Blogger Idol: I Auditioned…I Can’t Sing But I Can Write!

I was scrolling and reading through some really awesome Blogger sites today and guess what I found? There is an audition based contest out there in the Bloggersphere called Blogger Idol!

It’s a lot like that very popular singing contest we all know about BUT I don’t have to sing…just write! Lucky for us ALL because I know I can’t sing but I think I CAN write! It’s not based on how long you’ve been blogging but simply on your ability and passions. So after a bunch of back and forth (and back and forth) in my head I AUDITIONED! Now I just need YOUR support…

If you think I can write too and enjoy my Blog I would love (and be so grateful) if you would help me make it to the Top 12. That’s right, there’s a Top 12! I told you it was very much like the reality singing show!

Now I’d like to ask you, please TWEET after me:

YOU can make this first step in helping me be Your Blogger Idol!


Winners are up for the chance to get some really awesome prizes!

Read This Too  LISTEN | One Word 2014 Update

Sounds pretty awesome right? If you want to find out more and simply keep up with the contest… trust me it looks like it is going to be just as captivating as that reality signing show contest I was talking about…Go follow Blogger Idol on Facebook and Twitter!

So, I’d like to ask…




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12 responses to “Blogger Idol: I Auditioned…I Can’t Sing But I Can Write!”

  1. Jhanis Avatar
    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much for voting more than once…I don't think people realize they can! I appreciate it so much!

  2. Sarah @ The Blogging Avatar
    Sarah @ The Blogging

    Good luck! The Blogging Bunch voted for you!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it!

  3. Joan Merrell Avatar

    Good luck! I tweeted for you – keep us posted, and let us know if we can do anything else to help. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! I Will! Making Top 12 is the 1st Step 😀

  4. Carrie Avatar

    Good luck – sounds like a lot of fun! I voted for you! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up with The Blogging Bunch!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you..I appreciate it!

  5. Ophelia Weiner Avatar
    Ophelia Weiner

    Good Luck Tiffany! I tweeted for you! Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much! I will…making the Top 12 is the first step 😀

  6. Michelle @ The MaMad Avatar
    Michelle @ The MaMad

    Go you! Good luck mama! I did the retweet for you! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Bunches! I hope I make it to the Top 12 it would be AWESOME! 🙂

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