I am so happy to say that I am exchanging questions for this week’s #AskAwayFriday with Sonya from Saving Everyday With Sonya K.
I must admit I am a bit of a fanatic of Sonya’s…she is able to find some of the most amazing Sales and Savings I have ever seen. I have seen her grab up high quality and fashion forward items for as low as $5!!! Anyone can manage that is someone I need to get to know and learn from. So when I say head over to Saving Everyday With Sonya K. I say it with emphasis…Head Over There and Start Saving NOW!
Okay…now let’s do this questions thing
Sonya has truly gone above and beyond with her research and unique quality of questions. I was in awe! I can’t wait to get started… Let’s Go!
I know you are a music lover so let’s start with a few music questions.
1. What was the best concert you ever went to?
Where was it and who performed?
I am an avid music lover but I have been to very few concerts. I grew up in the church and a ‘concert’ for me was our Choir Concerts. I was a member of a choir from the time I could sing and throughout my youth I sang in a few that traveled from church to church and even a few that recorded an album. These are my fondest memories of ‘concerts’ and where my love for music was established.
I attended my very fist non-gospel concert with my Hubby (I think I was 26). It was a Gladys Knight concert at a casino type place somewhere in Connecticut. I. Loved. It. She was amazing and it was an intimate setting (no more than a few hundred people) so it wasn’t too overwhelming.
2.” King of Pop” Michael Jackson vs. Prince?
Who reigns supreme in your opinion?
*Disclaimer: To any Michael Jackson or Prince fans or haters this is only my opinion. I have one, you have one…they kinda work like noses that way *
Easy answer. Michael Jackson. Prince is an amazing talent but I feel that it is more than just talent that would grant someone a title of the ‘King’ of something. Michael Jackson had a spectacular talent but he also had a passion and love for his gift and he enjoyed it. Michael Jackson WAS his music.
For some reason, Prince has always seemed to be able to take or eave his music career. He has an awesome resource of talent yet it doesn’t seem to be as essential to who he is as it was to Michael Jackson and I think that comes through in the sound, lyrics and impact of the music itself.
3. Did you purchase Beyoncé’s latest album?
If so, what were your favorite and least favorite song?
No. I don’t really purchase a lot of my music lately, I actually stream it most times. I haven’t purchased a of the songs from the new album yet. I usually listen to them for a while to be certain I ‘love’ them first. I would list my favorite picks as No Angel…
I’m still thinking whether I’m going to purchase or just listen as they play…lol
As for a least favorite…I don’t really care for the explicit songs. They get really graphic and I honestly didn’t listen to them (thank goodness for the skip button).
Girl Scout Questions:
4. What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
It can be a current cookie or one from the past.
What’s Not To Love?!?!?
No, seriously there are a few that are my Top Order list but my all time favorite is the Peanut Butter Patties for sure! I have always been a peanut butter & chocolate combination lover it this cookie simply brings the best of my two favorite things together into one amazing cookie! PS – Cookies are in so anyone who needs their Girl Scout Cookie Fix feel free to E-mail: mrst {dot} haywood {at} icloud {dot} com!
5. Were you a Girl Scout growing up?
If so, how many years did you participate in Girl Scouts?
I actually was a Girl Scout when I was in Elementary School. I made it to the Brownie Level before my Grandmother realized she was not the camping type and decided I needed a more suburban friendly activity…LOL Luckily for my Girlies I am willing to brave the outdoors even though I was raised a city girl. I feel that the experience, the confidence and the skills that they are learning by being a part of the Girl Scouts far exceed the bit of discomfort I may feel on a camping trip
6. How long have you been a Girl Scout Leader?
This is my first year as a Troop Leader. I was a Parent Volunteer during my older daughter’s first Daisy year (last year). When our founding leader found out she was moving due to Military orders the remaining Leader asked if I would step in.
I was a bit hesitant at first because it is added responsibility but knowing that both my daughter’s would be a part this year I wanted to have this experience with them and what better way to share it than as a Troop Leader?
Random Questions:
7. I know you are a Scandal Fan are you on Team Fitz or Team Jake?
Yes! I can’t wait for February 27th! This is a really tough question. I don’t really care for Fitz because of the way he assumes that Olivia will always be his no matter how he treats her or what he says. Words and actions should have consequences. Still the fault can’t be only n Fitz, right? Olivia always forgives and returns. So does that make it true love? I’m not sure. Being the moral founded gal that I am I cringe everytime they are together simply because of the glaring fact that He Is Married. I don’t care how much you ‘love’ someone…marriage is marriage. That means NO.
I think this would be the main reason I would tend to be Team Jake. He is single. He truly cares for her and would put his life on the line for Olivia in spite of and at times in the face of her remaining love for Fitz. So that’s it….I’m Team Jake. There. Sorry Gladiators.
8. I read a comment where you said you are a Truck Girl…
What is your dream truck?
Wow! Dream would imply that cost wasn’t an issue right? If that is the case my Dream Truck would definitely be a the last body model of the truck I currently have in a maroon/dark red color. I love my truck and the body style I just need a few of the updated features like the touchscreen navigation (I still have a scroll knob) and the push button 3rd row control (I‘m little but climbing back there to lower those rows is a mess).
I know that you are a gamer so here are a few video game questions:
9. My family loves Nintendo, what is your favorite game console?
(Playstation, Xbox, or Nintendo)?
My Teenager is a complete XBox fanatic. He plays that and prefers it above all others…he was ecstatic this year when he saw that green and black box for the Xbox One on Christmas morning…LOL
The rest of us actually like the Playstation. We haven’t upgraded to the 4 yet so we still have the 3 but we love it. I actually prefer the Playstation controllers over the Xbox…the system may be better but I hate the controllers. So Playstation it is for me
Honestly though I think we have had every gaming system out there: Nintendo (the Original), Nintendo Wii, Game Cube, Sega…ALL of them! LOL
10. What is your favorite video game to play with your family?
What is your favorite game to play alone?
Our favorite family games are the ones my Kiddies love the best. Right now they seem to be stuck on a permanent rotation between Young Justice (it has 3 play option so they can all play at the same time), Brave which has 2 players(they swap out as one person dies), Epic Mickey 2 and Toy Story 3 (they have been playing this so long that we have 3 copies from them wearing out the CDs).
My oldest daughter (6) the true up and coming gamer. She can literally sit down with a new game and beat it within a day or so. She is also some stiff competition for my Hubby and Teenager and has even helped them beat a few games.
My Teenager favors strategy based games or zombie themed ones…LOL He is totally consumed with those he got with the Xbox One for Christmas.
My favorite games tend to play when I (or We if my Hubby and I conquer it together) beat a game or when we purchase a new one. Right now I am into playing Batman Arkam, Injustice Gods Among Us and an oldie but GREAT one – Marvel vs. Capcom. Batman and Injustice are single player so I usually play them alone but kinda Tag Team with the Hubby if I get stuck somewhere. Marvel vs. Capcom I alone versus the computer but we play it as a family as well.
How much fun were these questions??? I love the way Sonya picked a theme and different areas of my life to inquire about! I may have to borrow this idea for some future #AskAwayFriday questions of my own… Great format!
Now that you’ve gotten 10 questions closer to knowing all about me, head over to Saving Everyday With Sonya K. and see what questions I came up with for her and get to know her a bit too!
Also, if you love #AskAwayFriday and would like to participate feel free to contact Penny over at Real Housewife of Caroline County, drop me a message in the comments, through my Contact Me or through any of the participating Bloggers and we’ll be sure to let you know how to get started and get connected.

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