Ask Away Friday: You’re Invited!

This week’s Ask Away Friday we once again connect with some beautiful Blogger friends to get to know each other better 10 questions at a time. This time we decided to switch things up a bit and invite some of our favorite Bloggers and ask them the questions and feature them. Since you all got to know us personally last week this week we wanted to get to know some of you!



#AskAwayFriday is what it is because of their honesty and willingness to share so stop by and show them some love and follow them on BlogLovin, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+.


The Patchwork Paisley

I decided to ask my friend Megan from The Patchwork Paisley, a lovely blog where she focuses on DIY and when I say this Lady knows her stuff I mean she is a master at some Do It Yourself decor. A few of my favorite posts include A Dreamy Nest For Baby where she gave the breakdown on how she decorated her newborn baby girl’s nursery with some very unique touches and a lot of creativity, including a handmade Palette Silhouette. I also truly enjoyed checking out how she totally remade a refrigerator in her Kitchen Re-Design post, that one I’ll make you read to discover how a bit of paint can go a long way. Megan and I met when we both realized we were rather newbie Bloggers with very newbie questions.  So, please click the link below to see Megan’s answers to my 10 questions and see why I think she is such great person because I am certain you will be convinced of the same!

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday – It’s Been That Kinda Week…

Also click on the links of the Bloggers my Co-Hosts chose and see what awesome questions and answers they came up with…I know I can’t wait to see them!

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5 responses to “Ask Away Friday: You’re Invited!”

  1. Penny Avatar

    you're amazing as always! loved reading your questions to Megan!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lovie…I have a blast with AskAwayFridays… 🙂

  2. Megan Avatar

    Thanks again for featuring me! I had such a great time answering your questions.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I absolutely LOVED reading your answers! It touched me to find out that both of your grandfathers were artists. I can certainly see now where your talent and love of the art comes from. It is truly 'in your blood'. I can barely believe one of your students asked you to name a child after them…too funny! I think your mural is beautiful and inspired. I love the story of how you and your husband met…so sweet and the hangman proposal is perfectly unique ;). I don't particularly love cooking either and i have a bunch of crock pot recipes pinned but have yet to use them…LOL I love your peel and stick nail design…it is probably the perfect choice for a busy Momma. I always used to use my baby bags as my purse. I tried to post this on your page but I couldn't get it to post.

      1. Megan Avatar

        Thank you so much again. Your questions were awesome and so fun to answer!

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