#AskAwayFriday With Stacey From This Momma’s Ramblings

Happy Thursday before #askAwayFriday! πŸ™‚  This week has been one of tech craziness and ups and downs.  I am typing this in speed mode because I am running late on getting it done.  *I hate running late.*
*What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…

#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County as a place for us to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really get to know them!

Meeting other bloggers and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!

Your #AskAwayFriday Hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom


Introducing this week’s amazing Co-Host…

Heather from The Frill of Life!

Heather is an amazing person and Blogger. With a tagline like hers “finding reasons to smile in everyday life” you can always find a bit of positivity when you go visit her. I also suggest you check out her Blog Tip Series: Busy Girl Blogger

Ready to start? Grab our Button, Follow your amazing Hosts and this week’s Co-Host, Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!





This week I am exchanging questions with my fellow Host, Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings. I am excited to answer her questions and get to know her a bit more at the same time.  It is definitely a welcomed break from a bit of a stressful week.

#AskAwayFriday with Stacey

Let’s see what Stacey has to ask me… πŸ™‚

AskAwayFriday Stacey This Momma's Ramblings

1. What is your fondest dream that you have yet to accomplish? 

Honestly my dreams have changed so much as I’ve gotten older.  As a teen I wanted to be Ms. Corporate Businesswoman – no kids, corner office and all work and goals.  In College I was just trying to be a Mom and finish my education that corner office seemed less important than a steady check. Now as a SAHM, I am happy and satisfied with a life I never thought I wanted.

My dreams now include raising my Kiddies to be good people and adults, being a good Wife and Friend and most recently creating a successful Blog and Brand.  I think I am making steps towards everything daily and none of them are the kinds of dreams you can label as ‘accomplished’ but simply a work in progress.  My Blog dream is my most selfish one.  I really want this to be a good thing. For me, for those who read and view it and hopefully for my family when I get to a place where it can be a part of my income.

2. I am finding that as I get older,

I can tolerate rudeness in people less and less.

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

Haha!  I am so with you!  I don’t know if it is age or being a Momma but my nerves are wearing thin with a lot of things that I normally probably wouldn’t notice.  I think my pet peeve would be parents who don’t control their kids.

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday with Danielle…

The other day this kid basically walked over my Kiddie to get to something and do you think their parent said a word to me (like excuse my kid) or even to the kid (say excuse me)?  Nope. Nothing. Not one word. Just stood there.  I actually said something (loud enough for Mom to hear me) Oooh don’t you think you should say excuse me you almost knocked her over.  Guess what?  The kid said it and sorry.  It only takes a minute to teach a lesson but the ones who just say nothing.  Work my nerves.  I’ve been saying that a lot more too…LOL

3. If you could go back in time and change one thing about your life,

Good or bad,

What would you change and why?

Absolutely nothing.  Is that bad?  I think both the good and the bad have made me who I am today. I am happy with that person and to change any of those things (even the ones I saw as bad) would inevitably change my present self.

The easiest way I can explain it is with this scripture:

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been calledaccording to his purpose.”

Romans 828

4. If you could go back in time and interview any historical figure, who would you choose and why?

Hmmm.  Interesting question Stacey!  I think I would love to interview Coretta Scott King.  I have always admired her strength as a wife and mother and have watched a few movies and documentaries on her life. I feel her story has so much more to it and I am sure she could impart a depth of wisdom I would value forever.

5. What is something that blogging has taught you about yourself?

If I really want to do something.  I will find a way. When I first started Blogging the only thing I knew about HTML was when I used to try and write the codes to create the rainbow spirals on the very first computers – yes the little tan monitors with the black screen and green text (I am so old! LOL)  Yet with every bump I hit I learned.  I asked questions, I researched, I stayed up late and I figured it out.  Why?  Because I wanted to succeed and be what I had in my mind.  I am still learning, still asking, still researching and unfortunately still pulling all nighters but I am making progress and that is what matters.

6. I know that you are as big of a music lover as I am.

What are your top 5 songs that are rockin’ your playlist?

