5 Tips To Using Social Share Tools

5 Tips To Using Social Share Tools | TheMrsTee.com
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Getting your content out there is something all Bloggers want to do. The easiest way to make that happen is to give your Readers access to quick and simple to use ways to share your content across their social media networks. That’s where Social Share Tools come in!

ShareTools - Pin Image


We’ve all seen the posts telling us to make sure we have a Share Tool installed on our sites but lately I’ve noticed that simply having the share tools doesn’t make them work for you or your content. Here are a few simple tips to not only make sharing easy but also help your Readers want to share your content.

Social Share Thumbnail (1 round)Don’t Limit The Options

I have visited several sites where they had limited options for which social media networks I could share to. They would either have Facebook, Twitter and Google or just Twitter and Pinterest or some other variation. Yet it was always limited to 2-3 choices. Share Tools offer many different sizes, shapes and designs to setting up your buttons so why limit your Readers to only a few choices? What if I feel that your post would be absolutely perfect for my How To Board but you have taken away the choice? If I don’t feel like installing my own chrome option, copying your link or doing the ‘extra’ you may have just lost a potential share!

[tweetthis]Give your Reader as many share choices as you can without adding clutter to your site. #BlogTips[/tweetthis]

I always include the most popular share links (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Stumbleupon) then I make sure that I have a button that gives them the option to select from a larger set of links through my share tool itself. This way I am not setting any boundary to where my content can go.

Social Share Thumbnail (round 2)Make Them Visible

The point of having Share Tools is to give Readers an easy and accessible way to share your content quickly and as they read or immediately after. You don’t want them to spend 5 minutes searching your page for how to share and end up decided not to share.

Place your Share Tools in at least 2 key positions within your posts. I have mine right at the top for the who my have followed a link from my Facebook, Google + or Twitter and already know they want to share it but may not want to read or scroll down to the bottom.

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Share Tools - Top Post

I also place a second set of Share Tools at the end of my posts. This gives the Reader who just finished taking in what I had to say that immediate option to share it with their audience, a friend or that person who just ‘needs to read/see this‘.

Share Tools - Bottom Post

I have even given the two placements a bit of a different look. Sometimes little changes can help guide a Reader to notice and use something. Something as simple as shapes, colors and sizes.

Social Share Thumbnail (3 round)Make Them Unique

There have been a few times where I was scrolling through a post and simply scrolled right by the Share Tools. Why? They were the same color as the post and background, used only words and basically did not stand out in any way.

I mentioned above how important placement can be but the actual design and look of your Share Tools can also have a major impact on whether a Reader notices them in order to use them. Sometimes you can come upon some really great content almost by accident. You may be so engaged in what you are reading that when you’re done if you don’t see a way to share it you may simply click away.

This is where picking a design for your Share Tools is so important. Make them pop so that Readers can see them. Many Share Tools offer options like shapes, colors, sizes and even phrases that can be added to them to help them fit the design of your site as well as stand out. Don’t be afraid to use them!

Social Share Thumbnail (4 round)Customize Your Settings

I know many of us hate going into the settings of a PlugIn. It can be confusing, bothersome and at times just plain confusing. Yet sometimes making even the simplest adjustments can help that PlugIn work better for your site and your content.

Depending on what Share Tool you are using, there are normally ways to adjust the settings for certain shares. For example, if you have a Twitter button including in your sharing options you are able to customize how that tweet goes out. Please Please Please don’t leave it to the original settings. Share Tool PlugIns are businesses for people. They take advantage of those of us who don’t feel like changing things and most time will have everything redirect back to them.

Share Tools - shareaholic


If you take a few minutes to change the via option within your Share Tool’s Twitter options you have a way for your Reader to redirect their audience not only back to your content but to your Twitter as well!

Share Tools - Shareaholic mrstee


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[tweetthis]Always promote the source of the content not the tool you’re using to share it. #BlogTips[/tweetthis]


Social Share Thumbnail (5 round)Say Thank You

Thank You. Two words with the impact of many more. Be sure to set your options to include a Thank You to those who choose to share your content. They didn’t have to but they did. Let them know you appreciate it and they may just do it again 🙂

share tools - thanks

Pssst! Those follow buttons direct straight back to me. Just another way to customize and be sure your Readers always have a way to come back to you.

