As mothers our priority when we have children is to train, guide and protect. So when my Teenager – my first born- starts to make those choices without me… when he begins to become the adult I’ve raised him to be…where does that leave me? Am I still his mom?
[tweetthis]…as he begins to become an adult…where does that leave me? Am I still his mom? #TheMrsTee #Parenting[/tweetthis]
#TheTeenager. That’s how you all know him but before he got there I knew him as my baby and my boy. When he reached those teen years I was in awe at the personality that had developed during those 12 years. He was his own person but I still knew he neededme. It was me he came to when He was sad, hurt, confused, happy, etc. It was me he sought out for advice and support. It was me. He needed a mom and it was me.
Now that he is at the very end of those teen years. Now that he is 19, of age and in the eyes of the law an adult my role isn’t as clear. Those times when he needs me are farther apart. He seeks my advice less. I see glimpses of the boy I once knew but I am also getting to know and interact with this developing young man more and more often. The thing is: I’m not sure I want to meet him just yet.
I’ve been in a smallokay huge case of denial since his 19th Birthday. Everyone was wishing him the best in becoming an adult and all I saw was that baby I held, the boy I hugged and the teenager I grew to admire. I didn’t want to know him as an adult. Not yet. I’m just not ready.
So now I wonder…How do I let go? How do I not be the teacher, protector and guide that I have been all these years? How do I allow him to take the lessons taught and apply them on his own?
Yet it isn’t about me is it? I mean during the past 19 years we’ve had my end goal has always been to prepare him for this exact moment. Adulthood. So why then am I so scared that it’s actually happening? It’s actually here! That time when he has to make his own choices and decisions. It’s here and he is ready. Why then is it so hard? As I watch him be the man I’ve always wanted him to be all I seem to worry about is am I still the mom I once was?
I find myself holding on for dear life. I resist giving him my approval thinking somehow that will hold him back. It doesn’t. Instead it is pushing him away. I can’t seem to hide my emotions or hurt in letting him go and it’s doing damage. The kid who used to confide in me everything is becoming the young man who holds back to spare my feelings. Is that what I want? Do I want to hold on to the boy and risk loosing the man he is becoming? No. No. No.
I want to know the young man he is becoming and well as the man he will be. I know that the foundation for that is the boy I love and he will always be there.
[tweetthis]I AM still mom. I can love protect & guide without taking away from his adulthood. #TheMrsTee #Parenting[/tweetthis]
I must learn and accept that even though he is an adult I am still his mom. I always will be. I can love protect and guide him without taking away from who he is becoming as an adult. I can still be his parent no matter what his age. How? By understanding that who he is is who I raised him to be so all of it is within him. Now is the time to let him be the man he is meant to and still be his mom the one person he can turn to when he needs to – no matter what.
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
I am sooo understanding of this! My son is 13 and I see him growing away from me as he grows into himself. That’s both a blessing (to him) and a curse (to me!).
I don't think we ever stop being moms. I have a 4-year-old son and I tear up at the thought of him starting Kindergarten in the Fall LOL! So I can just imagine what you are going through. It's crazy that they grow up and it goes by so fast.
P.S. You don't look like the mom of a 19-year-old!
I don’t either. I think I was having a bit of an emotional time realizing that my role was changing whether I wanted it to or not.Time definitely goes by way to fast and I still have 4 more to go…LOL **Thanks Girl!! Hopefully that look lasts through a few more years
Aww! My Mom now has four kids 18 and over–she still believes she's very much our mom but has already had plenty of experience at letting her kids make adult choices in the past few years–some with her support, some…not so much. But we all stay close, thankfully!
Kudos to her!! I know it couldn’t have been easy to let go but I also know I will have to learn how to do it. Hopefully I will be as successfu as she obviously as been Thanks so much for coming by Rachel…
This is beautifully written and thank you for being so open with us. I do wonder how I will change when my kids are older. All I know, is that I want them to know that no matter what – I am their mom and I will always love them. I do have a while before this chapter of parenting but I know it will come fast.
Thank you Censie! That’s what I want him to know as well..I think all mother’s want their children to know we are here no matter what. The where ‘here’ is can sometimes be the struggle…at least for me LOL
I hope that I don't get forgotten as his mom as my boys get older. It terrifies me that one day they won't need me. Mine are only 5,3 and 1 so I have a little way to go…but still!
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