5 NC Faith Bloggers You Need To Know!

One of the reasons I started my blog was to have a place where I could share my thoughts and my faith with other believers and those seeking insight on the real-life faith walk of a woman, wife, mother, and human. In the years since, I have come across other bloggers who use their blogs to share the realities of their faith – both the struggles and the triumphs. Allow me to introduce you to 5 NC Faith Bloggers you need to know!

Molly Stillman – Still Being Molly

For the life of me, I can’t remember exactly when or even how I came across Molly’s blog. What I do remember is the impact when I clicked through those first few posts. I knew she was someone who understood Christianity isn’t perfection – it’s the pushing through life’s difficulties and finding peace in God through it all.

Thankfully since that first click, I’ve had the opportunity to meet Molly and see for myself that her life is true to her words on the screen. She is sweet, kind, generous with her support and most of all – real. If you’re in search of an example of persistent faith then Still Being Molly is the blog you need to add to your list.

© 2018 Rebecca Keller Photography

Did you know that what you’re “good” at… that thing you love to do… did you know that’s a gift from your Creator in Heaven?

For me, I see each one of your unique skills as a gift from God that He uniquely placed in you so that YOU can serve other people with that gift and be a witness and a testament of HIS grace in their lives.

Excerpts From “You Were Given A Gift” – Still Being Molly

Recently I shared the room with Molly as a Panelist during an NC Bloggers InflueNCe MeetUp. As I sat in the audience during her session I witnessed Molly continually reach out to others who were doubting themselves or their gifts and somehow find the perfect words to motivate not only them but everyone listening.

Molly’s gift is her ability to see the purpose of another’s gift and water it to the point of growth with encouragement and sincere support.

Alyssa Hennessy – Alyssa Hennessy Storyteller

My story with Alyssa is slightly different than that of the other bloggers I will share here. I actually met Alyssa in real-life prior to even knowing she was a writer or a blogger! Go figure right?!?! It was all rather casual as she was the director of an event I was covering. I interviewed her for a few minutes and figured I’d probably never see her again and if I did it would be simply for networking or work. I was wrong!

God had other plans for both of us. Little did I know a few months later our paths would cross again, and again and yet again. With each crossing, we became closer. Moving in from acquaintance, to associate to friend. It was a journey I never expected but will be forever grateful for.

In learning who Alyssa is as a person, I learned that she has been gifted with an innate ability to share her story in a way that not only brings you into each moment and emotion but offers the reassurance that she’s speaking to you and you alone.

Read This Too  My Ultimate Mother’s Day Weekend!

But I think its more than that. I think I struggle against the pressure to strive. When I stare Striving in its ugly face, I think its actually fear. Fear of not being enough. Fear of not being believed. Fear of not being qualified. Fear of missing out. Just Fear. And you know who Fear is right? Fear is the Liar. This verse has been in media a lot lately regarding abortion, but I reread it the other day regarding my body. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”

Excerpt From “Wonder Fully Made” Alyssa Hennessy – Storyteller

A strong portion of what Alyssa shares is her faith. Again, it isn’t a perfect unattainable faith. No. Alyssa shares the mad at God confused as heck side of things as well. She offers the idea that questioning where you are in God is okay. Learning from the answers He gives to those questions is where faith enters and fear retreats. Alyssa Hennessy – Storyteller is the blog for those of us searching for a place to feel understood from someone who understands through her experiences, lessons and most of all stories.

Linda Mendible

Lind and I first met at a local NC Blogger MeetUp in Raleigh about 4 years back – I think. Linda was one of those women who instantly felt familiar. You know the people you know you just met but somehow you feel you already know them? Despite distance keeping us from interacting in person on a regular, we’ve always managed to support, encourage and remain close through our virtual lives.

I sat in awe as I saw her grow in life and in business. Linda has established a community of women focused on growth with heart, integrity, and love as Mothers and Entrepreneurs through her Monetizing Mompreneur’s Group. As a member, I have witnessed her uplift and share her skill set with others in a way that inspires me to fight the stigma that women can’t truly support women. Yes, we can and Linda proves that with each post, video and act!

I finally let go of the “what could go wrong” stage of my life, have you ever been there? And I am extremely grateful beyond measure for everything God has blessed our lives with. I’m embracing each day as it comes. He is stretching me, opening my eyes to His goodness and learning how to listen and how to ask.

Excerpt From Waiting On God”

Linda encourages each person she encounters to live life through faith. Knowing that seeing the success God has planned for you is far better than waiting on the failure you may fear. If you’re in need of an example of blind faith Linda Mendible is the blogger, woman, and entrepreneur I know you need to meet.

Gabrielle Allison – The Opinionated One

Christianity can be intimidating at times. It can be so easy to feel as if you have to be perfect in order to be ‘like Christ’. Yet in a life where perfection is simply not the reality we know it can be comforting to realize that Christ calls us not to perfection but to love. Blogger Gabrielle Allison of The Opinionated One is a young woman who has left a lasting impression on me.

Through her blog, she gives her a realistic pursuit of sharing and living through the love of Christ. She doesn’t paint it pretty but instead, she shares her ups and downs along the way. This is why she is one faith blogger worth getting to know.

Read This Too  Five Minute Friday: LONELY

It’s around this time that a lot of young Christians in college start turning away from Bible study, prayer, and going to church. It’s much easier to catch up on sleep or spend the evening hanging out with friends than doing something that can help cultivate your faith. Cultivating your relationship with God is so important during this time in your life because you are likely starting to experience anxiety, depression, financial difficulty, and perhaps physical difficulty.

Excerpt From “Are You A David or A Saul?” – The Opinionated One

Gabriella’s ability to speak directly to a situation or struggle – no hesitation, no judgment, and no denial is what draws me to her. She acknowledges that life can be hard but she focuses on the solutions given through God’s word and not the problems we may see. The Opinionated One gives you what she thinks but she also gives you what she feels in what I see as a perfect balance.

Melissa Vera – Adventures of A Frugal Mom

I met Melissa online and then in person through a few blogger events here in North Carolina who’s personality was exactly as she shares it. Real, connected and always willing to support the person next to her.

Her blog, Adventures of A Frugal Mom, is where she shares stories about her life with her daughters and her adventures throughout the state she loves. Yet, Melissa’s faith is always evident in her approach to life as a wife, mother and businesswoman.

The trials of everyday life cause Christians to drift away from God. Maintaining a personal relationship is a priority. Individuals can be religious, attend church, and still be out-of-touch with God. The Bible says, “draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” Therefore, re-establish the connection to God to find clarity in all you do.

Excerpt From “How To Open Your Heart To God” Adventures Of A Frugal Mom

Melissa shares the hard truth we as Christians sometimes forget. Our faith is a relationship with God and any relationship must be built on communication, trust, and interaction. Melissa’s faith is one that shows itself in who she is and how she treats those around her. Join in on her Adventures and get to know her a bit better.

Who are a few of your favorite Faith Bloggers?

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