#AskAwayFriday With Lindsay Klein – My Tutu Twin…Maybe?!

#AskAwayFriday With Lindsay Klein - My Tutu Twin...Maybe?! | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

I was so excited when I stopped by the #AskAwayFriday Facebook Page one day and saw a status written by our lovely CoHost Tamara’s sister – Lindsay where she announced she was joining our little #AskAwayFriday Family! Lindsay has just started her Blog and the name truly says it all: LindsayKleinRocks! Lindsay is one of those Ladies you know will bring brightness to any moment. She has energy I can almost feel through her words and her passion for music, yoga and living life is contagious! So enough gushing…allow me to introduce you to my Tutu Twin…


Okay well not exactly twins…cousins maybe? LOL – either way we both love pink and tutus so she already lives up to her Rocks claim for me 🙂

Welcome back to the best link up around…#AskAwayFriday!


What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…

#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County and Amber from Bold Fit Mom, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between 2 Bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

We are sad to be losing Amber as one of our amazing Co-Host’s, as she is working to pursue other business ventures and focusing her attentions on her fitness ventures. We wish her nothing but the best, and hope for her thriving success!

When one door closes, another one opens…

We would like to give a huge #AAF welcome to a Brand New Co-Host…

drum roll please…
Welcome Echo from The Mad Mommy!


Now welcoming our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…

Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Echo from The Mad Mommy

So…grab our new button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!


So grab our button, follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing New friends!


Now Let’s Answer the Questions!

1.  What inspired you to start writing a blog?  Do you think it’s going in the direction you thought it would?  Would you like to see it grow in an even different direction in the future?
My inspiration definitely came from my need to give the voices in my head an outlet (if you write you know exactly what I mean….lol). I have kept a journal since around 6th Grade but once I got married, moved away from family and didn’t have my in church ministry anymore I had so many thoughts, poems and stories locked up inside I needed somewhere to release them and receive feedback. After doing my research, I felt a Blog would be the perfect place to do just that.
I do feel that my Blog is becoming more than what I initially thought possible but in the best way possible. When I started MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter it was as a release and a place to meet and interact with my Readers. Now it has become so much more. A community, a brand and a source of income. I am so excited for where things are going 🙂
I would like to continue growing the Brand of MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter and see where the Social Media Influencer, Brand Ambassador path takes me. I plan on taking a few classes in order to get started with Web Design and Graphics on a more serious level as well.


2.  I know a little bit about how you came up with your blog’s name, but can you be more specific to why you chose the name?  Did certain moments inspire the name, events, or a more general background..
It really is as simple as it seems. I’m MrsTee and I wanted to speak on the things that mean the most and make up the most of who I am: Love for my Faith and Family, the Life we have together and the Laughter that we enjoy sharing.
I don’t remember any specific moments being the inspiration. I was sitting trying to brain storm on what my site was going to be and the first thing I had to tackle was a name. I knew I wanted it to be a piece of me and I also knew I didn’t want to put myself in a box by being too niche specific. With my name I have the freedom to write about pretty much anything that I encounter in my life and I love that!


3.  I read that you lived in Hawaii for a bit!!!  I’m dying to go!!! My husband played baseball there and has told me a few stories, but please as someone who lived there, can you tell me what you liked best about it?  Was there anything you didn’t like about living there?  Would you ever move back?
Oh you so should!! I loved it there! Despite being big and preggers the both times I traveled there the actual living and lifestyle were amazing. The people are so welcoming and the land has so much history behind it. I still feel like we missed out on a lot simply because we were so focused on getting settled and surviving the military life we had. I would love to go back and experience it minus those pressures.
I loved going to the Ala Moana Center. It is an opened ceiling mall and the simple architecture was breathtaking! It had higher end stores like Louis Vuitton, Armani Exchange, Gucci and so many others. We would go there and just walk and enjoy the amazing fresh air and scenery. Not to far from there (within walking distance) there was a Dave & Busters and movie theater so we could literally go there and make an entire day of it.
The main thing I didn’t like about living in Hawaii was the Rock Fever that could set in. Rock Fever is something most mainland transplants experience when they realize they are literally surrounded by water and driving somewhere else is not an option. I had my first case of this when we had a Tsunami warning and the airports were shut down and all they could tell you to do was get to highland and wait it out. The island has island-wide sirens that go off during a Tsunami warning and the power went out so we were literally sitting in our dark living room with candles and a siren blaring every 5 minutes. It was torture. All I wanted to do was jump in my car and get my family to safety but it was impossible. You can cover the entire island in a 3 hour drive and still there was no where to go. So that part I could totally do without.
I would move back though! I know that sounds crazy considering my last paragraph but we still love the land and the culture. The weather is perfection and my Hubby and I often speak of moving back once the kids are a bit older and we have lived the life we want here.


