40 Wishes For My 40th Birthday

40 Wishes For My 40th Birthday | TheMrsTee.com
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To start off the fun for my 40th Birthday I’ve decided to share a few of my wishes for my 40th year. They are a mix of things I want (hint-hint) as well as the adult stuff I’d like to achieve during my 40th year of life.

The Adult Stuff

Okay so we’ll get to the fun stuff – the gift type things – in a bit. First it’s time to get my adult on. I mean I am turning 40, right? I got a jump start on a few of these things since I decided to celebrate my entire birthday month! Here’s what I’ve done so far plus what I hope to accomplish through the rest of my 40th year. . .

Go To My First Concert? – I did this!! That’s right folks I’m a bit ahead of the curve on this one because I went to my very first concert last week. One of my amazing Blogger pals Andrea of Good Girl Gone Redneck heard me say a few years ago that I’d never been to a concert. She took it upon herself to make sure I got to one and grabbed me a lawn ticket to see. . . wait for it . . . JANET JACKSON!

Not only did I share this moment with my friend but I made a few new ones. I love it when amazing women can get together to have fun, laugh and simply enjoy life for all it is.

File TheMrsTee as an LLC? – part of being an adult is getting your business in order. For me, I have been putting that part off for too long. No more! TheMrsTee is OFFICIALLY an LLC and I am so excited for what’s ahead and you should be too – Stay Tuned!

Focus on ME – I know this may sound selfish at first glance but as someone who has lived her life as Mom 90% of the time learning it’s okay to be me hasn’t always been easy. I am actively seeking out new things to do, places to go, foods to eat and people to meet – on my own. It has been weird at times because I always have either my Kiddies or my Hubby with me yet it has also been freeing in a way. It took me nearly 40 years but I’m finally starting to feel comfortable with who I am as Tiffany and I can’t wait to explore that even more.

Learn To Say No – this is a lesson I’m learning slowly but still learning. I have this bad habit of never wanting to disappoint or let anyone down – even if it hurts me in the process. This leads to taking on too much, over extending myself and even doing other people’s jobs. Thanks to a few awesome ‘tell ya like it is‘ friends and the support of my family I am beginning to use my right to say NO.

Stamp My Passport – I want to travel! Not only to the next state or county but all over the world! My Hubby and I got our passports a few years ago determined to use them. Yet as of today they still sit in a drawer – blank and unopened. I pray I get the chance to change that this year.

Work My Passion – I love what I do. Blogging has evolved from a hobby to a business and I love every moment of the process. This year my wish is to take this business of blogging to the next level. I have plans for workshops, media coverage, consultant positions, media management and more.

Trust More – I have always been that person that was weary of everyone. I’ve been hurt so many times through my childhood to the point where the adult me is still in protective mode. This isn’t always a good thing. I may protect myself from hurt but I also block myself from future partnerships, relationships and even opportunities. I don’t plan on being naive but I wish to allow myself to trust people a bit more.

Love Freely – loving is something I enjoy. I find true happiness in showing my love to those near to me. Yet lately I have felt myself holding back. Being guarded with my love. Since the death of my Grandfather a few months ago, I have been fearful of ever feeling that kind of loss again. This is not okay. It’s not what he would want for me and not what I want for myself. Growth means recognizing when things need to change. That’s where I am right now. I know I need to change and now is the time to put in the work to make it happen.

Cook More – if you know me you know I hate to cook. Like really. I don’t like any part of it. The prep, the process, the clean up. I hate it all. The kicker to this? I LOVE to eat! You’ll always hear me say I cook to eat – period. This year though I want to change that. I want to try new dishes that I cook MYSELF. I hope to take a few cooking classes and even ask some of my amazing Foodie friends and bloggers to help me get better and maybe even eat better along the way.

Be Proactive – up ’til now I’ve been blessed to have many opportunities come to me. I am beyond grateful for that but I want to be more proactive in seeking out new opportunities for myself and my business.

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Learn – I pride myself on being forever a student. I am always looking for an opportunity to learn and improve my skills. This year I wish to go back to school to gain more knowledge in the fields I’m looking to explore personally and for my business pursuits.

Get Healthy – I mentioned above how I’ve started to hike. Part of that is because I feel that I’ve spent most of my life thinking too little about my health. After witnessing people I love pass away, I know I want to be here as long as possible for my Kiddies and my Hubby. That means making my health – mental and physical – a bigger priority.

