#AskAwayFriday with Danielle…

#AskAwayFriday With Danielle | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

It’s #AskAwayFriday time and I am so excited to have a chance to meet and get to know Danielle from Dancing With My Daughter! I have fallen in love with her site and her theme of sharing her experiences, life and learning steps as a mom. Take a minute and visit Danielle and send her a bit of #AskAwayFriday style love and support.

#AskAwayFriday With Danielle | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com


What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom


Please join us in welcoming the amazing and wonderful Sonya from Saving Everyday with Sonya K as our new two week co-host!


Sonya from Saving Everyday With Sonya K. has a knack for finding sales, deals and ways to save that will make you wonder and make your pockets happy. Be sure to stop by her place for the latest of her finds and a few tips on how to find your own savings as well.

So…grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!


#AskAwayFriday With Danielle | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Here’s what Danielle had to ask me…

I enjoy watching your vlog. I’ve been wanting to vlog but the thought of talking in a camera sort of scares me. How did you start vlogging? Any advices for us newbees?

Thank you so much! You should definitely give it a try! I love it. I was scared at first too and then I thought “Okay, it’s only me and my camera so what am I nervous about?” When I vlog I just think of it as having a conversation with friends like a one on one chat.

I have two bits of advice:

When you start a YouTube Channel be sure to make it an extension of yourself. Just like a blog your Channel represent you on screen but instead of words it’s your voice. So simply put Put A Bit of YOU into your YouTube.

Once your up and running, approach your Channel just like you do your Blog. It really isn’t that different. The same way you prep your posts, content and promotion you can prep your blogs, topics and interaction – Blogger or Vlogger…The Same Rules Apply!

What motivates you to blog/vlog?

I Blog and Vlog to have interaction. I love reading the comments and replies. Having that feedback on my words, thoughts and opinions keeps me going to the next post and the next blog. You All Motivate Me.

If you did not start blogging, what could you be doing now?

Haha. I would probably still be a SAHM because it is just easier for our family financially. Career wise I think I would most likely be back in school finishing up my degree since that has been placed on hold and on the back burner for a while in the midst of moves and babies. I still plan on making that a priority as soon as possible – it’s important to me and I want to check that off my goal list.

Read This Too  I Love LOVE… #AskAwayFriday

Yet at this point in my life I am so content in where I am. I love being able to write, communicate and give my opinions on things, bring in a little income and still be home with my Kiddies. Isn’t Blogging awesome!?!?!

How do you manage your time when it comes to family, errands, work and other things? 

Lately I have gotten better at balancing things. I’ve found that having a routine helps me to get things done in more than one area of my life. During the summer it was all chaos because everyone was home, I was trying to blog, mother, wife and then some and it was just getting to be a bit much.

Now that school has started we have a schedule. Set times, set activities and with this in place I have been able to really work my blogging schedule into the mix of things a lot easier and with much more success.

What was your favorite memory of summer? 

Definitely our first family trip to Disney. Walt Disney was the most awesome experience ever! We had time to be together, to have fun and to make memories. To me making memories and moments is something I try to make possible as often as I can.

MrsTee Was Here... #WordlessWednesday

I saw that you’ve got your Keurig now. Congrats on that one! What is your favourite coffee, (not including the Pumpkin spice latte)?

Yes!!! Thanks to Influenster and #HelloKeurig I have a new addiction…

#AskAwayFriday With Danielle | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

I had my first cup this morning and I am loving the touch screen and other amazing features (but you guys will have to wait for my review to get the details LOL).

My favorite coffee is Hot Coffee then Iced…no seriously I love all coffee.

ClickChicks Coffee KCup
ISO 220 27mm f/4 1/60

I do have a passion for the PSLs (PSLGangstas For LIFE!) but honestly any flavor is one I will try and I haven’t tasted one yet that I don’t like. I love Hawaiian and ooooh Kahlua (there’s no alcohol 😉

What are you looking forward to this coming fall season?

Everything! I am a summer baby with a fall heart. I love the crisp air, the fallen leaves, the fashion and the food.  I shared my Fall Fever Pinterest Board last week and if you want to know what I can’t wait for in the fall season it’s all on there 😀

What’s the weirdest question your toddler has asked you?

Haha! So many. I tell you the things these kiddies say and think up are hilarious! Let me think. Most recently he asked me why my butt was so big. I had no words.

Were you nervous sending your teen to college? How does it feel not having him around the house?

Was I? Yes, I had so many reservations and concerns. Did I tell him everything he needed to know? Was he ready to be on his own? Would someone pick on him? The list goes on and on and on

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday With Lindsay Klein – My Tutu Twin…Maybe?!


What is one thing that you cannot leave the house without? 

My phone. I have turned back around 10 minutes out just to get it. I know, I know you all think it’s because of social media but I honestly have this huge fear of something happening and I have no way to get help. I know we haven’t always had cell phones but now that we do it’s not like pay phones are on every corner and I live in the south so getting stuck down the road is like being lost in the woods. So yeah, my phone is a must for me ALWAYS.

#AskAwayFriday With Danielle | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Didn’t Danielle give me some great questions and topics to explore this week? Don’t forget to go back and visit her over at Dancing With My Daughter and check out her answers to my questions…

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32 responses to “#AskAwayFriday with Danielle…”

  1. ssgannett Avatar

    Oh girl, I am totally with you on the phone, thing…for the same reason! I also always want my kids to be able to get a hold of me, where ever i might be. LOL! Oh out of the mouth's of babes! I was going through some old photos last week, and many of them are me from the 80's and I don't know how many times lil miss looked at me and said, "Mom, that outfit is just ugly!" LOL! I also had no words! Hope you have a great weekend!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Bernadyn from B is For…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes my phone is almost attached to me…always. I think everyone is used to that now LOL Have a great weekend!

