8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 4}

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

Romans 8:28


Have you ever had a day when it just seemed like life itself was set against you? Maybe a situation you wanted to go one way went completely left and you couldn’t figure out why?  Or someone seemingly random crossed your path and for a reason you didn’t know left an impact in your day?  Do you have a testimony that you feel could lift someone else from a low place? Or simply a personal praise that may brighten someone else’s day?

In my life I call my these Godly set-ups my 8:28 Blessings.  

8:28 Blessings

Sharing Is Easy…

  • Meet me here on Saturdays around 12 noon
  • Copy your 8:28 Blessings post URL of the actual post {not your blog homepage URL}
  • Click the add your link button and paste your 8:28 Blessings URL
  • Add the title of your post {you don’t need to name it 8:28 Blessings but it’s up to you} and Share Social
  • Once your link has posted you will see it added to the list, then please share some comment love with those links before you
  • If you are the 1st LinkUp, please return later to share some comment love with those who join in {It’s All About Support}



  • Invite and share the 8:28 Blessings Share Social with your friends so this can become a place of community and support
  • If you choose to Tweet we are using the social Hashtag #828Blessings
  • Grab & Share the 8:28 Blessings button on your blog so others can come find out exactly what its about
Read This Too  Finding My True Path…”He Called Me”


MY 8:28 Blessing:

My story starts a couple of weeks ago with a post I wrote about my first day as Leader for my Girlies’ Daisy Girl Scout Troop.  When I sat down to write it I knew that I was going to make it a series, Girl Scouts: 2 Daisies And A Leader.  I wanted to keep a written record of the journey I was going to share with my Girlies and the adventures I knew we would have as I tried to balance being not only Momma but Troop Leader as well.

After I finished the post, I did my normal review and edit process and then went in to compose my Tweet.  Trying to write appealing content to draw readers for a new post in a 140 character limit can be a bit of a challenge at times.

At the last moment before hitting that ‘Tweet’ button I decided to rearrange some things so that I could fit in the twitter names for the both the Girl Scouts USA (@GirlScouts) and my local Council The Girl Scouts of North Carolina Coastal Pines (@GirlScoutsNCCP).  I have been followed by my local council since last year and often mention them in tweets concerning our Troop and I usually include the larger council on the off chance that we may get a ReTweet.  Yet,this time I felt lead to do so.

Once I hit the send button I pretty much went on with the rest of my day as usual.  Editing, writing, posting, tweeting, reading, etc.  Then maybe an hour or so later I got an alert through my phone….

photo 1 (23)

Okay!  So not only was my post read and noticed by my local council but they wanted To REPOST it on the Council Blog?!?!?!?!  I was floating on Cloud 9…!! Was this seriously happening?

**I was also getting ReTweets about our Troop’s awesome new Slogan “Cupcakes & Hand Grenades”  1 of our Leaders came up with it because we are an Army Base Troop…get it Grils (cupcakes) and Army (hand grenades) LOL

Then not maybe 2 minutes later I was slapped in the face with just a bit of God’s exceeding and abundant #828Blessings

Read This Too  To The Root Of It All…

photo 2 (21)

Wait! Wait! WAIT!  Not only did they want to RePost it but they wanted to start a full on SERIES?!?!?  Yes Ma’am that’s just how AWESOME my God is!  All this from an unction to add them to a tweet that I was all set to send with my normal {New Post} format.  Aaaaah Thank God for listening to the whispers of the Spirit.

So, the rest of that day was a flurry of emails and scheduling with the Social Media/Marketing Department and the results?  My first article: The First Meeting of my new SERIES with The Girl Scouts North Carolina Coastal Pines was officially published yesterday, September 20th! I could not be more excited, grateful or blessed than I feel right now.

This is truly a story of #828Blessings because I had no idea where that one tweet could lead…yet My God did!

Now its you’re turn…
Come, share, connect and fellowship…. with your #828Blessings

8:28 Blessings are the blessings you can't see until they happen.  

There is a Lesson or a Blessing in Every situation...


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14 responses to “8:28 Blessings Share Social {Week 4}”

  1. Tiffany Avatar

    It went well, there was so much giggling! And yes, there will definitely be a post about camping, I am sure that will be an adventure.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      YaY!! I'm so glad and I can't wait to read about it 🙂

  2. Tia Avatar

    That's a great testimony. I love hearing about other's people's blessings. It reminds me that God is still in the blessing business. Even when we least expect it He still shows up, love that!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you…

      Yes He does… Isn't He awesome? I love the surprise Blessings 🙂 Feel free to stop by and share a testimony of your own sometime…

  3. Kriss MacDonald Avatar
    Kriss MacDonald

    That's wonderful about the Girl Scouts. My mother just moved to Savannah from London this year so when we visited her this summer I took my daughter to visit Juliette Gordon Low's house. She saw troops of Girl Scouts also touring the house and immediately wanted to join the scouts too.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you. Wow! That's wonderful! We would love to take our Troop to visit Juliette Gordon Low's house. We celebrate her Birthday as a Troop every year. I am sure your daughter would love and enjoy being a Girl Scout…I know mine do 🙂

  4. Sandy Ramsey Avatar
    Sandy Ramsey

    Terrific story and great idea for a linkup! I am definitely showing up because in this life, we all need to count our blessings! Love this, Tiffany…truly!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Sandy for the encouragement and the support. I look forward to reading your post 🙂

  5. Brittnei Avatar

    Tiffany this is so awesome to hear! I'm so happy for you girl! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! I'm so excited…can you tell? LOL ☺️

  6. Heather @ The Frill Avatar

    Wow! Now how are we supposed to follow that amazing story? Just kidding. What an amazing opportunity only made possible by our amazing God. He is just so great! So happy for you and I cannot wait to read more of this series!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn't He simply amazing??!?!!! I can never expect more than he can provide…

      Thanks so much and thank you for your support here at #828Blessings and for the series as well 🙂

  7. Tiffany Avatar

    that's awesome! We never know who's gonna read the words we type. I just did my first volunteer stint at my daughter's troop last Thursday. We're going camping next month, so I'm excited.
    Again, great job!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. I am so grateful and still in awe of God…

      You did? How was it? 🙂

      I hope you post (or at least share with me…lol) how the camping goes…my Daisies can't go camping just yet…

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