OOOH!  Yes!  Music is my comfort, motivation and escape.  Here’s my Top 5 (as of tonight):


Top 5 Playlist Songs by MrsTee on Grooveshark


7. With Mother’s day just around the corner,

What do you hope your Mother’s day will look like?

Read This Too  The 10th Week of #AskAwayFriday W/Tenns of New Mama Diaries

What would you like to get?

Peace and relaxation.  I stated above that this week has been kinda crazy (Vlog post coming this weekend…LOL) and I really just need to find my Hubby’s arms and take a breath.  We may go out for dinner or something but other than that I don’t really want anything.  Hubby has blessed me so much this year (iPad, MacBook, DSLR, Light Kit…) I need for nothing πŸ™‚  I am truly blessed and I would love to simply have a day to enjoy my family.

8. What dessert will you go for above any else?

Chocolate Cake.  Homemade. Yellow Cake. Chocolate Icing. πŸ˜‰

9. Does your hubby read your blog? Is he supportive of it?

He doesn’t read it at all unless I say “Hey look at this for me” but as I stated above he is supportive in every way.  He makes sure I have any and everything I need to be successful at what I am trying to do.

10. I hope to someday make it to North Carolina…my brother in law lives there. What is your area like?

I live in a really suburban area, not rural at all.  I love that.  I get the slowness of the country with the convenience of the city.  I love my city and my neighborhood.

Stacey had some really cool questions and I had fun answering each one of them.  Don’t forget to head over to Stacey’s and check out her answers to my questions including why she rather be under than over dressed.

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26 responses to “#AskAwayFriday With Stacey From This Momma’s Ramblings”

  1. Christy Garrett Avatar
    Christy Garrett

    I agree that I wouldn't go back and try to change my past. I lived through it for a reason that I may not fully understand and I learned a ton during every experience. I am thankful for the life that I have today.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s exactly what I meant! So am I … πŸ™‚

  2. Beth Avatar

    I love that you wouldn't change the good or the bad! I feel the same way – all of it has brought me to where I am right now, so i wouldn't change any of it!
    Hope you have a relaxing and peaceful Mama's Day!
    My recent post Talking Positivity and Motherhood with Mrs. AOK

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. I know it may be hard to understand in a way but I know I wouldn\’t be the person I am without everything I was. I hope your Mother\’s day is a blessed one as well!

  3. Jenny Avatar

    It's so wonderful that your husband is supportive of your venture. My husband is as well and it makes all the difference. They must really love us. Otherwise I couldn't imagine him putting up with me blogging all night while there's a mountain of dishes sitting in the sink and like five loads of laundry to be put away.
    My recent post The Joys of Book Club and Macarons

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I (we) are truly blessed because even if he may not \’get\’ the whole Blog thing he gets me and that\’s what he supports. LOL…I have had a few of those nights too πŸ™‚

  4. mamarabia Avatar

    I don't know if I'd say I have regrets, but I do often wonder what would have happened if I had made a few different decisions in my life. I'm not unhappy where I am at all, but it's still interesting to think about the other options.
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Stephanie from So I've Been Thinking…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      True. I don\’t see them as regrets I do have moments where I have the \’what if\’ thoughts but overall I know that they all lead me here. Thanks so much for coming by and I hope you have a wonderful Mother\’s Day Weekend πŸ™‚

  5. Amber l Bold Fit Mom Avatar
    Amber l Bold Fit Mom

    The Mr. doesn't read my blog either unless I tell him to look at something.

    I now have the song Happy playing in my head. πŸ˜›

    My recent post Get To Know Me Better With Ask Away Friday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yeah Hubby\’s are kinda like that sometimes…LOL Yay! It\’s such a fun uplifting song πŸ™‚

  6. Shelly Bergman Avatar
    Shelly Bergman

    I'm the same. Wouldn't change one thing, good or bad, about my past! We'd all be pretty boring if we only had 'good.' Your Mother's Day sounds absolutely perfect and I hope you get it! Happy Mother's Day! <3
    My recent post Top Disney Attractions for Kids-EPCOT

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I\’m so happy I\’m at a place where I am okay with ME…good, bad and in between. I a a work in progress but I am still good. I hope I do too πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful Mother\’s Day weekend too…how old is your little one? Is this your first?