BlackDividerSocial Share Thumbnail (6)

Share The Love

Just like most things in life, giving what you’d like to receive can help you go a long way. Return the Share Support to those around you. Click those links and keep the content flowing. It’s always nice to Share The Love…


Need a Share Tool PlugIn ?

Here are a few…


Shareaholic – Share This – Simple Share – Social Share – Add To Any

Blogger Options

Share This (Blogger)

How do you make Social Share Tools work best for your content?


**Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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86 responses to “5 Tips To Using Social Share Tools”

  1. mamarabia Avatar

    Great tips, Tiffany! I am starting to get the hang of those buttons, but I never thought to use two sets of them! Thanks!
    My recent post Beyond the Diaper Bag: A Parenting Survival Kit

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Rabia!! I think it helps to remind people without being annoying 🙂

  2. Becka Avatar

    Thes are some great tips. Thank you! I need to make it easier to share.
    My recent post Illustory Junior Make Your Own Book! Review AD #illustory

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Becka!

  3. verybusymama Avatar

    I re-did my sharing tools and have already seen more engagement. I have them at the top and bottom and the "tweet this" already written out IN the blog post 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s Awesome!! So glad to here the changes have worked 😀

  4. mindfulshopper Avatar

    Fantastic ideas! I love the idea of having the social share buttons similar but slightly different to attract attention.
    My recent post Your Personal Invite To Big Discounts: Amazon Prime Day

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! It’s a great way to catch their eye 😉

  5. Angela Avatar

    Thank you for the tips. I just realized that I don't have anything connecting my readers to my social media sites! I have the buttons at the end of each post so that people can easily share the content but how did I miss the other buttons! You are a lifesaver!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks for coming by Angela, I’m glad you found them helpful. 😀

  6. beckysbestbites Avatar

    I think social sharing tools make all the difference on a site! I hate having to try to look for them. Your tips are all great!!
    My recent post Kale & Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Casserole

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They truly do Becky…Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  7. Samantha Avatar

    Great tips!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
    My recent post How to work with brands.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Samantha!!

  8. Jenny Evans Avatar
    Jenny Evans

    I've been searching for social share buttons I like for a while. Haven't found them yet, but I'm still looking… The ones I have now are a decent placeholder, I suppose.
    My recent post Inside the Head of a Night Owl

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Jenny! Do you use WordPress? Check out Shareaholic..it works like a charm, is customizable and doesn’t take to much tech knowledge…

  9. stephanickeety Avatar

    These are great tips! Customizing is such an important thing that so many bloggers overlook.
    My recent post DIY Jellyfish Decorations with Disney Baby Ariel

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Steph! It really is and doesn’t take too much time to do 🙂

  10. Annemarie Leblanc Avatar

    Thank you for this post. It is very informative. Sometimes it is frustrating to try to find where the share buttons are in some blogs but strategically placed ones get more attention and more reader love.

    My recent post Beach Beauty Tips and Tricks to Looking Great on Your Seaside Travels

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You so welcome Annemarie! It can be but placement is key…

  11. Rebecca Swenor Avatar
    Rebecca Swenor

    These are awesome tips for using social media share tools for any blogger. It is important to make it unique and easier for views to use. I love seeing the ones with the "Share the Love." along with "Thanks for sharing.". Thanks for sharing these great tips.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Rebecca!! Thank YOU for coming by and the encouragement…

  12. leybainpublic Avatar

    Great tips! To add more, make sure to add some sort of CALL TO ACTION at your articles/blog post. It works wonders.
    My recent post Want To Move Out Of An Apartment With Ease? Try These Tips!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! It really does…

  13. franckxethee Avatar

    I also added a direct mention to my twitter handle for monitoring purposes. Share tools can really be a great way to generate traffic in your site.
    My recent post Case Solved: Whodunnit

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That\’s a great tip! The truly can.

