It’s one of my favorite times of the week: #AskAwayFriday! This week I am exchanging questions with Ana of Our Blended Marriage and having a lot of fun with her awesome questions. Ana and her Husband write an amazing blog where they share their family story, web design tips and so much more so be sure to head over and visit them.
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
So grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
Now on to Ana’s questions…
1. I know you wrote a post about being a vlogger, do you have any other tips for someone looking to expand their blog into vlog?
Yes, that post was written when I realized that a lot of Bloggers are scared apprehensive about starting to Vlog when in reality there is not a huge difference between being a Blogger and a Vlogger – besides the camera of course
Besides what I showed in the post about how similar the preparation, dedication and content I would tell them that Vlogging is just giving your Readers a voice and face to put to your words. It is a great way to turn Readers into Viewers and in turn new Viewers into potential Readers.
When you take your content and creativity beyond your URL into YouTube land, you expand your reach and your impact but you also open yourself to more opportunities as a brand and networker.
2. What is your favorite fashion accessory and why?
I would have to say my handbags. I love bags. I used to be the girl who never had a bag and if I did it was the smallest one I could find. Since becoming a Mom I have totally switched sides. The bigger the better! LOL…I have so many things to carry and be sure I have for those ‘just in case’ moments that a small bag has become something I can only use when I know I will be alone and even then I am so accustomed to the space I still stay with a larger bag.
I always like to try different styles and shapes but my favorite is definitely a tote. A great tote can be so versatile while still being stylish.. Take a look at the bag I am taking along for this weekend’s Bloggy Boot Camp in Atlanta:
I picked this tote because Coach is one of my favorite bags and it was my first ‘high end’ brand that I ever owned so I’m kinda faithful to it (I have 5 of them now). I also knew that I wanted to be able to fit everything I could need for my flight and for the conference sessions. Stay Tuned for a “What’s In My Bag – Conference Edition” to find out what I am carrying in there…
3. What is your favorite comfort food?
4. What’s the most frustrating thing about blogging?
Frustrating? I’m not sure I’ve let anything really get me to the point of frustration well besides the crazy technical things that I have no control over. You know when things just seem to go wonky for no reason. The stuff that happens to set me back that I have no control over and at times can barely figure out how to fix. The Site issues, host issues, plugin issues, etc.
Other than that I Love Blogging
5. I know you have 4 boys and 2 girls. What’s the best thing about having a son? What’s the best thing about having a daughter?
Yes. I think I had a similar question a time back (of course I can’t find it now) and I really don’t see a best either way. My Kiddies are all so unique and different in their own ways but none of them really depend on them being girls or boys. My girls have been just as rambunctious and my boys and in turn the boys can be just as dramatic and at times sensitive as the girls.
I know not the answer most people want or even expect but I just love having kids…they are so funny, innocent and expect nothing but the best of the world. I love watching them develop and grow into who they will be and helping to guide that growth. It’s definitely the biggest blessing in my life.
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I have so many places on my list of Places to Go but I think my first pick would be Portugal. My Grandmother is half Portuguese and she has spoken of wanting to visit there for so often I think I would really like to go and be able to bring her back my recap of the experience. I know at this point in her life she may never get there (mainly because she refuses to fly anywhere…lol) so I would love to be able to do that in her place.
7. I always say that I admire all the Army wives out there. Quite frankly, I am not sure how I would handle it, if I would be able to handle it at all. I think I have some sort of separation issues (if there is such a thing). What is the hardest part about being an army wife?
There is definitely a point of separation anxiety. When my Hubby first deployed I did everything I could to district myself during the day simply to avoid noticing he wasn’t there. The nights were the hardest. The kiddies would be asleep and I would be left alone with my thoughts and my loneliness. It was so hard at times but I found the strength for my kids.