  7. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    I definitely struggle with parents who don't control their kids! My kids are mellow and cautious and while I prefer that to bullies, I just worry about them sometimes. I guess that's normal.
    I have many blog dreams.
    And not wanting to change what's happened in your life is so cool – I agree that it all led me to this.
    My recent post A Mother’s Day Tell-All.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I have the same worries. Well for 2 of mine the other little one has no problems speaking up for himself. I had to tell my daughter just the other day that she doesn\’t have to be bossed to have a friend. It\’s so sad that parents aren\’t teaching these things.

      Yes, all our past moments have helped us get here.

      Have a wonderful Mother\’s Day weekend Tamara!

  8. Christy Avatar

    I certainly don't think it's bad to not want to change anything in your life. Good for you for accepting that everything that's happened has led to who you are now. I think that's an important lesson that more people need to understand.

    'Happy' is an automatic-smile song for me right now! I'll check out the others on your playlist, too. Happy Friday! πŸ™‚
    My recent post Ask Away Friday with Bold Fit Mom

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. I know most people would probably change the bad stuff but I honestly think it heeled me develop just like you said.

      OMGoodness HAPPY is an instant car dance moment in our family. No matter what πŸ˜€ Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

  9. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Hallelujah!!! When I see rude kiddos and the parents do nothing, I'm astonished. If you want good adults who respect others you have to work on that today. Conversely, I'm shocked by rude adults that behave rudely in front of children. I have no problem calling you out… sorry, not sorry. This lady was rude at the store using NO MANNERS pushing through my kiddos and I, I had to let her know. An excuse me does wonders.

    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day Mama!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I am so non-confrontational Most Time but when you mess with my Kiddies the other side comes out…not pretty. LOL I\’m glad you let her know!

      Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother\’s Day! xoxoxo πŸ˜€

  10. sarahkerner Avatar

    Visiting from the AAF link-up — great answers! I love that you included a way to listen to your fav songs… I've got them playing while I hop around and comment on AAF posts. If your husband or kids figure out a good way to give you peace and relaxation, would you bottle it up and send me some? lol. Have a great weekend.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Sarah! Thanks for coming by πŸ™‚ Thank you…Stacey had some really great questions for me this week. Haha! So glad I could share my Playlist with you…it changes so often…LOL Oh yes I would definitely ship a bit overnight! I\’ll let you know how they do πŸ˜‰ Hope your weekend is a wonderful one.

  11. Rea Alducente Avatar
    Rea Alducente

    It's funny and amazing that our dreams change as we grow up and are affected by so many factors. I find myself giving up other dreams I have for my family but it's not like I regret it. I feel like it's liberating, you know, at least not having to pressure myself at all times. πŸ™‚ I LOVE chocolate cake, actually anything choco! My husband doesn't read my blog too but recently he said, he would like to write something and asked me if I could publish it on my blog. I was surprised! LOL

    Happy Friday Tiffany!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn\’t it? You have so many set goals as a young person but when life changes they tend to change as well. I don\’t regret anything that has brought me to where I am.

      Ooooh! Chocolate is wonderful πŸ™‚

      That is great! I don\’t think my Hubby would ever write anything. Read maybe, write not so much…LOL

  12. batteredhope Avatar

    Great questions — even better answers πŸ™‚ Enjoyed the tidbits as I am getting to know you gals.
    Love your style of music!

    My recent post Liebster Award Nomination

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I’m looking forward to our swap and getting to know you a bit better as well πŸ™‚

  13. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    Hey Tiffany, I actually met Coretta Scott King when I was in college. My friend had Dr. King's sister (Dr. Farris) as a professor and we attended a King Day celebration at Ebenezer Baptist Church. My friend asked Dr. Farris to introduce us to Mrs. King and she did.
    My recent post Ask Away Friday With Rea from REAlity Bites

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That\’s so amazing! I always wanted to meet her. She was the personification of quiet strength…

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