4.  On the same topic of location:
 a. What makes you a NY girl to start?
I am a Bronx Girl born and raised so New York will always be my foundation. I lived in the same house until I was nearly 27 and almost everything I did was within a 10-15 mile radius of that home. I also seem to have held on to my New York attitude – I am quick to suspect folks and even quicker to let them know when they are overstepping…LOL There are days where I miss New York but…
 b. What makes you a Southern girl at heart?
I am truly a Southern Girl at heart because despite my New York roots and attitude I still prefer the slower pace, expanse of land and the ability to truly ‘turn in’ for the night. New York never slept and here I can hear crickets! I mean how awesome is that!?!?


5.  I watched your YouTube Channel and love it!!!  I happened to see a post about your husband and a first date where you told him upfront that you like to eat:)  So, what are your favorite foods to eat? 
Oh Wow!! Thank You!! Yes, The Husband TAG (Click To Watch)…that was so much fun to do. I love the short tags that still have the most interesting questions. Wow! Let’s just start by saying I love and enjoy my food and eating. So narrowing this down is not an easy task.
Pizza, Pasta, Chicken Parm with Rice (weird I know), Steak, Sweet Potatoes….OMGoodness I can’t I am seriously getting hungry as I type this..LOL


6.  I have a Bucket List theme going on this week in my blog, can you tell us five goals you would like to check off of your list one day?  They can be for just you, or include your family.

Finish out my Degree

Read This Too  Welcome Spring With Turn It Up Tuesday

Complete a Degree in Web Design and Graphics

Use My Passport

Zip Line

Write A Book


7.  Free time is such a treasure for me working a ton of jobs and keeping up with technology.  I know you are a very dedicated blogger as well as mom and wife.  What is your favorite thing to do for just YOU?
Definitely a Momma Day which usually includes getting my hair and nails done. Then a bit of shopping and maybe a movie and/or lunch.


8.  I happened to see you promoting a tattoo post and that your tattoos all have meanings.  Would you mind telling me about a few of yours, and their meanings ?
Sure. I have 5 tattoos in total. Hubby has declared I am done but well…I haven’t agreed to that just yet 🙂 I love my tattoos because like you said they all mean something to me. I have one on the inside of each wrist.
The first is an ambigram of the words Choice/Destiny. I got that one because of my roots in the church I had always been taught that tattoos were basically of the Devil and I would go to hell as soon as I got one. As I grew older, I began to study and understand for myself. I wanted mine to mean something and be something to me. For me coming to that point where I could actually make the choice to believe in my destiny myself and not just the one others told me I was supposed to was a breakthrough in my life. That is what that tattoo reminds me of. I always have a choice.
The second wrist tattoo is dedicated to my Kiddies. It is of each of their initials and shows them coming out as parts of my heart. The initials at the bottom are for me and my Hubby.
I also have a tattoo on my right foot that starts from above my ankle and goes all the way across the top of my foot. It is a cherry blossom branch with 5 blossoms. I got that one in Hawaii and it was hand drawn on my foot. The guy who did it was a true artist and I would love to let him draw something else when we go back. Still, I must say it was the most painful of my tattoos because your foot has the most nerve endings as anywhere and boy did it hurt the next day! I was good through the entire tatting but my foot was so swollen the next day and what made it worse was I was flying back home and ended up hopping my way through 3 flights and 3 airports…LOL
My last two tats are a bit more personal but one is on the back of my neck and the last is on my back 🙂


9.  If you could have your “dream date” right now with hubby, what would it be?
Oooh! I would love to have a couples getaway at a Bed & Breakfast with massages, dinner and perhaps a concert of some sort. Yes, that would be my perfect dream date 😀


10.  What is your ultimate goal, where you see yourself in X amount of years when the kids have grown, and it’s just you and the hubby?
Hmm…sometimes I am so nervous about thinking that far ahead. Let’s say 20 years. In 20 years, I would love for us to be living in our own home – owning it and having it custom to our life. I would also love to be able to travel and explore the world the way we want to so bad so I guess that would mean we would definitely have to be retired LOL. That’s really all I want. To be secure in my home and enjoying life with the man I love.


