Back To School Ready With SanDisk Memory At Best Buy

Back To School Ready With SanDisk Memory
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Back To School Ready With SanDisk MemoryDisclaimer:  The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

We live in the age of technology. This is a statement that can’t be denied so when it comes time for Back To School shopping I have an entire list dedicated to the technology and tech support my kids will need throughout their school year. This includes being back to school ready by having all the storage and memory they need to support all of their different devices. Thanks to SanDisk at Best Buy that’s one list I don’t have to worry about anymore!

My Teenager is starting is Sophomore year of College and even though we made sure he has the best laptop we could find wit the most memory available having  away for him to store his papers, files and downloads is something we know is still necessary. No one wants to have their Teen call from school to say they have run out of storage or that their laptop has crashed from downloading the wrong thing. This is how the SanDisk FlashDrive has made it to the top of his Back To School Supply List.

SanDisk FlashDrive

Available in storage sizes ranging from 16, 32, 64 and even 128GB SanDisk offers a variety of drives capable of offering your student the storage they need in just about any situation! Be sure to head over to Best Buy Online and check out which device fits your child’s needs best.

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Now the need for technology and storage for that technology didn’t start or even stop with my Teenager. Not even close. In this tech and gadget age even my youngest children have a bit of tech storage added to their Back To School Supply List. When my youngest daughter started Kindergarten I was so shocked when she was sent home with a list of Apps and different website she was to use at home to help her with her basic skills. ABCs, 123s and so much more can now be practiced through tablets and the Apps they have so easily available. Yet with this came the need to increase the storage she has on her youth-sized tablet from a small 16GB to the amount of memory that could tackle a full year of learning her letters, shapes and sounds.

So this year, when I saw that Best Buy offers a range of memory disk for both iOS and Android based devices, I knew there was one more thing I could check off my to do list. No need to worry about how to give her and her sister the extra storage they would both need – SanDisk has me covered.

Back To School Ready With SanDisk Memory

It is so easy to slide the SanDisk microSD card into my children’s devices and see that low storage ability increase to one I know can carry them through the entire school year without any worries. If you’re not sure what type of storage you need to help get your children’s tablets through the school year be sure to head over to BestBuy Online and check out all the options SanDisk has available.

Now Back To School Lists don’t end with the students alone. As a parent I always want to be ready to capture those moments that come once in a lifetime like their first awards ceremony, recital or even sporting event. This is where being SanDisk can help me as a the mom get Back To School ready with my DSLR or Point and Shoot Camera. No more worries about taking one too many pictures and getting the dreaded ‘memory full’ message as you go to snap the next one. Thanks to the SanDisk DSLR memory cards I can have enough memory to last me through 2 elementary and 1 college year of memories.

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Back To School Ready With SanDisk Memory

Thanks to BestBuy I can not only cover the needs of the students in my home but mine as the parent of those students as well. Head over to BestBuy Online and check out all the storage options available to help make your family Back To School Ready with SanDisk!

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24 responses to “Back To School Ready With SanDisk Memory At Best Buy”

  1. Mommy Peach Avatar

    We love Sandisk! It's our go to brand when it comes to memory cards and flash drives. My daughter has her own which sje uses for school.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Same Here!! I just bought a new one for my phone!

  2. The Trophy WifeStyle Avatar
    The Trophy WifeStyle

    You can never have enough memory!!! I'm a picture hoarder and memory cards save me daily!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Nope! I rather have too much than too little any day…LOL

  3. @theaprilnoelle Avatar

    Most of my media storage is with SanDisk. I love them. So far, everything has been reliable. And by so far, it's been years!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Mine Too!! I totally agree and that isn’t always easy to say with some brands.

  4. Rosey Avatar

    This is the brand I like for my memory cards. I have never ever had a problem with a SanDisk.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They are very reliable and I love that they have options for so many different devices.

  5. Dhemz Avatar

    SanDisk is a pretty reliable product. I think I have almost of their memory cards and USB…lol!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They are. One of the best brands for reliable memory storage and durability.

  6. katehardin Avatar

    I am a photographer and I love Sandisk. I use the compact flash cards.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I use them in my DSLR and Compact – great brand for sure! Thanks so much for coming by Kate 🙂

  7. Travel Blogger Avatar

    I love their SD cards but have never tried one of the USB drives, I'm going to have to change that!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me Too!! They are so should – now is the perfect time 😀

  8. Elizabeth O. Avatar
    Elizabeth O.

    Ah yes.. San Disk has been making awesome storage products from memory cards to USB flash drives. The best part is that everything is very durable. Not one to give up on you so easily so you don't have to worry about files being gone forever!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They do! You’re right I have never had one of mine break or even get damaged. Durable and reliable. Perfect for Back To School!

  9. vegetarianmamma Avatar

    Back to school, its hard to believe its that time already! This summer flew! These are great storage solutions!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it..the summer went by way to fast! They really are – I love SanDisk

  10. Michele Avatar

    They are requiring kindergarteners to ise apps at home? What happens if the parents can't afford the electronics–I think this is a very bad idea altogether! I have used San Disc products and they really are the best.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes ma’am! I was surprised to. It isn’t for a grade but more to help them practice at home in a fun way. Most of the Apps are actually available on a smartphone as well so a lot of the Kids just use their parents phone…it’s not mandatory they just send home suggested list of Apps to help your child at home. So far it has been really successful. I am sure they have alternatives for any home who doesn’t have access to the tech at home – such as the library.

  11. Liz Mays Avatar

    I use those SD cards so much. I can use the same card on my camera and my camcorder so I don't have to worry about storage space!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So do I. I love how the cards are interchangeable with so many devices.

  12. Alex from Sew, Simmer, and Share Avatar
    Alex from Sew, Simmer, and Share

    Flash drives are such a necessity these days! I just bought a 16 gig one to store my teaching stuff on.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They really are! I have several and I think it's becoming a collection but I use them all the time. 🙂

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