Are You A Teacher, Homeschooler or Parent? Learn How To Save With Educents $15 Frenzy!



Are you a teacher, homeschooling parent

or simply a parent who wants to help reinforce their Kiddies learning at home?

ENDS September 30th

Have you ever wandered through different stores trying to search for just the

right type of books for your Kiddies level and learning style?  


EDUCENTS is an extraordinary resource for Discounted Educational Products  just for you!

Here you can find 1st Grade Literacy Curriculum Bundle, Classroom Organization Sets, Math & Language arts Book Set and so much more…

Classroom Organization Sets

First Grade Literacy Curriculum Bundle:

This amazing bundle of 18 products from 15 different creators of online resources that focus on
literacy for first grade students! Everything from reading to writing and curriculum to centers.
There is even a little science and social studies because that’s literacy too! Over 1500 pages to
keep help support your first graders become better readers and writers!

Classroom Organization Sets

Get your classroom organized with the Organize Now!TM sets from The Mailbox. The Organize
Now! series is your idea file to pull out each month to plan and get organized. Included are tons
of ideas and skill builders for teaching the skills your students need plus the forms, bulletin
boards, and organizational tools you need to pull your classroom together every month. Each
set also comes with a FREE The Ultimate Classroom Calendar Set!


Language Arts and Math Book Set

Math & Language Arts Book Set

A complete Math and Language Arts program to help your student(s) learn. Students can use
this easy to follow self guided resource themselves or it’s also perfect for classroom instruction
and centered learning. Over 550 pages!  

Your choice of two complete Math and Language Arts bundles, one for Grades PK-2 and one for Grades 3-6.


Read This Too  The All American Tattoo Convention | Day 3 | Giving Back

Nutrition 101 From Human Body Detectives

Enhance your middle and high school students’ nutrition awareness while promoting a positive
self-image and deeper appreciation of having a healthy, strong body. Turn-key and engaging 8
lesson plans include: the digestive system review, vitamins & minerals, proteins, fats &
carbohydrates, a spoonful of sugar, acid/alkaline balance, food diet, book: the unhealthy truth,
whole food presentation.
*Note: This curriculum is aligned to Common Core State Standards by a National Board Certified


Magic of Mozart CD Set (1)

Magic of Mozart CD Set

Mozart was a musical genius! Use the magic of Mozart to awaken the genius within with this 4
CD Pack from Kagan Publishing. Includes four CDs:

  • Mozart for Creativity
  • Mozart for Motivation
  • Mozart for Productivity
  • Mozart for Thinking

The tracks on each CD are selected and arranged specifically for their tempo and composition
to boost brainpower and promote peak performance. Match the right music to your task at
hand and revel in the magic of Mozart!

Little Pim Language Learning Kit

A complete language curriculum for young learners. Little Pim, winner of 25+ awards, works as
a comprehensive and highly effective tool for teaching a second or third language to toddlers,
preschoolers and kindergarteners. Their unique Entertainment Immersion Method™ gives kids
a love of language learning and introduces over 180 words and phrases. You’ll be amazed how
fast they learn!

Click NOW to visit EDUCENTS To Start Your Savings…




*Item descriptions provided by Educents Affiliate Program*

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