#AskAwayFriday Flashback Style ! ! !

#AskAwayFriday Flashback Style

This week a few of the #AskAwayLadies and I have come together to have an#AskAwayFriday Flashback Style! What does that mean you ask? We are asking and answering question all about those days we miss, are glad we left behind and long to remember.


What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom


So grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!


This week Sonya from Saving Everyday With Sonya K came up with the amazing idea to collaborate on a few #AskAwayFriday questions along with Jill from The Singapore Writing Homemaker, Christy from Uplifting Families and Me – Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.


Sonya’s Questions:

1. What song most reminds you of when you first met your spouse?
2. Taylor Swift’s latest album is titled 1989. What do you remember about life in 1989?
3. Share one of you favorite pictures from the past.

1 – Definitely INSERT SONG CLIP

2 – 1989? Not much. Is that bad? I was 11 that year and would have been in the 5th grade I think. I was taking karate and piano lessons and hating them both. My Grandmother insisted that I stay active outside of school and those were the options she gave me. I eventually fell in love with Karate but had to quit due to a ‘below the belt’ incident (If you wanna know all about that – let’s swap sometime! 🙂 )

3 – Okay. I don’t have picture that far back in the past but here is one from 2012…you’d think from the pic I could actually ride…LOL

Read This Too  All But ONE? I Can’t Pick ONE! Only ONE (I Think)


Jill’s Questions:
1. Name two home cooked dishes which you prepare most often for your family.
2. Did you and your husband plan when to start a family? If so, give us two criteria for having your first baby. If not, tell us two reasons why not.
3. Where is your last hangout with your husband?

1 – Baked Ziti and Chicken Parm. These are the two dishes that EVERYone will eat and trust me when you find a dish like that in a family of 8 you stick with them.

2 – Since we were pretty much a ready-made team when we met with his 2 sons and mine the decision was really whether we wanted a large family. We both grew up in large families. His immediate since he is one of 14 kids and mine more extended with my father being 1 of 14. So we both knew that we wanted to have a large family it was just a matter of when we would start.

We ended up waiting about 3 years which was when I had my oldest daughter.

3 – Our last hangout was last weekend and we went to a movie and grabbed a quick bite to eat. I was so much fun. I have learned in 10 years of marriage and with a Team of Kiddies that when there is a chance for a date – day or night to grab it while I can.

Yay For Dates - Day Or Night!

Christy’s Questions:
1. What was your favorite place to hang out when you were in high school?
2. What was your favorite place to go to lunch in high school?
3. Did you work during high school? If so, what did you do?

1 – See now the way my Grandmother was – even in High School – there was no hanging out. I went to school, work and church most times in that order. The most I did was jump in a car with all my cousins and go to different concerts and stuff put on my local churches. We were all art of a local recording youth choir and we also got to do a lot of traveling with them. I loved it. It was like my only outlet and I made a lot of friends that I have to this day.

2 – I went to an all girl Catholic High School and we were not allowed to leave campus for lunch. That said my school was also located in the midst of Yonkers, NY on a street that had nearly every type of food you could want. So after school of if I had a free period I may have snuck out here and there for a slice, some Chinese food or even a great deli sandwich.

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday W/Dean From Mrs.Aok, A Work In Progress {FINALLY}


3 – Yes. My Grandmother was a firm believer in earning your own money and working. She took me to get my working papers on the first business day after my 13th Birthday. She even secured my first job at a local Drug Store chain. I worked there for nearly 6 years.


One of My Questions:

Name one of your favorite TV Shows from the 90s.

See if you can guess…

“In West Philadephia born and raised

On the playground is where I spent most of my days

Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool while….”


**Yup! I wrote that from memory…LOL


Wow! I had a lot of fun putting a bit of a Flashback Friday twist to this week’s #AskAwayFriday! Be sure to head over and visit Sonya, Jill and Christy to see what my questions were and how they answered the other ones too!! Pictures were a must so you’ll have some fun looking at their Flashback photos too 🙂


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Host’s reserve the right to remove any links that do not pertain to the #AskAwayFriday theme.

