In 5: Loyal, Corny, Neat, Hopeful and Loved.

AskAwayFriday With Carol of Battered Hope |

This week has been really crazy behind the scenes over here at MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter but there are great things in store and I’m excited! I’m glad for another week of #AskAwayFriday to give me a bit of a breather but I want to tell you keep an eye out over here this coming week…. 😀  Now on to goodness…

What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! By offering a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom
This week we welcome a brand new co-host, for the next two weeks, the amazing…Carol from Battered Hope!

Carol from Battered Hope is an author, public speaker, health coach and so much more. She shares all those sides of herself with you on her site. Carol is always willing to share her story and her encouragement with anyone who may need it because as she says, “If I Can Overcome Tragedies, So Can You.”

So…grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!


Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!

This week I am exchanging questions with our CoHost for the next two week’s Carol from over at Battered Hope. Carol sent me over some really great questions including who I am in 5 words (so much fun) so let’s get started….

AskAwayFriday With Carol of Battered Hope |

When your youngest child is in school, how do you think your life will change?

Well I know my days will be a lot less fun! I really haven’t thought on it that much. I know our family’s original plan is for me to go back to work at least part time so that I can still keep up with all the Kiddies activities but bring in a bit of an income at the same time.

This plan was before I started my Blog so I honestly hope that by the time that happens I will have reached a point where my Blog can be a sufficient enough income to allow me to work from home.

Are you the kind of mom that has freshly baked cookies for the kids when they come home from school?

Freshly baked? I’m sorry, I actually laughed out loud just now. I couldn’t bake to save my life. Scratch that I could but you may not actually want to eat it. I can do box stuff like cupcakes, pre made cookie dough, etc. So that is probably the extent of what would be waiting for my Kiddies after school. I have been known to whip some straight up awesome PB&J Sandwiches and have recently tried my hand at some pretty good Grilled Cheese as well.

If you could devote more time to what you are passionate about, what would you do?

Read This Too  When I Lose Faith – #828Blessings

Blog of course! I devote as much time as possible now without becoming overwhelmed and over done but I would love to have a bit of office space so I could actually work without Kiddies running around me, in froth of me and kicking my chargers out of the wall.

Are you active in your church and if so, in what capacity?

I haven’t actually joined our local church as of yet so I am not active in anything besides when I am able to attend but my Kiddies are members of the Children’s Choir and Church while my Teenager is a Children’s Church Volunteer and Youth Usher Board.

What is the one thing that you would absolutely love to change about your hubby?

Hmmm…I had to think on this for a bit. As for his character traits and such I honestly wouldn’t change anything because it all helps make him the person I love (I know cheesy but still true). I would love to have him drop clothes IN the hamper and not just around it or on the way to it. That would be AWEsome!

How long have you been blogging and what got you started?

It will be a year in a few weeks actually! Yay! I started Blogging to give my inner voice of thoughts, opinions and musings an audience. I wanted to actually have a place where I could receive feedback and inspiration and Blogging has certainly given me that and so much more. I never expected to make the friends I have doing this and I am so grateful for all of my Blogger BFFs.

With such a range of ages in your children, do you delegate a lot of responsibility to the older ones to help the younger ones?

Yes. Our Teenagers are very much involved in helping with the younger Kiddies. They get along great and it is definitely a bit easier than trying to juggle everything. Of course we don’t give them any parenting responsibilities but an extra playmate or a board game partner at a time when Momma or Daddy are busy can always come in handy.

Who was your role model in how to raise your family?

I was raised by my Grandmother as an only child (my sisters were raised by my Mother) so I never had a real model for a larger family but my Grandmother definitely gave me the foundation I need to handle it.

What are your favorite types of books?

I love Young Adult Fiction like the Divergent Series, Hunger Games and Twilight. I also love Historical Fiction.

You mentioned earning an income from blogging? Any advice to other bloggers on how to accomplish that?

Be persistent. A lot of the campaigns I have been blessed with were because I put myself and my site out there. I sold myself and focused on the positives that I could offer each company. Do your research on a company before you approach them and be sure you know what you can offer them. 

*Bonus question: How would you describe your self in five words?

Read This Too  My Ultimate Mother’s Day Weekend!

