#AskAwayFriday W/Mary From Secret Obsession

Welcome to Week 12 of #AskAwayFriday!! Please meet our wonderful co-hosts for the month of October!

Wendy from EffieGirl
Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter
Megan from The Patchwork Paisley
The Patchwork Paisley

These ladies have been wonderful additions to #AskAwayFriday and always have great posts that everyone enjoys to read! 

Also, make sure you stop by and grab our brand new #AskAwayFriday button…

The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Without further adieu let’s kick off Week 12 of #AskAwayFriday!!!


I was so honored to Co-Host this week! It was a blast connecting and getting to know so many new Bloggers. I always look forward to always being a part of such a great group of Ladies. This week I get to swap with Mary from Secret Obsession.  Mary is a Senior in college and lives in the Phillipines.  Mary writes about her life as a college student and also loves all things chocolate, night time and internet!  Yay! All makings for a great Blogger 🙂


I met Mary through her amazingly awesome yet easy to participate with The October Daily Challenge.

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When I came across The October Daily Challenge I was searching for a daily challenge but I didn’t want something that was going to monopolize my day and take away from my normal Blogging schedule.  Mary had found the perfect balance!  The Challenges are fun, interesting and yes Challenging BUT they are also very doable with a normal Blogging schedule.  She even allows for you to skip a day (or two) if need be.  So once you finish with my answers to Mary’s questions be sure to head over and check out The October Daily Challenge you can still finish out the month and who knows maybe Mary will have one for November? Hint Hint

So, now that you’ve learned a bit about Mary, keep reading and see what she learned about me 1 question at a time.  Then don’t forget to head over to Secret Obesession and get to know her even more through my viewpoint!

What is your favorite family bonding time?

Our favorite bonding time is actually just a night at home when we don’t have any activities or projects to be done.  In my house, that is actually very rare so we value those nights when they come around.  

Most times it just means a movie, popcorn, pizza and couch time…every now and then we throw in a dance party or two 😉

If you won a free trip anywhere in the world with your family, where would you go?

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday With Lisa Orchard – Interview By A Spy!


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DisneyWorld!  We have wanted to plan a family trip to DisneyWorld for a few years now,  but as you can imagine a trip to DisneyWorld with 3 Kiddies and 3 Teenagers plus 2 Adults can get a bit costly.  We hope to get there within the next 2 years! 

How did you and your husband meet? 

I met my Hubby when he was driving cabs in our hometown.  He used to give me a ride home everyday after I got off the train from work.  I got to know a little bit more each day and he was like a great big mystery box.  He intrigued me. 🙂

How do you see yourself as a blogger 5 years from now?

In 5 years as a Blogger I hope to be a Brand Ambassador and have my Blog to a point where it is a top contender among the Blogs I admire.  Obviously I wish to be successful but I also want to be balanced in my Blogger identity and my role as Wife, Momma and Friend.

What are your blogging pet peeves?

I actually reference most of my ‘pet peeves’ in “10 Ways To Keep A Reader Scrolling“.  I think my main one that isn’t included there is when you join a Hop or LinkUp but then have your profiles listed as private.  Why join? LOL  

Spa or Salon?

I would have to say Spa since I’ve never actually been to one.  They look so relaxing and indulgent so it is definitely something I have on my “Want To” List.

What do you think is the best advice that parents can give to their children? 🙂

To be themselves and be confident in who that is.  God did not make you to be a carbon copy of anyone else.  He created you in His image and there are no mistakes in that.  I want my children to know themselves and never allow anyone to change who they are inside.

I feel if a child is confident in who they are they have a foundation that no one can shake and this can carry them through many trials and difficulties in life.

What do you like most about being a writer/contributor?

I love knowing that my writing is reaching an audience that I may not have been able to attract on my own.  I enjoy knowing that my contribution may be helping add to the success of another blog or Blogger’s dream even if only in a small way.

Being a writer and contributor are truly pieces of my dreams come into my reality.  I am forever grateful and thankful for the blessing to have the opportunities that have come to me. 

What is the best thing about being a mommy and a blogger at the same time?

Hmmm…I guess being able to share my experiences and the knowledge I’ve gained as a Momma with other mothers out there.  You never know what piece of knowledge you have may be the very piece another person needed.

How would you like to celebrate Halloween with your family?

My family only became really excited about Halloween with the birth of my youngest Kiddies.  Every year I try to find as many community activities for them to participate in as possible.  They love getting costumes but I love making sure they get to wear them more than once!  LOL  

This year I’ve actually found almost 6 activities throughout the month for them to take part in and 4 of them allow them to wear their costumes.  Guess what?  They are all either FREE or less than $3.  The other reason I find activities is because I very rarely give my Kiddies candy they collect.  We always buy enough to cover the neighborhood kids and to swap out their collected candy for the candy we buy.

