8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 3}

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

Romans 8:28


Have you ever had a day when it just seemed like life itself was set against you? Maybe a situation you wanted to go one way went completely left and you couldn’t figure out why?  Or someone seemingly random crossed your path and for a reason you didn’t know left an impact in your day?  Do you have a testimony that you feel could lift someone else from a low place? Or simply a personal praise that may brighten someone else’s day?

In my life I call my these Godly set-ups my 8:28 Blessings.  

8:28 Blessings

Sharing Is Easy…

  • Meet me here on Saturdays around 12 noon
  • Copy your 8:28 Blessings post URL of the actual post {not your blog homepage URL}
  • Click the add your link button and paste your 8:28 Blessings URL
  • Add the title of your post {you don’t need to name it 8:28 Blessings but it’s up to you} and Share Social
  • Once your link has posted you will see it added to the list, then please share some comment love with those links before you
  • If you are the 1st LinkUp, please return later to share some comment love with those who join in {It’s All About Support}



  • Invite and share the 8:28 Blessings Share Social with your friends so this can become a place of community and support
  • If you choose to Tweet we are using Hashtag #828Blessings
  • Grab & Share the 8:28 Blessings button on your blog so others can come find out exactly what its about


MY 8:28 Blessing:

This week my #828Blessings story is one that came from within my own personal pity party.  That’s right…I was on the verge of sending out invitations and booking a venue.  I was so upset that something close to my heart didn’t seem to be working or succeeding the way I wanted it to.  Wanna know what that something was?  This.  The #828Blessings Share Social.

I received the idea and desire to start this social in my prayer time and felt lead to go forward with it.  So I went forward with enthusiasm and an expectancy that this would just take off and launch into the Blogosphere like a rocket.  I tweeted, posted, created a custom button and set a start date.  I was ready!  I even went so far as to run a Twitter Ad Campaign…

Read This Too  A ‘Step’ Away From Stepfather ~ 8:28 Blessings Share Social {8}

The start date comes.

Then it goes.  One LinkUp.  From the lovely Vague at Chaos With A Curve who shared a reflection on things in life.  Now don’t get me wrong I was grateful for that LinkUp yet…What happened?  That’s the question I went to God with.  You told me to do this.  You gave me the idea.  So where are the results?  Yes I went with just that attitude.  I was upset.  I was sad and annoyed.  What had I done wrong?  Know what I heard back? “Don’t Stop.”

Don’t stop? Why should I continue? There are no LinkUps and none of my advertising seems to be having any impact.  Yet I still heard that same whisper of an answer.  “Don’t Stop.”

So I went forward.

Week 2.  Two LinkUps.  One from my very lovely Brittnei at Homemaking With Style who had a wonderful story of blessing and the Second from my new friend, Heather from The Frill of Life who had a powerful story of her relationship with God.  Yet where were the others?  The blessings, testimonies and praise reports I knew were there?  I KNOW My God is still moving in folks lives so why is no one coming to tell about it?  What was I missing?

Here came pity.

I began to sing my “Woe is me blues”.  I decided within myself that I was going to simply shut the Social down and write it off as a lost.  Yet then the whisper became a shout. “Don’t Stop!”

Really Lord? Keep a Social running for one LinkUp a week?  This was when I happened to start a DM conversation with a new friend Tara from Hill House Rock.  She has always been one to uplift and encourage others both through her Blog and her daily #TarasTips this day was no different for her.  When I began to vent and release about how I was feeling she immediately offered not only support, encouragement and inspiration but even professional PR advice!

Read This Too  Five Minute Friday ~ ‘small’ things.

Revised & Simplified

Thanks to her Tara’s advice, a night of prayer and a few revisions you are now looking at the NEW and Improved (LOL) … Revised & Simplified #828Blessings Share Social.

Guess what else?  

If there is 1 LinkUp or 100 LinkUps…you will continue to see it here…every week until God tells me different.  Even if one person is able to tell their story and reach just one more person that will be worth it all.



Now its you’re turn…
Come, share, connect and fellowship…. with your #828Blessings

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10 responses to “8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 3}”

  1. Wanda Avatar

    Tiffany, I love the honesty in which you shared. I recently started a blog hop after feeling inspired to do so and I haven't necessarily seen the results I thought should happen. Not to mention that I don't really feel comfortable in all that self-marketing 🙂 But just today as I reading a post friend a blogger friend Sharon, I was reminded that sometimes it's not the results we think God is aiming at but rather is teaching us to walk in obedience.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. I feel this is the blessing in my lesson as well. Please let me know what your Hop is…if I can participate I will. I always try to support. Thank you so much for coming by 🙂

  2. ShesWrite Avatar

    HI!!! Visiting from SITS. Good for you to keep on keepin' on! I think it's good to just put one foot in front of the other, even and especially when the going gets tough! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you and thank you for stopping by…

  3. Kriss MacDonald Avatar
    Kriss MacDonald

    It's lovely you're trying to support, connect and inspire others.

    Thank you for hosting the Mommy Monday Blog Hop

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for LinkingUp with us and for the comment love… 🙂

  4. Heather @ The Frill Avatar

    I am so incredibly happy that you continued this! I have been wanting to find a faith-based link up for awhile now. There are so many out there, but none in my "circle" or ones I felt comfortable linking up with, you know? Something just didn't feel right… This one does! Thank you for your sweet words and your continued commitment to what God laid on your heart. I'll be here, girl. Week after week. I have lots of stories to post here!

    Btw, have you tried posting something on the Christian Women Blogger site? I don't know if they have any kind of community board or maybe if they'll announce it or something if you e-mail them. Worth looking into, for sure!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I do know what you mean and I am so glad that #828Blessings feel 'right' for you…I thank God that you found us as well. I have listed it on the Christian Women Blogger Hop Directory as well as on a few other Christian based directories. I pray they help draw more yet I am thankful for who is here 🙂 I can't wait to read your post and to see you again next week! Thank you for joining us…

  5. MrsTee Avatar

    Yes! Yes, I will. I had to get out of 'self' and realize it wasn't about me to begin with. So I will continue and as long as someONE is reached and helped than I have done what I was meant to do. Thank you SO MUCH for your continued support and encouragement. xoxoxoxo

  6. Brittnei Avatar

    Whatever Tara told you, if it got you to keep going, I'm so glad! Not everything that God has us do is supposed to affect thousands of people from our point of view. Sometimes eventually it could, but this could be a small linkup for a while or forever. The important thing is, you are doing something to serve and encourage other Christians and I believe God smiles down on that. Someone one day night read one of these posts, in your linkup, and truly be encouraged in ways you may never know! Lots of love! ****hugs***

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