Read More – in school I could read no less than 10 books a week without even trying. I can’t even remember the last book I picked up and actually finished. I know it’s partly due to life and things being hectic but I miss the solice and imaginative spark reading gave me. I want to get back to that.

Enjoy My Kiddies – have you ever gotten stuck in the habit of living to the point where you forget to enjoy your life? I have and I don’t like it at all. I have gone through days at a time beforr realizing I couldn’t remember any true moments – just stuff checked off our family To Do list. This year I want to focus on enjoying my children and our lives together. Each moment needs to mean something.

Let Go – this wish applies to my oldest son. He is 21 and finding his way to his path in life. My wish is to learn how to truly let go and allow him to find that path in whatever way he needs to.

Love Harder – my Hubby and I will be celebrating our Anniversary next week. When you’ve been with someone for so long it can be easy to get lazy in your love. You start to think they know, they understand, they get it – but sometimes they don’t and they shouldn’t have to. The person you love shouldn’t need to assume you love them, you should show it. This year I want to love hard and strong. To show my love in every way despite and perhaps because of how long we’ve been together.

Forgive Myself – forgiveness doesn’t always apply to the other person. Learning to forgive yourself for your past, mistakes and even things you haven’t done is a big step to becoming a better you. It’s a process I’m in the midst of and I’m happier for it.

Become Less Defensive – I don’t like being wrong. There – I said it. At times this can be good because it pushes me to be my best but it can also result in defensive actions. I am learning to listen long and speak slow. Sometimes hearing a person out will prove what you may have thought was personal is little more than opinion and had little to nothing to do with you directly.

Keep Friends Close – I have never been someone who has a lot of friends yet those I have – I treasure. This year I wish tobuold the bonds of those friendships and the foundations for new ones. Friendships are precious and I want to keep my true friends as close as possible.

Keep My Faith – I think the biggest wish on my list is to keep the faith that has kept me throughout these 40 years. Without my faith in God and His purpose for me none of what I wish for or want can ever come true.

40 Wishes For My 40th Birthday | TheMrsTee.com

The Wants

Now it’s time for the fun stuff! Here are a few things I’d really love to see pop up on my doorstep via Amazon Prime or in person from someone I love. Now I have been adding to this list for a few months and thankfully some of my wishes have been granted. I’ll mark those off with a heart – ?.

Techie Fun

Lately I’ve been pursuing my passion for covering different events both locally and throughout North Carolina. I’ve even had the chance to be the First Blogger invited to a City of Fayetteville Media Event. This was an amazing opportunity to do what I love in a bigger way but it was also an eye opener to some of the things I need to help me do that at my best.

Nikon Coolpix A900 – I am a Nikon Girl at heart and this compact camera with flip up video screen will be perfect for capturing all the details from any media event or announcement.

Camera Microphone – there’s nothing more frustrating than thinking you captured the perfect moment of an interview than sitting down to edit and realizing you got more wind than voice. This camera microphone will make sure I don’t miss a word.

Microphone Windscreen – this is pretty much a must to accompany the microphone. This helps make sure the wind doesn’t steal my moment in any way.

Roxant Pro Camera Stabilizer – holding a camera or a phone throughout a media event can lead to shaky hands which means a shaky video. This stabilizer will help both I and my Nikon A900 stay steady no matter how long the event.

MacBook Air Charger – this one is simply beacuse I need it and always seem to put off getting it. If I let you see the way my charger looks right now you’d wonder how I am still using it.

EVO Shift Phone Stabilizer? – some events don’t need a camera. I have covered many event with my trusty Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Yet just like with my camera, holding it for an extended period of time can affect the quality of my videos. This stabilizer will help me keep things steady and focused no matter what.

Read This Too  Shop My Amazon: Top 5 Blogger Tech Faves

Universal Video Microphone – you’ll start to notice what I get for my cameras I normally get for my phones. This microphone attaches to my phone and allows me to hear every voice despite background noise.

New Adventures

This year I have made a conscious effort to try new things. To step outside my normal boundaries and say yes to things I normally would allow fear of the unknown to avoid. Trying new things for me means grabbing the gear I need to try them in style and fun!

