Magnolia Pictures A War | Reactions From A MilSpouse

Magnolia Pictures A War | Reactions From A MilSpouse |
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Last night I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the Magnolia Pictures Oscar Nominated Foreign Film A War here in Fayetteville. Writer/Director Tobias Lindholm along with SoFluential wanted to bring this film to a place where it could be shared with those it was meant to impact the most – Military Spouses and Families.


To say that this movie left an impact would really be putting things lightly. I remember as I watched the trailer for A War thinking I wasn’t to sure my husband would want to watch it. Why? As a military spouse, I know that my soldier doesn’t always enjoy watching reenactments and real to life portrayals of situations he has actually lived through. As he says, I lived it I don’t necessarily want to watch it on a screen. *This is a personal decision and one I advise you or your Military Spouse come to on your own.

That said, I went into this movie expecting realistic action and yes even violence but what I didn’t expect was the true sense of connection I walked away with. From getting to know the struggle of Claus Pedersen between protecting his family of soldiers while still balancing his role as protector of his family at home to his wife Maria’s constant pursuit of finding a balance of telling him how she and their kids are doing to protecting him from the worry of her own struggles.

A War Hug
Pilou Asbæk in A WAR, a Magnolia Pictures release. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.

A War As A Spouse…

For me watching A War as a Military Spouse, I instantly felt a connection to Maria. The struggle of trying to keep your deployed spouse updated with your at home life while not overwhelming them with the difficulties of adjusting to that life without them. I knew first-hand how it feels to have a crisis at home and want to vent it as soon as you get that call from your spouse. Yet as I watched his side of the conversations, his point of view and the things he was dealing I gained even more insight into what it must have been like for my husband and I became grateful for the times when I chose to not tell him everything because I knew he needed to hear a bit more of the good than the bad.

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A War As A Soldier…

Like I said, my husband did not attend the screening with me. Yet as I watched I knew that he would relate to the times when Claus had to make the tough decisions as a soldier to protect the family of his unit much like he would his family at home. I have often heard my husband speak of ‘his guys’ much like he does our children. For him they are no less family than we are. To this day we still stay in touch with and love them just like we do any other family members.

A War Run
Pilou Asbæk in A WAR, a Magnolia Pictures release. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.

I don’t want to give away the full details of the movie because it is truly worth watching and experiencing for yourself to see why it has earned the honor of an Oscar Nomination BUT I will tell you that from the perspective of a Military Spouse A War has given me a chance to see that being a soldier means so much more than simply fighting a war. Soldiers develop relationships, friendships and support systems that are put through tests and trials like no other. It is that which makes a solider strongest. They learn to develop into someone who protects not only their blood family but their war bonded family as well – sometimes at all costs.

A War
Pilou Asbæk in A WAR, a Magnolia Pictures release. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.

If you decide to see A War you will definitely be given a glimpse into the life of both a Solider and their family during a deployment as well as the family that Soldier finds while at war.

Cameo Collage

My night didn’t end as the credits rolled. Once the movie was over, we headed over to the After Party Meet & Greet at PRESSED a local and Military Spouse owned space focused on Creativity and Community. Owner, Ashley stayed open just for us and made us feel more than welcome!

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PRESSED is not only THE place to go right there in Fayetteville for all your Branding needs but her store also offers something for the quirky side of all of us. From Coffee mugs and tumblers, a full collection of another Military Spouse owned brand R.Riveter to handmade soaps and candles. PRESSED is the perfect destination for a unique gift or something to spoil yourself a bit.

PRESSED SelfieReLive The A War Screening With Me…

Okay so you guys know I had to Vlog my night so be sure to check out what I captured and relive a bit of the A War Screening with me!

I am so happy to be a part of the SoFluential team and I can’t wait to see where the future takes them. Founders Adrianna D. Lupher and Krystel Spell are always focused on supporting not only the Military Spouse cause but the Military Spouse behind the cause. Stay Tuned because I promise you there is so much more ahead!

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12 responses to “Magnolia Pictures A War | Reactions From A MilSpouse”

  1. Travel Quest Avatar

    My husband would love this movie, he is more into was because according to him it reminds him off his days in the army. Which I totally support it, the only military I watch is Saving Private Ryan.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      See my Hubby is the opposite…he says he doesn\’t need any reminders…LOL I think it\’s great for those who like to see it on screen. I hope he gets a chance to see it…

  2. CryItOutMom Avatar

    It brings tears to my eyes thinking about your life as a military spouse. My husband works away 10 & 10 and I know how hard it can be without that support, but I certainly don't have to worry about the danger he is in. Thank you for your personal and honest review!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much! It can be hard but when you have a strong foundation you always find a way to get through it.

  3. Lynne Avatar

    It looks like quite an emotional experience. My husband had left the Army by the time we met, so I can only imagine what you goo through. Love to you.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It can be but having each other helps a low. Thank you so much Lynne and thanks or coming by!

  4. Aileen Avatar

    Now that looks interesting. I love watching movies that have these kinds of plots, so I'll definitely be checking this out. Thank you for sharing!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is…thanks so much and thanks for coming by Aileen…

  5. Tami @ ThisMomsDelight Avatar
    Tami @ ThisMomsDelight

    War is so hard on both the solder and his family, I know. I am sure I will cry when I watch this I am not a soldier or a soldier's wife, but I do have family that has shared their experience. it's a difficult road.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is Tami and finding that balance is sometimes just as difficult. I know I was close to tears so it may be a bit of an emotional watch…

  6. LisaLDN Avatar

    Wow, I'm so excited that they screened a Scandinavian film and that it's Oscar nominated! 🙂 I really enjoyed reading your opinion of it as a military spouse – it definitely makes an impact! I'll have to go see it once it hits the cinema here in Norway. Thank you!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Lisa it was so well told and you can tell that the nomination is well deserved! Please let me know what you think once you get to see it…

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