Last night I had a dream
A Nightmare of sorts
My Blog site was down and unable to load
Every attempt to find it came with an error code
I tried again and again but still no success
I could not reach my Blog and on came the stress
Was this a prank? A Halloween trick gone bad?
Each keystroke took me closer and closer to going mad!
Where was my Blog? Where had it gone?
This could not be happening this had to be wrong!
Then suddenly I was home in my bed and awake
The nightmare and been just that my Blog was not at stake
To be sure I ran just to check
It was there for sure so why were my nerves still a wreck?
This Blogger’s Nightmare was one that gave me fright
Perhaps it was brought on by thoughts of Halloween Night
Still I’m glad it’s over I can put my fears to rest
For this Blogger’s Nightmare was just that at best
Still just to be safe tuck in your site
Be sure you don’t have a Blogger’s Nightmare tonight
The fear I had I wish on no one
Not friend or foe it’s time should be done
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