I still endured. I’m stronger, better and me because of it and for that I’m grateful.

The day my husband retired I felt as if I exhaled a breath I’d been holding for nearly 10 years. It was a mixture of relief and anxiety. I wasn’t sure what the civilian life would bring us yet I knew that everything I learned during my military life had made me strong enough to handle it. It’s amazing how the things we go through change us and at times we don’t see the better of it until after. Yet I wouldn’t change any of it since because of it I can stand on my own two feet and make it.


Capable:  having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to achieve a specified thing

The Otto

Can I just tell you that the pocket on the Otto have won me over completely? This bag is capable of carrying everything I need from business cards, my cell phone and even all the extra Momma stuff that always seems to find its way into my bag like wipes, sanitizer, tissues etc.

So far my Otto as gone with me to cover several Local Events, A Girl Scout Field Trip and countless Momma errands. Through every adventure we’ve had so far this bag has been able to take all I could fit in it and then some.  If I need it there’s a place in the Otto to put it and still get the zipper closed – I Love It!

A Military Spouse

I remember an incident during our station in Hawaii. I had a 10-year-old, 10 month old and a newborn and I was trying to get groceries at the Commissary. I had a baby in the seat, a car seat in the cart and my 10 year at my side. It wasn’t until I was halfway through the store that I realized this arrangement was not going to work. I mean where was I going to put my groceries?

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I stood there as it hit me and suddenly a flood of emotions came. It was all I could do to hold back the tears. I wanted my husband. I wanted to have him hold a baby as I pushed the cart. I wanted my normal back. Yet right then, this was my normal and I had to make it work.

I swallowed back my tears, sent the 10-year-old to grab another cart and got that shopping done. I didn’t know it or even realize it then but it was in that moment I proved I was capable. I could do this. It wasn’t for anyone else but me but I needed to know it and once I did the other moments that came – yeah they came – weren’t as hard. Why? I had this to look back on. I would whisper I did it once I can do it again – I was capable.

3 Ways The R.Riveter Generation 3 Otto & A Military Spouse Are The Same | TheMrsTee.com

The Military Spouse Impact

How does R.Riveter bring the truth of being a military spouse to each of its bags? Through each piece they use to make them. Each R.Riveter bag – including the Generation 3 Ott0 – has been hand crafted by military spouses from all over the country. The coolest part? You can see where and who made each part of YOUR bag from assembly to inspection . . .

Each bag comes with tags that share where your bag was assembled as well as which Riveters assembled and inspected it for alit control. To take it a step further you can check the interior of you bag and see the stamps that identify every Riveter who took a part in making your R.Riveter bag  a whole representation of Military Spouses from start to finish.



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26 responses to “3 Ways The R.Riveter Generation 3 Otto & A Military Spouse Are The Same”

  1. […] have probably noticed I have a bit of an infatuation going on with many of the R.Riveter Handbags. The Otto has the strengths of a Military Spouse and the Zipper Pouch gives me all the space I need to have […]

  2. […] to carry everything for everyone and that means the bigger the bag the better. That’s where my Otto comes in on. Still sometimes a girl just wants to look well – […]

  3. Nicole Avatar

    That bag looks awesome! I am obsessed with purses, and this one seems to have really great features, especailly all of the pockets. I’ll definitely be checking this out, thanks for sharing!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It really is Nicole! I am too and this is my very fave addition so far! That’s awesome – don’t forget to take advantage of that 15% Off Discount with Code RRTiffanyH 😀 PS – let me know what you pick! 😉

  4. Ana Vukosavljevic Avatar
    Ana Vukosavljevic

    Never heard of this brand, but I love their story and the bag is so beautiful! Chic and practic, just the way I like it!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Well I’m so happy to be able tomato the Introductions! It’s definitely a bag that can handle just about anything.

  5. Lily Ashley Avatar

    Such a great bag. I like the color too. Remember when I was in high school, I have Otto shoes, very comfortable one.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It really is Lily! That is so cool!

  6. TColeman Avatar

    This is such an amazing thing! Those bags are so cute and a great opportunity for military spouses to make some extra money.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It really is – I love a Brand with a mission 😉 Thanks so much for coming by!

  7. Heather Avatar

    What a great company and such a pretty bag! It looks like a great bag for my everyday mom duties.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Heather! It is perfect for everyday in every single way 😉

  8. LaToyia Dennis Avatar

    Very cute bag! It is a great size….I love it!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much LaToyia! I love it too 😉

  9. Kelly Hutchinson Avatar
    Kelly Hutchinson

    I just loved reading about the back ground of the company. And I am now obsessed with this bag! It has everything I want in a great bag!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Kelly! Welcome to my world – I’m totally obsessed with the Otto and the other amazing R.Riveter Bags… they all have such amazing stories and are totally fashionable too!

  10. Cindy Gordon Avatar

    Wow, I am already in love with this company. Not only does the meaning behind their company inspire me, their purses are awesome!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It’s a love affair you simply can’t resist Cindy. 🙂

  11. Brittany Avatar

    I’ve been a huge fan of R. Riveter ever since I saw them on Shark Tank. I actually have a bag on my personal Christmas list this year!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      That’s so cool! Well be sure you check out the New Winter Collection and let Santa know you can check it off with a 15% Discount using the Code RRTiffanyH ;D

  12. reesa Avatar

    I absolutely love reading stories about brands who have a real purpose behind them! These bags are beautiful!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yes Reesa! I love being able to partner with R.Riveter for that very reason!

  13. AnnMarie John Avatar

    This bag is winning me over. I think it’s perfect for women from all walks of life. It’s versatile and it has everything that you need, not to mention that I like the style as well!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I agree AnnMarie! It’s perfect for everyday in everyway!

  14. Jeanette Avatar

    This is a wonderful idea to do for a Christmas gift. This is something my mom would love so I think I will definitely get it for her. I even like the color.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I think so too Jeanette! I know I would love to find another R.Riveter bag under my tree 😀 Be sure to check out the Winter Collection with 2 Brand New Colors Juniper (and dark green) and Riverside (a deep blue).

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