Beer & Yoga! Who Knew?

Beer & Yoga! Who Knew? |
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That’s right folks you saw that title right. Beer & Yoga. Together. Like at the same time. Who Knew right? I sure didn’t but thanks to the amazing awesomeness that is Dirtbag Ales and Hayat Yoga I had the chance to experience a few firsts all in one day!

Our day started at Dirtbag Ales in Hope Mills, NC. A short drive from Fayetteville, Hope Mills is definitely what I would consider our Sister City. Just like Fayetteville, Hope Mills has some really cool local businesses that are definitely worth making note of Dirtbag Ales being one of them.

Under Construction

Once we chatted a bit we piled into separate vehicles and headed over to check out the Brand New Dirtbag location which is currently under construction. Located only 3 miles from the original location this massive piece of property has a few massive sized plans in store for the surrounding Sandhills community.
Shannon of Dirtbag Ales shared with us how their biggest desire is to bring Dirtbag Ales to a larger consumer base while building a community right here in North Carolina.
Beer & Yoga! Who Knew? |

The Plans

Plans for the new Dirtbag Ales location include (but I’m sure aren’t limited to):
Increased production abilities bringing them from 4 tanks to 7 with 3 being twice the size they have now. They will increase from 1500 barrels produced to 4000 a year up to which will also allow them to expand their distribution to Greensboro, the Coast and beyond.
The land surrounding the new location was a key selling point for the Dirtbag Ales team. They took the move a bit beyond the city to be sure they could make this location all they could ever want it to be – a Brewery with something for every member of the community.
Utilizing the full 6 acres of the property Dirtbag Ales plans to include the following:
Outdoor Stage
Children Play Park
Dog Park
Covered Patio
Beer Garden
Freestanding Masonary Fireplace for night vents
Several Sports Fields (Rugby, Lacrosse, Soccer and even a bit of Dirtbag Dodge Ball)
The Dirtbag Ales Farmer’s Market
Permanent Food Truck location featuring RBurger

The Market

The Farmer’s Market is going to be a partnership with Sustainable Sandhills who is going to help bring together the community Farmers and local producers to one place.
“Sustainability non-profit focused on preserving the environment of the Sandhills Region for current and future generations” Hannah – Sustainable Sandhills
Each month visitors will have the chance to interact with local farmers and learn how they practice sustainability on their land and in their production processes.
“A place where locals and producers come together” Kelsey – Sustainable Sandhills
Consumers will be able to find all they love from a Farmers Market and a few things they may not expect including Fruits, Vegetable, Meats, Baked Goods, Fresh Eggs, Honey, Handcrafted Goods, Jewelry, Textiles and More! I don’t know about you but I’m excited! I can see The Dirtbag Ales Farmer’s Market being the perfect way to spend a lovely weekend with the family, friends and community!

The market will be every Sunday from 10am to 1pm. Opening weekend

is April 15th and it will run thru October 28th. We are kicking off the market with a strawberry festival on April 15th. Where we will tap our Sandhills American Blond made with local strawberries.
Will I see you there?

Back To The Beer

After our tour, we headed back to the original Dirtbag location on Legion Road because it was time for beer! Now I have a confession: I am a total beer amateur. I had a taste or two a few years back and thought it was gross. I said it. I thought it was gross and had no intention of trying it again – until now.
So I made sure I let my bartender, Hope know that she was dealing with someone who already had a bad taste in her mouth from her last beer experience. No worries though, Hope was not intimidated. She had the perfect brew to turn this situation around.

Thanks to Hope from @dirtbagales for helping this #Beer Newbie pick her first glass . . .! _ Check out my first sip reaction on my #YouTube recap later tonight!! _ #Sponsored #FayNCBloggers #DirtBagAles #VisitNC #fayettevillencyoga #yoga #veteranowned #hayatyogashala #faylovesyoga #SustainableSandhills #RBurgerTruck #LoveLocal #MyFayetteville #MyNC #FayettevilleNC #DowntownFayNC #NC #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #TheMrsTee

A post shared by TheMrsTee (@themrstee) on

The brew Hope mixed up for me was a 1-4 blend. She gave me a mix of the Raspy The Saison and Sour Patch Wit. Wanna know what I thought of my first sip…? Watch the full video recap below! Yop, I’m gonna make you wait! Or you could click it and watch now. I’ll be here when ya get back!

Namaste With The Beer

Okay. So we had the bear and now we need the yoga because after all this was the perfect pair up I never knew I was missing right?

This is where Hayat from Hayat Yoga came in. A military transplant, Hayat arrived in Fayetteville back and stayed because she felt there was a need for what she could offer. After her yoga class, I totally agree.

I’ve tried yoga a few times before but Hayat gives you not only the technical positions and moves but she brings her personality, support, encouragement and humor into every part of each class. There’s nothing better than adding in a bit of laughter to your fun! Oh and the beer just helps things get even better the longer things go…

By the end of the class I was feeling relaxed, stretched and happy. I’d say that’s the perfect proof of how well yoga and beer really do mix.

Beer and Yoga is a monthly class offered at Dirtbag Ales twice a month on Sundays. If you wanna get your yoga on and get a taste of one of Dirtbags custom brews be sure to Visit Dirtbag Ales Events.