  14. The Trophy WifeStyle Avatar
    The Trophy WifeStyle

    These are some really great tips! Setting share tools out can be pretty hard for anti tech people like myself!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! If you have any questions feel free to ask – I will help however I can.

  15. notjustpaperandpaint Avatar

    This is something I need to try to help get my blog posts out there. Sometimes I don't understand all the techy stuff so that doesn't help me either.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The best part is once set up the PlugIn and your Readers do the bulk of the work…

  16. Jacob Fu Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! We're always looking for the best way to use the tools without it being overbearing.
    My recent post San Diego Comic Con International 2015

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for coming by Jacob!

  17. Hinessightblog Avatar

    This is good information, and I really need to dig into the share toolbar more.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much…you should 😀

  18. wendy Avatar

    Such great simple tips that have a big impact. People forget how powerful simple like a thank you can be!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Wendy! We do but it definitely can go a long way…

  19. Erica Avatar

    You know what I love the most about this post? The fact that you end it by saying thank you and reinforcing the importance in showing that appreciation to readers! Hit the nail on the head, sistah.

    Coming Up Roses
    My recent post “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Erica!! That means a lot 🙂

  20. April Mims Avatar
    April Mims

    These are really great tips! I've come across many blogs that don't make it very easy to share. If it's not easy to share, I just don't, even if it's good content.
    My recent post 8 Tips for New Runners

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks April! Same here…sometimes it too much to figure out or I just don\’t have the time.

  21. Lisa @bitesforbabies Avatar
    Lisa @bitesforbabies

    These are great tips! I definitely agree that they need to be visible and easily accesible!

    1. MrsTee Avatar
  22. Amanda Avatar

    I love your tip about the Twitter sharing aspect. I can't stand when it says via shareoholic. So glad to see that there is a way to bypass that. Such great tips!
    My recent post Gather: An Urban Retreat

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Amanda…it such a small changes that can have such a big impact. Thanks again for coming by!

  23. Liz Mays Avatar

    Having a widget in plain sight helps a lot when I go to share. Certain sites, like StumbleUpon, are difficult to share a page on without a widget.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It does Liz! Did you know there is actually a Stumbleupon Chrome extension? That makes it a bit easier to stumble even those sites who don’t have the share option…

  24. Happily Ever After Etc. Avatar
    Happily Ever After Etc.

    Love these tips! I never really think about the share buttons… now that I think about it I need to go make sure I have some on my site! I think I do…
    My recent post How to Apply FREE Wallpaper Samples… to Projects!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! Haha… so glad you found the tips helpful 🙂

  25. Tiany Avatar

    Such a simple yet incredibly useful post!! Number 4 happens to be a HUGE pet peeve of mine, I hate sharing a Twitter post and giving the credit t Shareaholic, but usually I don't have time to change it for the blogger. Everyone needs to know how to change that. Thanks for the insightful post!
    My recent post Summer Bike Safety with PreK12 Plaza

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Tiany! Mine too…it is so disappointing especially if I am in a hurry. Thanks so much for coming by!

  26. Kiwi Avatar

    I love my social sharing tools! it definitely makes it easier for my readers to share if they are inclined to!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me To Kiwi! Awesome tools…

  27. Terri Ramsey Beavers Avatar

    Awesome tips, thank you so much for the valuable info. I have some share options on my blog but I can't get the FB counter to work. It's the ones you have in your post. I wonder what's wrong with it…
    My recent post DOLE Crushed Pineapple Monterey Jack pimento cheese recipe

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Terri! Check you Facebook password link with Shareaholic or even try deactivating and then re-installing. That sometimes resets things correctly…

  28. Miranda (myrabev) Avatar

    These are really great tips, its important to promote your content not the sharing tool company. Thanks for the tips.
    My recent post {Fashion Monday} IT’s A Shorts Life

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Miranda! So happy you came by…

  29. Life Breath Present Avatar
    Life Breath Present

    Ahhh…one thing I'm definitely missing is the "Thank You"! I think I'll head and do that now, thanks for pointing that out 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…a simple way to show a share is appreciated 🙂 Speaking of which – Thanks to YOU for coming by today…

  30. coxa8c Avatar

    I had no idea you could remove the @shareaholic part of your tweet! That's great info, thank you! Guess I qualify as one of those bloggers who either doesn't pay attention to stuff like that OR didn't know you could change it! haha

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Ma’am! LOL…happy to share the news 😀 I didn’t know at first either so no worries!Thanks for coming by!

