This 5th Grade year for my daughter raised so many questions for me from start to finish: Was she ready? Did I prepare her enough? How would she manage the change? Once we made it to graduation I realized the best person to ask these questions was her which turned in to An Interview With My 5th Grade Graduate.
What Did You Like Most About Elementary School?
I enjoyed meeting new people the most because I met amazing people who ended up being my best friends.
What will you miss most about elementary school?
I will miss all the great teachers I had and met and all the great staff at the school too. They helped me get through the school year and pass my EOG {End Of Grade} tests.
What was your favorite subject?
My favorite subject was reading
What Do You Wish You Did In Elementary School?
I wish that I joined more clubs like broadcast.
Best Memory from Elementary?
My best memory was graduation, I got to see my friends earn awards and congratulate all of the class on their achievements throughout the year.
What do you love to read outside of school?
I love to read the Harry Potter series outside of school.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would love to go to back to Hawaii.
How are you planning for Middle School?
To prepare/plan for Middle School I’ve been looking at how many classes and what classes I might have in Middle School and what I might need for those classes.
What Are You Looking Forward To The Most In Middle School?
I’m looking forward to band the most, I’m excited to learn how to play the trumpet.
How do you want to decorate your locker?
I want to get a magnetic white board and hang it in my locker, it will have my schedule for class and stuff. My favorite color is purple so I want to have a purple theme type for my locker.
What goals do you have for 6th grade?
Some goals I have for sixth grade are: to join a lot more clubs than I did in elementary school, try to be a little less shy than I was in 5th grade, get straight A’s in some classes, make new friends and to just enjoy Middle School
I gave my daughter these questions and she was actually excited to answer them. As I read her answers I realized that she is a lot more prepared than I thought. She knows where she wants to be, how to get there and what she wants to change.
I am still not sure I’m completely ready for this next step in her childhood yet knowing more of how she feels has set my mind at ease. I am so proud of the young lady she is and will be. Once again, my daughter has taught me a few things simply by being the amazing human she is.
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