Happy #AskAwayFriday everyone! I am so excited this week to be connecting with my new friend Michelle from The MaMadeDiaries.
Michelle is a twenty-something year old Mom (I know her age but seriously I’ll let her share that…) to a great little boy who is turning 2 on Monday folks! Everyone be sure to take a moment and wish him a Happy Birthday when you stop by her page(ahem…please go by her page…I’m getting ready to clue you in on why!).
Michelle is a Crafter and get this: a Crochter…er…er (Ok so I don’t know the proper term but she crochets…a lost art in my eyes) turned Blogger…and she is a great Blogger! Not only does she love spending her time making really great crafts, crocheting awesome stuff and running her ETSY business MaMade Creations …
On top of making all of these great creations and Blogging she is also an Awesome mom and somehow she still finds the time to float around the Social Media circuit like a true Social Media Butterfly in training. Who would think she’s only been blogging for a little over a month?
For this week’s #AskAwayFriday, we are putting Michelle’s interview skills to the test and she got to ask me 10 Questions…so here goes:
1. What is one event that changed your life dramatically and how?
I would have to say the year we had to move to Hawaii. It was the biggest move I’d ever made and i had to do it all alone because my Hubby was there for 3 months ahead of me. I was also almost 8 months pregnant during the move and the 3 flights it took to get there. Oh and did I mention I had a 9 month old baby and a 10 year old with me too? LOL
The move and the entire process did teach me that I had a lot more strength and confidence than I thought I did. By the end of it I learned that my Hubby’s saying “Nothing Beats A Failure But A Try” was one that could be true if you set your mind to it.
2. What is your absolute favorite thing about being a mom?
Wow…you want me to pick just one? That’s hard when you have 6 purely awesome Kiddies! Really, each one of my Kiddies are my Absolute Favorite thing about being a mom. They are the best pieces of my heart and I love them more than I could have ever imagined. When I look at each of them I can see a piece of me…literally…they each have a part of my personality and I find it amazing to watch and help them develop and learn themselves daily.
3. What made you decide to start blogging?
A desire to write and have feedback from someone other than the voice in my head. LOL. I’ve always kept journals and written my thoughts on paper and even in my phone when I needed to vent or simply ‘let go’ of something but when I heard how blogging could be a venue for actually feedback it peaked my interest.
I also wanted to explore the possibility of having my blog act as a second source of income. I want to be home with my Kiddies but I also want to be able to contribute and provide for my home as well.
4. What is your favorite season and why?
I was born in the summer so I favor it a bit but I would say my complete favorite would actually be fall. It’s not bone chilling frigid like winter but I can still layer and wear my favorite sweaters, boots and scarfs and all the earth tone colors that I love.
5. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I think I would go to Puerto Rico…I’ve always loved the culture and how beautiful the country is. Yet, honestly I would love to go anywhere Sans Kiddies at this point….LOL Momma and the Hubby need a vacay ASAP
6. How do you balance blogging and family life?
Right now, not very well. I’m still learning how to get the two to co-mingle. I try to get up super early and get my blogging schedule done so that I can do all my Momma stuff the rest of the day but that doesn’t always happen. I usually end up doing a bit of both throughout the day. I’m getting a bit better as I learn when I can do things and how long I actually need to get them done (blog related). So, hopefully soon everything will have some type of true balance.
7. Name 3 foods you could not live without.
Hard one. Bread. Fruits. Sweets. I know all bad stuff (well fruit is good, right?) but I’m just being honest.
8. What has been your funniest moment/memory of mommy life?
When we were living in Hawaii and I was in labor with my Baby Girlie. We had only moved there maybe 2 months prior and Hubby was driving to the Army Hospital. He took one wrong turn and we ended up on the side of a mountain. There was mountain to the left and a straight drop down to ocean water on the right…which was where I was sitting. I was in full on labor and needless to say the view didn’t help me any. I ended up redecorating the side of the car a bit with my head out the window and the uh…ocean breeze blowing straight into my face…we laugh at it now but I was NOT laughing then.
9. What is your favorite holiday?
I LOVE Christmas…mainly because I get to see my Kiddies faces first thing in the morning when they see all their dreams come true. I also love staying up the night before wrapping and doing my last minute decorating to make sure everything is just right.
10. What is your favorite blog post that you have written so far?
I would have to say the one where I took my son to get his Senior Pictures done. It was a moment where I could actually step outside of myself and see how far I have come in my life…from a teen mom to a wife and also see that I didn’t totally mess my Kid up in the process. I actually did okay. You can read it here.
Did you enjoy getting to know me a bit better from Michelle’s point of view? I think she asked some pretty good questions. Now it’s time to go by Michelle’s Blog and see what I asked her and how she answered….
Also, don’t forget to go by and see the other Blogger’s participating in #AskAwayFriday and see what type of question they asked and answered. Are you ready? Are you set? Go!
Check below for all the #AskAwayFriday Links! Please only post if you are apart of #AskAwayFriday...host reserves the right to delete links that aren't related to this post
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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