Happy #AskAwayFriday Everyone! I’m so glad to be a part and have you visit once again! This week I get to connect and share with Christy from Uplifting Families. She is an amazing woman, mother and encouragement to Mothers and Families who may come across struggles in their lives and women, supporters and most importantly Mothers.
Head over to Christy’s site and you’ll find helpful advice on many topics including, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the many issues we may face during parenting. Christy is a loving mother and wishes to share her experiences and the lessons she’s learned from them to Uplift and Encourage other families who may be going through similar times.
Christy gave me 10 questions that she felt her Reader’s would find helpful. I’m definitely no expert on motherhood but I have learned that to give my best is the absolute best I can do for my Kiddies. So here goes…
What is your best advice for new moms?
Stay calm. Breath. Allow yourself to make mistakes. If you need a minute, take a minute.
The biggest lesson I had to learn as a new mom was that my son was resilient. He wouldn’t break or even leave me if I messed up. Yes, infants are reliant on you BUT they are also instinctive and will let you know what they need, want and desire. You simply need to listen and pay attention.
There were many times I would feel frustrated and overwhelmed. If you get there, don’t stay there. Take a moment. A baby can cry. Lay them down and walk away for a bit. Gather yourself and return. Never try to simply deal with everything in the midst of frustration or even anger. I used to get so angry at myself when I didn’t know what he wanted. Then my grandmother told me: “He will teach you simply be willing to learn”
Don’t try to be a SUPERMom from Day 1. It isn’t possible. There are elders, grandmothers, aunts and outside resources available. Accept advice, opinions and support as much as possible. Seek it out. Filter according to what feels right for you but don’t shut yourself off and think you can do it all yourself.
I was a teen mom as well when I had my oldest and it wasn’t easy but we are a great encouragement to all teen moms. What would you tell a teen mom if she came to you and confided that she was pregnant?
I’ve had this experience a few times and I always relied on my faith and God’s guidance as to what to say according to each individual. All situations and people are different and you can never have a template approach to anyone.
That being said, I usually tell my own story of Teen Pregnancy and how I handled it. Unfortunately everyone may not have the same support system I had in my Grandmother. So I try to offer myself and any other resources I can find to be available to them to help them in their situation.
Being a Teen Mom does not have to be a stigma or even a mark upon the rest of your life. The key word in Teen Mom should be MOM. You are going to be a Mother. Period. Yes, you may be starting earlier than society or anyone expects but your main focus and responsibility should be on trying to learn how to Mother not worrying about how people view you because of your age.
Did you breastfeed your children? Why or why not?
I breastfed all of my children. Initially it was because of my financial situation as a Teen Mom but then I actually did the research and learned how beneficial it was to my child and even to myself. Once I learned that, I made the choice to continue breastfeeding with all of my children regardless of my financial situation.
Breastfeeding is a great way to give your baby nutrients and natural protection from germs and sickness throughout infancy. Simply put I want to give my child whatever help I can to protect them as they grow. To me I felt that was by giving them the best nutritional foundation I knew.
Did you have any weird or unusual cravings during your pregnancy?
Ha! Which one? Let me see, with my oldest I was always craving random condiment type things. Grey Poupon, Sweet Relish, Olives! OMGosh I would eat an entire jar of Olives in one sitting. LOL
With my Big Girlie (oldest daughter) I wanted Baskin Robbins ice cream like desperately. I mean to the point where my Hubby and I drove to about 12 different locations looking for the Pink Bubble Gum flavor. Not sure if you know but Baskin Robbins releases certain flavors seasonally and some locations offer them while others don’t.
I was calling and tracking down that flavor for weeks. I ended up with a stockpile of about 12 quart containers. Aaaah! I was so happy! I have the BEST Hubby because he drove me all over TimBuckTwo looking for them and arranging for stores to hold them while I made the trip. I think the furthest we went from home was about 45 minutes. LOL Ummm….needless to say I had to eat that one on the way home. i mean it would have melted if I didn’t! Right?
During my pregnancy with my Baby Girlie (youngest daughter) I was living in Hawaii for the end of my pregnancy and Hubby would by me this amazing Guava Juice by the case! Ooooh I wish I could have some now but I haven’t found it here yet.
When I was pregnant with my Buddie (my youngest boy) I wanted Taco Bell nonstop. Specifically the Double Decker Taco! Ooooh! I think I want one NOW!
How do you juggle being a wife, mom, and find time to blog?
That’s just it. I ‘juggle’. I try to make sure that I am doing something within every area at least once during the day. I’ll put a load a laundry in then check my e-mails. Once the load is done I switch it to the dryer and then reply to comments. Then I’ll take a minute and do breakfast. As the Kiddies eat I’ll start a post…etc. I am the multi-task Queen! LOL
What is your favorite quick recipe that you fix for your family when you are in a hurry or need a quick meal?
Hmmmm….my quickest non-processed meal would be BBQ Baked Chicken, Mac&Cheese and Veggies. It’s the kind of meal once the initial prep is done I can pretty much set it in the oven and have it on the table in about 30 minutes.
Do you and your family have any Thanksgiving traditions?
We don’t really have any specific traditions. We make Thanksgiving all about being ‘together’. We recently stopped traveling and visiting other family members homes and made it all about US. Hubby and I both make dinner and we spend the day watching movies, listening to music, playing video games and simply enjoying each other.
What is your favorite bible verse?
Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (KJV)
This is my all time favorite scripture for many reasons. I even have a weekly LinkUp on Saturday’s based off the premise that in every situation there is a GOOD within. I invite people to come share the stories of their #828Blessings those things they may not have seen as good but then God turned it around and worked it out. Or even the random #828Blessings you have in your day-to-day life that simply make you pause on God and His goodness.
What visions do you have for your children?
Where would you like to see them go in life?
My vision for my children is to grow in their faith and the foundational values I am hopefully instilling in them. I want them to become a positive impact on society and those around them.
I would love for my children to go wherever their deepest passions lead them in life. at this point it changes daily but I pray that God reveal what their purpose and callings are and help guide them along those paths.
If you could spend a day doing whatever YOU wanted, what would you do?
Hmmm. My Hubby is honestly my Best Friend and it isn’t often that we get anytime that is set aside simply for us as a couple. I would love to have a getaway where we could both relax, be pampered and enjoy a full 24 hours simply loving and BEing together.
Christy had some really awesome questions for me. I hope that they bring encouragement and help to someone who reads them. Now don’t forget to go visit Uplifting Families to see how Christy answered my questions.
Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.
If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!
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