Loyal – If I’m for you I am for you. I don’t like to be abandoned or betrayed so I try to make it my promise not to do it to anyone else. 

Corny – Yeah. I said it. I know it. I own it. I’m corny in the best possible way – I love to laugh and I don’t care if I’m laughing alone. 😀

Neat – Neat in the OCD kinda way and in the “Hey your kinda neat” way too 🙂 My OCD neatness is tested everyday by my Hubby and Kiddies who move random items in the house just to time how long it takes for me to notice… my record is less than a minute! 

Hopeful – No matter what the situation or the present outlook I always have hope for the better to happen in the end. I apply Romans 8:28 to every situation in my life and it has never failed me yet.

Loved – This is the most important way I want to describe myself. I am loved. To me that means everything to me.

Didn’t Carol have some great questions for me this week? I think so. Don’t forget to head over to her place and check out her answers to my questions!


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13 responses to “In 5: Loyal, Corny, Neat, Hopeful and Loved.”

  1. Shelly Bergman Avatar
    Shelly Bergman

    Your 5 words that express you are perfect! I only know you through your words but those fit you to a 'TEE'! 😉 I love that you have your older kids play with your younger kids. I think that's great for everyone in your family!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha..Thanks! 😀 It was a bit hard to pick them but I\’m glad you can see why I did…

      It really is and gives Hubby and I a much needed break at times…

      Thanks so much for coming by Shelly!

  2. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    I hear you 100% with #1. I even wonder about putting Des in daycare this year just to give him some strength and give myself space to breathe. Makes me sad too. And with two kids, it's possible more are on the way although there are no plans in place for or against it.
    I love young adult books! And I can't believe you haven't even been blogging a year!
    My recent post My Husband Takes Over My Blog To Answer Ten Questions!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO 😀 At least I’m not alone! Aww more? Yay (whenever for if it happens 🙂 ) Yes, I always head straight for the YA Section of the Library…LOL Me either…I am trying to figure out how to celebrate 😀 Thanks so much for coming by Tamara, have a great weekend!

  3. @LiveBySurprise Avatar

    Haha! This is my first official #AAF – and I'm really enjoying all the questions and answers! Learning so much about my fellow bloggers! And it must be a hubby thing. My hubs can get them to the floor beside the hamper…but rarely inside.
    My recent post Ask Away Friday with April Grant from the 100 lb Countdown

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! Welcome to the #AskAwayFriday Family 🙂 So happy to have you be a part…it is really fun to learn new things about your friends and even new Bloggers 🙂 whew…at least I know my Hubby isn\’t the only one…now if only I could figure out how to improve his aim…LOL

  4. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    I had to laugh at the cookie q&a. When I first got married, I couldn’t cook and had a few mishaps in the kitchen. Now my kids often request homemade cookies and cakes and I enjoy making them with my kids.
    I’m sure you will be able to make an income from your blog by the time your youngest in school. You are one of the hardest working bloggers I know. I’m amazed with where your blog is and you haven’t even been blogging a year yet. I really admire your work ethic.
    I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Lol… The funny part is we love \’baking\’ cookies we just use premade stuff. They still love it so I guess that counts 😉

      I certainly hope so. Thank You…that really means a lot. Xoxoxo have an amazing weekend and thanks for coming by 🙂

  5. irkedmommy Avatar

    Hahahaha, I had to laugh out loud about the cookie answer! Too Perfect! Fantastic swap!
    My recent post It's Diz Ask Away Friday!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO…Thank goodness for cookie dough tubs 😉

  6. ssgannett Avatar

    I love the words you chose! They fit you well! 🙂 Is it a hubby thing, as I sit here and stare at a pair of the hubby's socks on the living room floor?!?! LOL! Oddly, my oldest really was kind of a second parent to the little ones, of course that was at a time when I was taking care of my mom and working full time, I could have never made it through with out his help. When I finally get my post up for Hot Fudge Sundae cake, you should give it a try…it is insanely easy! Hope you have a great weekend, girlfriend!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Jenessa from Mothering (In Real Life)!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Stacey! It was find trying to think of myself and only have 5 words to describe me…

      Haha! It must be a Hubby thing for sure… 🙂

      Oooh Hot Fudge Sunday CAKE?!?!? Sounds amazing but I dunno…I hope it\’s novice level 😀

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