  2. Chirleen Lupton Evans Avatar
    Chirleen Lupton Evans

    I'm so insanely jealous! I want a Keurig!!
    My recent post Meet the Blogger: Candace of His Mercy Is New

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I hate to rub it in BUT It’s AWEsome! 😉

  3. Julie S. Avatar
    Julie S.

    Ooh this is a neat feature! That's a lot of questions, do you usually have that many every Friday?
    My recent post “50 Things to Know about Modern Manners: Etiquette is a Way of Life” Review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It’s normally 10 questions each week, yes. But you can answer however short or long you wish. 🙂

  4. Siobhan Sudberry Avatar
    Siobhan Sudberry

    Love this idea. I also went on my first family trip to Disney this summer and we had SO much fun. We went to Universal Studios and Island of Adventures. We stayed for a whole week, and like you, I'm all about giving my kids the best memories and experiences.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      If you want to join in the #AskAwayFriday fun just let me know or stop by the FB Page and we can get started 😀

      I love Disney and can’t wait to get back ASAP 😀 We stayed a week and still didn’t see everything…

      I agree…memories and moments are so important! Thanks so much for coming by.

  5. Rea Alducente Avatar
    Rea Alducente

    So true with the cellphone! I feel like my phone is an extension of me and if I leave it, I feel uncomfortable! LOL. I also think that if I lose my way somewhere, I can't inform my family where am I! 🙂
    My recent post From Croatia To Philippines!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Right, Rea? I have my cell phone everywhere, every room…LOL Exactly! Well that and I\’m a Blogger…;)

  6. anallievent Avatar

    We're on our second Keurig – a coffee loving family.
    My recent post Pretty Pintastic Pinning Party

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Our first was still hanging in there but I am so happy to get a chance to bring this one into the family 🙂

  7. becominneurotic Avatar

    I'd really like to get a Keurig for us. I can't have most coffee, but my fiance loves it. But since it's just him, it often doesn't make sense to make a whole pot. Besides, with the Keurig, I can make cocoa and tea for myself with minimal effort! Woot!
    I hope you have a great weekend T!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You should! They\’re are literally 100s of different kinds of coffee, tea, hot cocoa and even hot apple cider plus so many different iced drink brews too! Happy Friday Lovie 🙂

  8. upliftingfam Avatar

    I love my Kurieg. I don't drink a ton of coffee and it makes sense to only make what I am going to drink. My favorite is ice coffee. I don't buy the special ice coffee blends and just brew my regular coffee over ice and pour in creamer. It takes awesome. 😉
    My recent post #ASKAWAYFRIDAY Advice for Chronic Pain Suffers With Tia from Becomin Neurotic

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aren\’t they the best and yes it is better to make them a cup at a time if you know that is all you need. I stink at making iced coffee…LOL it always ends up so watery…someone did tell me to make coffee ice cubes to help with that 😉

  9. Bernadyn Avatar

    I can't leave the house without my phone either! Once, I didn't realize I left it until we were so far from the house and we were gone for so long and I couldn't stand it. I love coffee, too, and how exciting on the Keurig!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Jenessa at Mothering In Real Life

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      hat has happened to me a few times and I was a mess the whole day! LOL

      Yes, I’m loving this thing 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by Bernadyn.

  10. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    I cannot let my phone out of my sight! Ever.
    And your Fall Fever Pinterest board has become my fall bible.
    I crave interaction. I think social media has fulfilled a part of me that felt empty. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I'm just going with it because I love this environment!
    My recent post A Particularly Adorable Bridal Edition of Ask Away Friday.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO…me either. I have chargers in EVERY room 😀
      Cool! I love Fall…
      Haha..it\’s a good thing!

  11. Louidam1 Avatar

    I feel like nothing without my phone. I guess that is how it is when you're a blogger. Great questions and answers!
    My recent post Product Review Weekend Link Up Party #ProductReviewParty #26

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      True…blogging has definitely made me even more dependent on my phone for sure Lou 🙂

  12. Candy Cook Avatar
    Candy Cook

    Coffee!! I take my coffee with me in a huge thermos LOL

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! That\’s the way to go for sure 🙂

  13. Danielle Avatar

    that keurig is beautiful!! I am totally saving money to get one of those. I'll be waiting for your review 😉 Love all your answers. thank you for swapping with me!! 🙂
    My recent post Blogtember – My Passion

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes and the features! I can\’t wait to get my review up.. 🙂 Thanks so much for the great questions…

  14. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    I can totally relate to being in panic mode without my phone. I hate thinking what would happen if something bad does happen and I have no way of telling anyone what happened!
    My recent post Ask Away Friday With Rea

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      My phone is definitely my lifeline. Exactly! LOL…thanks for coming by Ana 😀

  15. Madaline Avatar

    I just sat and stared at the Keurig for five minutes. Seriously. That machine is BEAUTIFUL!
    My recent post (Fresh) Pasta

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn\’t it…I\’m definitely in love. LOL

  16. @SonyaKsavings Avatar

    Your Keurig looks nice. I can't wait to read your review. I try not to leave home without my phone either. I have Onstar as my back-up just in case I forget my phone.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I\’m falling in love with it for sure. Yes my phone is a must, OnStar would be a great backup though for emergencies…

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