Can I just tell y’all how great this moment was?!? _ In total we hiked 2.6 miles on the #RavenRockLoopTrail by adding on the Overlook and River View paths. _ This was so far outside my zone but at the same time it felt so right. Ive never considered myself an outdoor girl but perhaps it’s time to change that! I can’t wait for our next Adventure @thesocialcrown _ I think I’ll start shopping for some hiking boots so we can take on one of the longer trails ? _ #NCStateParks #RavenRockStatePark #AdventureDay #AdventureAwaits #GirlHikes #Hiking #HikeDay #GirlsDay #GirlsDayOut #Friends #TGIF #Fridays #WeColorOutside #GospelNeighbor #CrossroadsChurchFayetteville #MyNC #FayettevilleNC #Fayetteville #NCBlogger #TheMrsTee

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Feozyz Women’s Hiking Boots – that’s right ya’ll! I’ve started hiking. My friend Kia and I went exploring through Raven Rock State Park recently and it was so peaceful and relaxing. I am already searching for our next hiking destination but in the meantime I’m trying to gear up!

Hydration Backpack – I don’t know if it was because of the summer heat or not but I have never been so thirsty as I was on that hike. So, instead of carrying an extra large water bottle I think this hydration backpack will be the perfect solution no matter what the season.

Aluminum Hiking Poles – some of those paths can be tricky and I rather be safe than sorry. Of course I want my hiking poles to be pink but sturdy as well. I think these are perfect.

Sport Cooling Towels – again this may have been due to the summer heat but the girl who normally only loves to sparkle was definitely getting her sweat on this day. Kia told me about cooling towels and I think having a few for our next hike will be a great idea.

Columbia Leg Roll-Up Pant – on our first hike I had no clue what to wear or what not to wear. Yet going forward I think these roll-up pants will be an awesome way to stay clear of brush and bugs while staying cool.

Going Places

One of my goals for my 40th year is to go places! Near, far wherever the world takes me I want to go. So why not get prepared for the trip?

Passport Cover – this RFID Passport Cover will help me get from country to country with no worry about my credit cards or IDs.

Potter Love

I am a huge Harry Potter fan which means when I see something HP themed I always want it.

Alex and Ani Charm Bracelet?Alex and Ani came out with an awesome Harry Potter collection with bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings. I added the 9 3/4 bracelet to my list as soon as I saw it.

Alex and Ani Harry Potter Glasses/Lightening Blot Earrings – these are just too great to pass up and I hope I can add them to my jewelry box sooner rather than later.

Harry Potter Full DVD Collection – I know. I should be ashamed and turn in my Harry Potter Fan Club Card ( I don’t have one but if I did . . .) but I just realized I only own 3 of the 8 Harry Potter movies! I’m not sure why. I know part of is because back when I had cable I DVR’d all the movies. This meant I could watch them anytime I wanted – no DVD needed. Now that I’ve cut the chord from cable I need to add these to my collection ASAP.


Sometimes a girl just wants the pretty things. Bags, Wallets and Watches are some of my favorite accessories. So here are a few I’d love to add to my collections for my Samsung Gear S3.

Brown Leather Watch Band – I love this color and although I don’t wear brown often I love to have it for those ‘just in case’ looks.

Sports Silicone Band (Light Pink & Hot Pink)

Black Stainless Steel Link Band

Milanese Loop Bands (Black & Rose Gold)

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9 responses to “40 Wishes For My 40th Birthday”

  1. […] On my actual Birthday (August 6th) I spent the day having a bit of Family Fun at Dave & Busters! We placed games, shopped and ate all day. It was the perfect way to celebrate with the people I love the most. Thanks to my Kiddies and Hubby I checked a few things off my Birthday Wish List! […]

  2. Erin Sluka Avatar

    I think those are fantastic 40 goals to follow

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Erin!

  3. Wendy Polisi Avatar

    You are in the prime of life now! Get out there and enjoy it to the fullest!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I agree Wendy and I’m ready to enjoy it!

  4. What Corinne Did Avatar

    These wishes will make for the perfect goals! i need to focus on me more to and learn to say no! also, i really want to travel more!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Corinne! Oh yes, that one was a biggie for me. So glad I’m learning it. Yes! Travel is such a great way to learn more about the cultures around you and even yourself . . .

  5. Katie Crenshaw | A Fork’s Tale Avatar

    Happy Happy Birthday friend! This is a beautiful post. I can totally relate to all of the above! 40s is the 20s (for our generation that is… ha ha!) and you are going to rock them!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi!! Thanks so much girl <3 I agree! This 40 thing is kinda awesome 😉

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