Thanks Lindsay for some really fun and unique questions! If you can’t tell how much Lindsay Rocks yet be sure to head over and check out her answers to my questions – NOW 🙂


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Read This Too  Super Bowl Sunday With The Mommy Monday Blog Hop!!

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15 responses to “#AskAwayFriday With Lindsay Klein – My Tutu Twin…Maybe?!”

  1. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    Oh man – that photo is gold. You are totally tutu twins!!
    My sister has gone zip-lining, more than once I believe. I'd love to do it. I have no fear of heights – just spinning things!
    My recent post The Sad Airplane Ask Away Friday.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO!! I loved her photo as soon as I saw it and had to do a collage…LOL Has she? I definitely need to do it soon…before I chicken out.

  2. ginnymarie Avatar

    I love the photos of both of you in your tutus! How cool is that! I went zip lining once, and it was amazing…you'll love it!
    My recent post Roses in January {Spin Cycle}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha!Thanks Ginny! I really want to do it soon – why I have the nerve 😀 Thanks so much for coming by!

  3. day-with-kt.com Avatar

    These really were fun questions!!!
    I want to move to Hawaii when we retire – interesting about the Rock Fever.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They definitely were! Lindsay was lots of fun..:) Aaaah yes, Rock Fever is no fun but the island experience is certainly worth it.

  4. Eddie Staudt Avatar
    Eddie Staudt

    Hi Mrs. Tee! You have five very cool and very industrious goals! I hope you achieve every one of them. I love your very special and very meaningful tattoos! I wish you well along your pathway as a Social Media Influencer, and Brand Ambassador. May the path take you all the way to Hawaii one more time.

  5. Lindsay Klein Avatar
    Lindsay Klein

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this and YOU! So much fun getting to know you better and your questions were beyond amazing!!!! Thank you so much! p.s. you convinced me yes I'm going to Hawaii:)
    My recent post An #AskAwayFriday post with Mrs. Tee from Love Life Laughter

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! I had so much fun with this swap and your questions were amazing as well…thank YOU LOL I’m so happy and I can’t wait to see and hear all your beautiful memories of it because I know it will definitely be awesome!

  6. irkedmommy Avatar

    Awesome swap! I love the tutu and coffee pictures! They really made me smile this morning! Oh man, I want to go to Hawaii so bad and reading this just made me want to go that much more, LOL!
    My recent post Ask Away Friday with a Lovely Brit!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Echo! Lindsay is so much fun and her life is amazing 🙂 It is definitely a place I recommend everyone visit at least once in a lifetime… hope you get there! xoxoxo

      1. Lindsay Klein Avatar
        Lindsay Klein

        Ditto sweetie! That photo is the bomb!!!!
        My recent post An #AskAwayFriday post with Mrs. Tee from Love Life Laughter

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          Haha! Thanks Lovie…so much fun!

  7. ssgannett Avatar

    Oh girl, I love the tattoos! I have 5 myself, and have several more in mind that I want to get when money permits. A Momma Day sounds amazing! Every now and then, when my oldest is off of work, we generally go do some thrift shopping and he takes his momma to lunch. We have such an amazing time together. I have lived in the Midwest all of my life, but I am such a southern girl at heart…but you can keep the crickets! LOL! Have a great weekend, girl!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Tamara from Tamara Camera Photography!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Stacey! I am slightly addicted. I started late in life and didn’t get my first until I was like 25. Hubby says I need to stop so I’m not the old lady all tatted up but I think I want at least 2 more…:) Yes, I am hoping to have a Momma Day soon…I’m overdue! LOL Awww I love the crickets at night I think they help me fall asleep. When I first got here they did drive me crazy though! 😀 Thanks s much for coming by Lvie…have an awesome weekend!

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