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14 responses to “#AskAwayFriday Flashback Style ! ! !”

  1. upliftingfam Avatar

    I worked at the age of 14 too. I worworked at the skating rink, mostly during the summer. Life was so different then. My daughter tried finding places to work once she turned 16 and found that some places you have to be 18.

    I love the graphic that your made. .
    My recent post Top Four Board Games Ages 7 Years and Older #HolidayGiftGuide2014

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I guess we started kinda early. I would have loved working at a skate rink…that’s seems like it would have been fun. Yes, my son found the same thing. I guess they don’t think kids need to work as early as we did. Oh, thanks so much. I always have fun with the graphics!

  2. Jill Avatar

    Hi Tiff, I am so surprised to know you and your husband came from such a big family !! Can't believe it families so big exist in reality. And yes, Chicken Parm is one of my favourites too .. and the picture of you in High school looks awfully cute! Thanks for sharing !
    My recent post Askaway Fridays Flashback Style!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Jill!! Yes we are definitely members of large families. It’s not as common anymore for sure but it definitely made for an adventurous childhood to say the least 😉 I may need to make some chicken park soon – I’ve takes myself hungry LOL Aww…thanks. Those were the high point of my NerdGirl years 😉

  3. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    I definitely don't see how you could NOT have snuck out for food during high school!
    We were allowed to leave campus senior year but there wasn't really anywhere great to go. Maybe the diner. I didn't really leave for some reason. I was such a goody goody, even though it was allowed!
    My recent post Do You Remember Your First Time?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I only did it a few times…I was always so scared about getting caught that I didn\’t work up the nerve too often. My inner goody-too shoes would hold me back…LOL

  4. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Can we please get more pictures of you as a kid, OH MY GOSH YOU ARE ADORABLE!!!
    That picture up top has to be one of your husband's favorites too, hottie!
    We had open lunch in high school, we kicked it at the mall or one of our friend's house 🙂
    My recent post Thank You Notes {3}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Nope. They get so Nerd anytime before that one…I will not share! LOL Thanks though…that was right after my big “I’m 18 now and I can chop off my hair if I want to” moment…I went even shorter a month or so later. Loved it! 😀

      Haha…yeah he kinda likes that one 😉

      I envied everyone who could leave for lunch. I always had to sneak out and then the pain of trying to sneak back in!! Gees!


  5. irkedmommy Avatar

    Oh my! That picture of you couldn't be any awesomer!
    My recent post Ask Away Friday with Gym.Craft.Laundry.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Thanks – which one? LOL 😉

  6. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    Cute haircut!!! I loved The Fresh Prince too. TV shows today just don't have cool theme songs. I think I remember all of the theme songs from my favorite shows. I couldn't go anywhere in high school either.
    My recent post Cents of Style: State Tees, Necklaces, & more 50% Off + Free Shipping

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!!! The was right before my even shorter cut hat nearly made my Grandmother disown me Lol
      No today’s shows are mostly instrumentals or pop music. Back then each show had its own song. Loved it.
      I guess being home didn’t hurt us 🙂

  7. Meg Avatar

    "I got in one little fight and my mom go scared she said you're movin in with your auntie and uncle from Bel Air." Gotta love Fresh Prince. I still catch reruns from time to time and laugh my ass off. I thought I already knew so much about ya Tiff! Glad to hear a few new things. Happy to be back doing Ask Away Friday! xo
    My recent post Ask Away Friday: Remember Me?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      COOL!!! Yes, always my fave…I still watch reruns too!! Hey I feel like I’ve shared it all sometimes but someone always seems to ask me something new – that’s the fun of #AskAwayFriday 😀 So happy to have you back – I missed you!!! xoxo

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