Bee Witched By Julia Dweck {KiteReaders Book Review}

Beeatrice loved everything about what it was to be a bee…or so she thought…


Over the weekend my Kiddies and I sat down to read Bee Witched By Julia Dweck and when I say that the illustrations by Aida Sofia Barba grabbed their attention I mean we barely made it past the cover screen!!

bee witched kite readers

My Girlies were fascinated by her cute bee outfit and they loved her bright red hair and extra large glasses.  My Little Buddie was in love with the way she ‘almost looks like a bee’  😀  I knew from the start this book would be a definite hit!

As I started reading I did have a bit of an issue with the font that was used although it was cute and had a very childish quality it was a bit illegible in certain parts.  That aside, my Kiddies had a ball as I emphasized ‘bee’ in the words that Julia played with by adding the ‘bee” to them like ‘bee-licious’ and they were cracked-up when they found out that instead of answering her teacher Beeatrice would simply ‘buzz’.

My oldest daughter was really impressed by the fact that Beeatrice didn’t let the bad names that the bully in school called her make her upset.  She’s been learning about bullies in school and at home and I was happy she had a chance to see another example of how to handle them. My youngest daughter was amazed at how ‘perfect’ Beeatrice’s Halloween costume was.  I believe we may be looking for a Bee costume ourselves soon…LOL At first I wasn’t sure if my Little Buddie would like this books as much as the Girlies but he was so excited to see Beeatrice’s friend Dewy dress up as one of his favorite super heroes!

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I think that Julia did an amazing job of not only letting children know that liking something is fine but it is also important to like yourself just as much.  When I asked my children what their favorite part from this story was they all said that Beeatrice learned how to like being a little girl.  This is definitely a great big lesson for little kids and Julia made it easy to teach to a 7, 5 and 3 year old.

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