This week has been a bit crazy and hectic but I am so glad to have #AskAwayFriday to give me a chance to simply let my mind de-stress a bit. I always look forward to Friday’s to get to know a bit more about some of my favorite Bloggers and to share a bit more about myself that maybe you guys don’t know yet!
place for you to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really
get to know them! Meeting other bloggers
and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!

The rules are simple!
Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Amber from Bold Fab Mom

Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
I am so happy to exchange questions with Christy from A Woman The World Deserves
Christy writes about her how each woman can be a woman the world deserves by offering help in many different areas but all with the key focus of helping her be all the world deserves. This is such an amazing undertaking and I give Christy many many thanks for taking it on.
From A Woman The World Deserves:
The world deserves your beauty.
The world deserves your modesty.
The world deserves your humble spirit.
The world deserves your positive vibes.
The world deserves your truth.
The world deserves your self-worth.
The world deserves your mercy.
The world deserves your time.
The world deserves your strength.
The world deserves your forgiveness.
The world deserves your service.
The world deserves your inspiration.
The world deserves your creativity.
The world deserves your loyalty.
The world deserves your compassion.
A Woman The World Deserves
Christy had some amazing questions for me so let’s get right to it.
1.) What made you decide to blog and where did the love, life, laughter originate from in the title?
I had been told by several friends that I should start a Blog. In the beginning I didn’t feel my voice was unique enough. Then I started praying about it. I did want to have an outlet for my inner voice and a way to possibly bring a bit of extra income (pocket money) into my home. Yet what would I say? What would be that ever intangible ‘niche’ that I could fit into?
This is where my name came from. In my life there are always 3 ever present components: Love – for God, my Hubby and my family…Life – the joy of the life I have as a Woman, Wife, Momma and Friend…Laughter – the laughter that they all bring me. So why did I need a specific ‘niche’? Why couldn’t my Blog simply be about everything that was important to me. Was my life one thing? No. I, Me…MrsTee was a bit of all…Love, Life and Laughter make me who I am and they would do the same for my Blog.
I am so happy with my decision to use that name because I can be me without worrying about staying in my description because my description covers all of me: MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter!
2.) What would be your proudest mommy moment?
Wow! That could take a while even if I only chose one per Kiddie! LOL I’ll say this: my proudest mommy moments are always those when I can see the results of the lessons my Hubby and I have taught each of them becoming a part of who they are. When I see my child take something I have tried to teach them perhaps thinking it was having little to no impact and then put it to action in their lives. There is my Momma Pride. After all as parents don’t we all simply want our children to be the best them they can be and know that our parenting is helping that to happen?
3.) With a soon to be high school graduate, what would you want younger moms to know about parenthood?
It isn’t easy but it is possible. As a teenage mom I always felt that I had gotten the short end of the parenting stick. Why hadn’t I waited? Would I mess my kid up? How could I raise him right? Yet I wasn’t a teenager forever. I grew, matured and learned. Yes, some of that was with him but I am still his mother. It wasn’t always an easy journey but I did it.
I can now look at him as a 17 year old young man and although I see things in him that certainly can be worked on I also see a Teenager who is kind, considerate and loving. He is achieving his goals and headed towards adulthood (whether I’m ready for it or not).
So to all those young mothers out there don’t let your youth determine your ability. You. Can. Do. This.
4.) I see you are doing The Color Run. What things are you doing to prepare for that?
Hahah! Absolutely nothing. LOL I am probably the least physically active person in my family. I walk around the neighborhood with the Hubby but I don’t really do any major work out regimen. I am going to add a bit of cardio and longer walks into our routine as the date approaches.
That’s why The Color Run is so amazing! It is a 5k Run but there is no time limit, no winner or placings. Even kids can participate!
This is a Run meant to encourage Healthiness, Happiness, Individuality and Giving Back. The Color Run is known as the Happiest 5K On The Planet because the focus is not on winning so much as being in the moment of the day. Yes, you are doing a physical activity so it is about health but you can find so much more simply by moving outside of yourself and doing something you may not have thought you could.
That’s why I am so excited you could Color Me Happy! I have always wanted to do things out of my comfort zone…to go beyond myself and do something just because! Have you ever felt that way?
5.) I love having a good brunch with my good girlfriends. What are some things you love to do for yourself?
Pamper Days are so great! I love having a day to get my hair done, a manicure and maybe just walk around a store without any Kiddies begging for this or that. I usually don’t even take the whole day because I start missing them but even a few hours is a great pick-me-up for at tired Momma.
6.) Being a fellow military wife, how do you and hubby maximize your time spent together?
Fortunately my Hubby is retired but when he was still active duty we would always take whatever days he did have off to do one thing as a family and then something for us as a couple. Quality time is key when you are living as a family apart the majority of the time.
In those moments when you are apart and missing the the most you can have those memories and happy times to rely on until you are together again.
7.) Do you go all out for post events or do you tend to enjoy family and friend events more?
Hmm…I’m not totally sure what you mean by ‘post events’ but in general family and friends always comes first. My Blog is my baby and means a lot to me but without my family and friends the inspiration for the blog would not exist. So to take care of those relationship is always key.
8.) What time of the year do you look forward to the most each year?
I love Christmas. Mainly because it is the one time of the year that we can be together as an entire family including cousins, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc. I treasure those moments and the house full of people. The laughter that is always being heard and the love that is almost visible among us. Any moment that brings my family together is one of my favorites.
9.) If you could take the perfect vacay, where would you go?
Well as a family it would definitely be Disneyworld and we have been so blessed to book our trip. I am so excited and my Kiddies (from the 3 year old to the 19 year old) are counting down the days. We have been wanting to have a family trip like this for years and I am so happy that it is so close to being a reality.
As a couple, my Hubby and I have never had a honeymoon or a true vacation for ‘us’. I would love to return to Hawaii and get to experience the fullness of the beauty the islands have to offer. Perhaps for a 2-3 week vacation.
10.) I was asked this question at a blogging conference I attended and am curious to know everyone else’s? What is your end game for your blog?
Great Question! My end game? I think my end game for my blog is for it to be a place where people can come to be encouraged, uplifted, supported and understood. I want you to see me through my writing. Of course I also want my blog to be a source of income but without loosing who I am in the process. I always want to stay true to MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter and what it means.
Didn’t Christy have some amazing questions? I had fun answering them and I can’t wait to see how she answers mine for her. Be sure to head over to A Woman The World Deserves and check out her answers!
Also, if you love #AskAwayFriday and would like to participate feel free to contact Penny over at Real Housewife of Caroline County, drop me a message in the comments, through my Contact Me or through any of the participating Bloggers and we’ll be sure to let you know how to get started and get connected.
*Disclaimer: If you link up your email may be used to contact you to let you know of future link ups and possible co-hosting/partner swap opportunities
Check below for all the #AskAwayFriday Links! Please only post if you are apart of reserves the right to delete links that aren't related to this post.
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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