He Blesses In Spite Of… #828Blessings {11}

heblessesThis week my son decided to participate in auditions for the All County Band.  We’ve actually known about the auditions for a while now but with his schedule being hectic and wanting to give himself a bit of a break he decided he wasn’t going to audition.  That is until his Band Director approached him and told him that along with the benefit of being able to list himself as an All County Band member on his college applications being a member would also qualify him to receive scholarships he would otherwise be ineligible for.

Go For It!

With this shove of knowledge he decided to go forward and audition.  The day of the Audition was a normal school day and they would be taking an activity bus to the auditions after classes.  I have never seen my son nervous about anything.  He is pretty much the kinda kid who takes things in stride and very rarely ‘breaks a sweat’ about things.  If they happen they happen if they don’t he keeps it moving.  I’ve always admired this trait in him being that I am the total opposite and worry, plan and think out things almost to no end.

Yet this morning was different.  He was visibly distracted and nervous.  When I approached him he said he didn’t feel he had a chance to prepare since he wasn’t going to audition in the beginning.  He felt he was going in at a disadvantage.  I told him it would be alright and to rely on his skills.  Inside I was praying what I said was true and that God would grant him favor and ease his mind.

I’m Nervous

Later that day I received a phone call.  It was my Teenager.  He was getting on the bus and I could hear his nerves.  I told him to do his best and that everything would work out.  Again while whispering an internal prayer for the same.

Read This Too  Please Be Patient With Me…

After a few hours I got a text saying he didn’t make it.  When I asked why he said he thought his nerves got the best of him and he made newbie mistakes.  He seemed disappointed but okay.   My Hubby left to pick him up and I started thinking of what to say to help him get over the disappointment.  Yet when they got back the smiling face that met me at the front door had no signs of failure or disappointment.

In Spite Of…

He’d Made It!  He text me based on how He Felt he did…later he received the actually judges results and although he did make mistakes they saw his talent and passion in spite of his nerves.  All I could think of was how God blesses us at times in spite of ourselves.  My son was already defeated when he left for the auditions because he felt that he wasn’t prepared.  I have a feeling those thoughts are what led to his nerves and therefore his mistakes.

Still my prayer of favor prevailed.  God knew what his true skills were and blessed him in spite of himself.  I am so grateful to say that my Teenager is officially a member of the All County Band and in the line up to audition for All District.  He knows now that he needs to be a bit more prepared and not let his nerves overwhelm him.  We are both so grateful for the favor and blessings of God ….

This is my #828Blessings story…what’s yours?



What are you thankful for this week?  

What #828Blessings have you discovered in the ordinary things of your life?  


“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

Romans 8:28

Do you have a testimony or story you feel could lift someone else from a low place? Or even a personal praise that may brighten someone else’s day?

In my life I call these my 8:28 Blessings.  

8:28 Blessings

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Read This Too  HE Planned For This


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12 responses to “He Blesses In Spite Of… #828Blessings {11}”

  1. krissottoh Avatar

    Great that he made it and that it also will open up so many opportunities for him

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you and yes it should… 🙂

  2. YUMMommy Avatar

    So glad he made it! God is truly awesome and always there for us.
    My recent post My Weekly Ambition

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You!! He definitely is…we serve an awesome God!

  3. coffeewithus3 Avatar

    Good for your son! Stopping by from Super Sunday Sync link party. Followed you on bloglovin. Have a great weekend.
    My recent post Set the Thanksgiving Table {12 Table Decor Ideas}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! Following back.. 🙂

  4. JamericanSpice Avatar

    I love a mother who prays for her children. It's so awesome.

    I'm so glad your son made it and that they saw his talent, despite his nerves.

    Nice to meet you.
    Visiting from the SSSHop
    Happy weekend
    My recent post The Homework Situation

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you and thank you…I am so very proud of him !

  5. herchelscruggs Avatar

    Awesome! I remember auditioning in high school and I was a nervous wreck!
    My recent post The start of our Juvenile Arthritis Journey

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes he didn’t realize how intense it was going to be. I’m so proud of him though 🙂

  6. perfecttenn Avatar

    Wow girl that is awesome! I'm so happy your son band made it. You must feel so awesome. I'm hope I'm able to do the same for my child one when they are going after a goal.

    God is good all the time!
    My recent post NaBloPoMo | My One Bad Habit!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m so excited for him!!! It is truly a Blessing to get a prayer through. I’m excited for your motherhood journey. 🙂

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