Don’t Forget The Beef

Now we couldn’t have all this fun and not finish it off with some amazing food. That’s where RBurger Food Truck came to our rescue. If you live in the Fayetteville area I’m sure you’ve seen this familiar truck parked around. If you’re smart I hope you’ve already tried them.
These burgers are fresh made and topped with some pretty unique combinations of flavors that never fail to make this girl hungry for more. Today’s menu included:
The Classic Cheeseburger
Southern Burger
– housemade pimento cheese, grilled onion and mustard
Carolina Burger
– Chili, Slaw, Mustard and Onion
Jalapeno Colby Jack Burger
– Jalapeno and Colby Jack Cheese
Add Ons
Bacon, Chili or Slaw
Fresh Cut Fries!
*The fries are sure to be addictive so eat at your own risk!

My @rburgertruxk pick today: The Carolina Burger: Cheese Chili Slaw Mustard _ #Sponsored #FayNCBloggers #DirtBagAles #VisitNC #fayettevillencyoga #yoga #veteranowned #hayatyogashala #faylovesyoga #SustainableSandhills #RBurgerTruck #LoveLocal #MyFayetteville #MyNC #FayettevilleNC #DowntownFayNC #NC #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #TheMrsTeeA post shared by TheMrsTee (@themrstee) on

My @rburgertruxk pick today: The Carolina Burger: Cheese Chili Slaw Mustard _ #Sponsored #FayNCBloggers #DirtBagAles #VisitNC #fayettevillencyoga #yoga #veteranowned #hayatyogashala #faylovesyoga #SustainableSandhills #RBurgerTruck #LoveLocal #MyFayetteville #MyNC #FayettevilleNC #DowntownFayNC #NC #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #TheMrsTeeA post shared by TheMrsTee (@themrstee) on

RBurger was the perfect ending to a pretty perfect day. I went home happy, full and excited for the next #FayNCBloggers MeetUp. Stay Tuned because I know when it comes to MeetUps that are planned by the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors Bureau there can only be great things ahead!

Learn More Here . . .

Dirtbag Ales: Online, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Follow Dirtbag Ales Farmers Market: Facebook and Instagram
Sustainable Sandhills: Online, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Hayat Yoga: Online, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

For all my beer lovers this newbie has a question . . .

Beer & Yoga! Who Knew? |

Beer & Yoga! Who Knew? |

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22 responses to “Beer & Yoga! Who Knew?”

  1. […] fourth brewery up on our #FayBrewTour is one I already fell in love with after having my very first Beer & Yoga experience with them. Dirtbag Ales is located a short drive outside of Fayetteville in Hope Mills, […]

  2. […] couple months ago, I had the chance to have my very first Beer & Yoga day which included a tour of Dirtbag Ales! This month you get the chance to see where Dirtbag […]

  3. LeighAnne Avatar

    This sounds like such a great thing 😊 I would love to take my husband to one of these!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It was really fun! I think he would enjoy it 😉

  4. Oyinkan Avatar

    I love farmers markets. My first official time experiencing one was when they were filming an episode (cant remember which show) & i jusy haooen to be in the neighborhood for the farmers market scene. Ppl got to keep all the goods afterwards.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I’ve actually never been to one but I will be there for this one’s grand debut with bells on – or at least something pink 😉

  5. Dee Jackson Avatar
    Dee Jackson

    Oh wow. This is such a creative way to get more people into yoga. Will pass this on to my guy friends who love beer.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I totally agree Dee! It was SO much fun! That’s great – thanks for being willing to spread the word…

  6. Rosey Avatar

    This is a way to get more men going to yoga with their women, hahaha. Just kidding. Sort of. 😉

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You know what that is a great idea Rosey! I never even thought of that… LOL

  7. LavandaMichelle Avatar

    I love yoga, because almost every place I’ve been to has done something different with it. I think its because some people including myself were “iffy” about the idea at first because it kinda sounds boring. But when these yoga places add variety and extra factors to yoga it makes it so such more fun! This place sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I’m telling ya they are not short on ideas that’s for sure. I’ve heard of Hot Yoga, Goat Yoga… it seems endless. Still I think each one appeals to different people which is so cool! Thanks so much for coming by!

  8. Jennifer Avatar

    They are coming up with so many experiences involving yoga! We have place near us that has yoga and goats. So creative!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Really! I don’t think anything is off limits…LOL

  9. Holly Jo Avatar

    Oh my goodness!! How cool is this? I wish I lived closer so I could go!!!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Super Cool, right Holly? I was skeptical but it was so much fun I can see why they paired them up…

  10. Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom Avatar

    Wow! Looks like they’ve thought of everything. I’d love it if they came to Michigan.

    I have lots of fave brews, btw. Sometimes I like stout (tastes like a meal) but mostly I like wheat beers. Do NOT give me an IPA though. I’m not a fan of all that hops.


    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      They really did Katy! It was such an amazing day. Hey, if their plans happen hopefully they will continue to grow and expand. Okay see I am starting to love learning about the different varieties of beer. I hadn’t heard of Stout before. Now everyone I knew loved the IPA so that’s interesting! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  11. Blairvillanueva Avatar

    This is a unique experience! But I doubt if i can concentrate on yoga or beer 🙂 This is super fun!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha! It really was… Surprisingly I was able to concentrate – Go Figure! 😀

      1. Blairvillanueva Avatar

        Good for you Mrs Tee! Or maybe I skip the yoga and learn how to make their beers. This is another learning experience.

        1. TheMrsTee Avatar

          Thanks!! Yes, they offer a tour but I’m no so sure they’d share everything…LOL 😉

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