A Momma’s Day Off… #NaBloPoMo

Mothers. We have the most important job ever (besides Fathers) and our work schedule is 24/7 with little to no time off much less an entire day. So when we are actually given time to ourselves and for ourselves most likely we have no clue what to do with it…
A Momma's Day Off #NaBloPoMo | TheMrsTee.com
Describe your ideal day off. What would you do with your time?
My perfect day off…
Does such a thing even exist as a mom? Even when I’m gifted one of those rare Mom Days I spend half of it giving instructions on how things should go while I’m gone and the other have juggling phone calls as those instructions are checked and re-checked. So am I truly off or just on-call?
Hmmm…I guess my perfect day off would mean the Momma Office is closed. Completely. No Calls. Emails. Texts. I would only be contacted in the case of an emergency and that wouldn’t include not being able to find the garbage bags. My Kiddies are with someone who would know what to do how to do it and when contacting me was absolutely necessary!

I think I would spend my day off getting pampered from head to toe.  I’ve never had a massage so a bit of time at a spa for the best one they offer as well as a mani pedi would be at the top of my list. I would move from there to take in a movie – probably one of the sappy romance or historical based ones that no one in my family ever wants to see with me. Then the end to any perfect day for me always includes food so lunch or dinner somewhere nice and not kid friendly – you know with real menus and no crayons given upon seating. LOL

Read This Too  FEAR

How would YOU spend your Perfect Day Off?

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