  31. @MommyTalkShow Avatar

    I'm always reminding my blogging buddies to add their @TwitterName in the settings. So many people miss that opp to build their credibility on Twitter.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! It’s such a big thing and really takes close to no time to change.

  32. birdhousebooks Avatar

    What great tips! I have share buttons but want to think about adding some more. I appreciate the ideas here.
    My recent post Music Monday – "California Sun" by The Rivieras (1964)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! So happy you grabbed something you could use 😀

  33. aimee fauci Avatar
    aimee fauci

    Amen to this. I love that I was 'forced' to switch my Share Tools! Much more noticeable and bolder now. So true about removing the @shareaholic.. I admit.. I am pretty lazy and need to start doing that!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! It’s really a one time fix in settings…then tada! All credit to you 😀

  34. funmom91 Avatar

    These are some great tips. Social share tools are the key to growing your blog readership. #This Momma’s Meandering Mondays

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! They really are because it gives your Readers a chance to brag on you and that draws more Readers 😀 Thanks so much for coming by!

  35. Esme Sy Avatar
    Esme Sy

    Thanks for sharing this step by step guide. It's important that you put this sharing buttons on your blog and blogsposts.
    My recent post Movies Kids Can Watch This Summer with Their Grandparents

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much for coming by! It really is one of the easiest ways to promote your content 🙂

  36. Joanne T Ferguson Avatar
    Joanne T Ferguson

    Thanks for sharing your tips on using social media tools! I think more bloggers should pay attention to things like this! It is annoying when one cannot see very easily whatever they are looking for one someone's site!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You are so welcome!! Yes! I get so annoyed scrolling up and down searching for things that should be a priority …

  37. Sara-Jayne Avatar

    I really need to examine mine on my blog. I just put them there to match my theme and never really considered anything else, so thank you for writing this, it's made me think!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s what I did at first too Sara-Jayne. I thought installing and activating was all I needed to do. It wasn’t until I start trying to use them on other people’s sites that I realized there was more to it. So glad you found everything helpful 😀 Thanks so much for coming by!

  38. Robin Masshole Mommy Avatar
    Robin Masshole Mommy

    So many people underestimate the power of a simple thank you! I think it's so important to thank people who share your content.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Robin! I know it definitely means a lot to me and encourages me to support even more. So Thank YOU for coming by today and I hope your week is off to a wonderful start.

  39. Karen Avatar

    great tips…I know it's annoying when I want to share a post I read and the @ account is not the bloggers. If I have time I will open their twitter and share through there, but it's a hassle. I only have one set of share buttons, will have to see how I can add amother set to the top of the post.
    My recent post Book Review Blog Hop #9

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Karen! It really is because instead of 2 steps you have to go through an entire process and sometimes it’s just a lot. Okay! If you have any questions or anything let me know if I can help 😀 Thanks so much for coming by!

  40. Michele Avatar

    I get so confused when I try to set these up–I sure hope I have them correct!! I put mine on the side so they are visible but never could figure oit how to put them directly beneath the post!!
    My recent post $25 PayPal GA-US and Canada Only-Children's Cook Book Review-Ends 8/3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hey Michele! It can be a bit daunting at times. Feel free to shoot me a message if you get to flustered and I’ll definitely try to help…what PlugIn do you use and on what platform (WordPress or Blogger)?

    2. leybainpublic Avatar

      Plugins usually have some shortcodes or settings that can surely help out. Try to check it out. Michele.
      My recent post 5 Apartment Money Saving Tips That Are Proven Effective Space Savers Too

  41. sexymoxiemama Avatar

    These are great tips. #5 is so important. Thanks for sharing.
    My recent post Silent Saturday July 11

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, showing gratitude can go a lot further than many realize. Thank YOU for coming by today 🙂

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