When we finish our activities for the day we usually come home (I make sure we are done in time for our neighborhood Trick-or-Treat hours) and enjoy passing out candy and seeing all the different costumes from the kids in the area.  

That was fun! Now on to the next Blogger…


Check below for all the #AskAwayFriday Links!  Please only post if you are apart of #AskAwayFriday...host reserves the right to delete links that aren't related to this post.

1. The Patchwork Paisley {Co-Host}  8. Jen @ PinkWhen  
2. Michelle @ The MaMade Diaries  9. Beth @ Structure in an Unstructured Life  
3. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter {Co-Host}  10. Mary @ Secret Obsession  
4. The Real Housewife of Caroline County *HOST*  11. Melissa @ Home on Deranged  
5. Sarah @ Lomholt Blog  12. Raising Reagan  
6. The noise of boys  13. The Bold Fab Mom *HOST*  
7. Effie Girl {Co-Host}  14. Jhanis @ The Vanilla Housewife  

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14 responses to “#AskAwayFriday W/Mary From Secret Obsession”

  1. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    November is nearing and we have not gone to one Halloween trick or treat activity! Yikes. We always go to my husband's office because they usually have something grand for the kids and this year it's going to be on the 30th and the kids are so excited.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Are you dressing up??? Oh please say yes! I love seeing everyone’s costumes 🙂 What are your kids going as?

  2. Mary Belle Avatar

    You're almost there in your blogging goal Mrs Tee! 🙂 And you should definitely visit disneyland! It doesnt matter whether youre young or not, it'll bring you back to your childhood anyway. 🙂

    Thank you so much for inviting me to be part of the AskawayFriday! 🙂 It's been fun and I look forward to next Friday! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Mary! That means a lot…I’m trying to reach my goals day by day 😀 We hop to get there soon…I think I’m almost as (ok maybe a bit more) excited as my Kiddies! LOL

      I’m so glad you are now a part of the #AskAwayFriday team…I can’t wait to see you are your partners exchange for next week! Thank you so muhc for accepting my invitation 😀

  3. @boldfabmom Avatar

    I want to visit Disney World so bad! I've always wanted to go! I also love your advice for children! I completely agree!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m praying it happens this coming year…I know they will love it! Thanks! I struggled with being myself in spite of people and I don’t want my Kiddies to do the same.

  4. mamadecreations Avatar

    I really hope that I can take Eli to Disney some day! I always love reading your posts and getting to learn more about you! Your Halloween sounds super fun btw. I use to dress up more than once in October just because I love Halloween lol, so it sounds like my type of way to celebrate 😉
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Amber from Bold Fab Mom

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I really want it for my Kiddies…but a bit for myself too! 😉

      Thank you..I look forward to #AskAwayFriday every week…LOL So far we’ve dressed up once…tomorrow is our 2nd chance and we have 3 more by Halloween. Busy but tons of fun! 😀

  5. Sarah Avatar

    Girl we just went to Disney, and yes it is expensive LOL! But it was a lot of fun. You are a fantastic blogger, hope my blogs look like yours someday!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It’ll be worth every penny for their faces and memories. Things parents do 🙂

      Thank you SO much! That means a lot…ahem even thought you’re Blog looks a-ma-zing now! 😉

  6. @MeganHawthorne1 Avatar

    Oh my gosh I can't fathom how expensive it would be for you all to go to Disney. It's expensive in general, but for a big family for sure. We have been looking in to renting a house when we go to keep cost down, but then there are the park tickets…We always drive too so airfare doesn't become an added cost. That is so cute how you and your hubby met!! I didn't know that! Great story. XO
    My recent post Ask Away Friday: Week 12

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yeah the cost(s) are up there BUT we really want them to have that memory as an entire family. We want to rent a house too to help with the cost for meals and such (I can do groceries and save a bunch). I am the Queen of research and they do have packages that include tickets, 3 meals a person and the house. So, we are getting there…slowly but surely 🙂

      Yup that’s our little story…LOL Thanks!

  7. @mrs_chevalley Avatar

    OMG you have to go to a spa…it's totally worth it! I can't wait to go to Disney too! It's definitely going to be our next trip! Thank you for always being apart of AAF and co-hosting in October!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday Week #12!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know every time someone asks and I say I’ve never been I feel like I’ve been living in a bubble. I hope to get to one really soon…what’s the next holiday coming up I can hint for…? LOL 😉

      We are so hoping to get to Disney soon…especially since our oldest is almost 20…LOL

      I loved co-hosting and will try my best to participate …I love #AskAwayFriday 😀

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