8. Which song best describes you?
Wow. This is a hard one. I have said that I tend to live my life with a constant soundtrack playing in my head. I love music and can always find a song, genre or artist that speaks to me in so many different situations. So picking one that best describes me…hmmmm… I think the biggest part of me is my faith. It is my foundation – it is who I am. So when I first heard the song ‘God Girl’ by Jamie Grace I felt like she wrote it just for me…
I’m a God girl that’s who I’ll be From the top of my head to the soles of my feet I can’t deny it, wouldn’t even try I’m your girl in a crazy world God girl that’s who I’ll be From the top of my head to the soles of my feet No I can’t deny it, wouldn’t even try I’m yours
9. Everyone has that one dream they hope to make a reality. What’s yours?
I think my dreams have changed as the stages of my life have. Right now I have a few for the different parts of me. I want to see my older kiddies excel as they continue their educations in college. I want to be able to support them but also admire them because I already know the potential for success that they each hold. I’m excited for where they can go.
I am also so excited to watch my youngest kiddies as they start their educational journeys. I think it is so amazing to have kids at both stages in life. I love watching my youngest as they learn something new or begin to create their own ideas about things. It absolutely fascinates me and I am enjoying watch them discover themselves.
In my own life, I am enjoying this thing called Blogging. I want to be successful but I also want to keep the passion I had when I started. My main goal is to continue to establish the brand of me, MrsTee. I have so many ideas and can’t wait to gain the knowledge I need to make them happen.
10. We’re getting into the holiday season! What is your favorite holiday? What are your family’s traditions for that holiday?
Christmas! I love all of the Holidays but Christmas is the one where we are all together for more than a few moments and I absolutely love it. We have a chance to make new memories and it is definitely the perfect season for just that.
Thanks so much Ana! Those were some really great questions and I had a lot of fun answering them. Would you like to ask me a few questions for an upcoming #AskAwayFriday and join in the fun? Let me know in the comments and we can schedule something. I love meeting and getting to know new Bloggers
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Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
12 responses to “#AskAwayFriday With Ana From Our Blended Marriage”
Rea Alducente
I'm a bag person too! I never leave the house without a bag. Your bag is lovely! Impressive how you're able to keep your strength as an army wife. Kids are blessings and yes, they keep us going all the time.
My recent post Better Late Than Never!
I had a really bad Little Debbie addiction in college. Star Crunch and Oatmeal Cookies were my favorite. I would buy two or three boxes at a time and that was just for me. I realized I had a problem senior year when I thought I was out of snack cakes and then ran to my closet area when I remembered that I had a star crunch that had fell out of the box. I wasn't even hunger but I still ate it. Just because I felt deprived with them…LOL. I've only had about two or three Little Debbie snack cakes since then.
My recent post Ask Away Friday with Bernadyn: Fall Edition
Christmas is pretty darn special, isn't it?
I like your blogging attitude and I have to agree that technical issues are the WORST. Everything else can be fixed or ignored of gotten over more easily to me. I have zero technical skills!
My recent post Are You With Me, Doctor Who?
Thanks for a great swap Tiffany! I totally understand your need for a bigger bag, I was the same way! And Christmas is my favorite holiday too because it symbolizes a family time spent together with lots of laughter and love going around. I'm not disappointed by your answer about having daughters and sons – I enjoy my mommy role more than anything else so I understand completely where you are coming from.
My recent post Ask Away Friday With Tiffany
Anytime Ana! It was really a lot of fun Yes! The bigger the better…LOL I never have to need anything because most times it\’s in my bag Yes, I am already counting down the days til Christmas…motherhood is definitely one of the greatest blessings. Have a wonderful weekend Ana!
I hope you have a great time at the conference! I was also the girl who never had a bag, now I have a giant orange Nine West bag that I adore. It holds everything I need, though I am interested in a few new color options…
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Tia, I am so excited. Haha! Nothing wrong with\’re right in season for now I love Nine West too…bags are like my addiction lol Have a great weekend!
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