” Blogs Are So Last Year! ” This is what someone said to me in the midst of a conversation about a Perk I’d received from a Sponsor. She asked me how I had come across it and I replied, “through my Blog”. Never did I expect that to be her reply. I know a lot of people may have misconceptions of what a Blog is and even about the Bloggers behind them but I must say her response stunned me.
I was actually speechless for a few moments. A few. After my shock wore off, I wanted to know why she felt that way, has she ever read a Blog, did she know any Bloggers, etc. Now, let me just say I consider this person to be a friend so I know she most likely meant to offense in her statement yet for whatever reason my Blogger Pride was definitely stung.
I have defended my Blogging to family and friends before but mainly because they didn’t understand what it was I do or even why it actually takes ‘work’. To them a Blog is more of an online journal or a way for me to surf the net and not feel like I’m not doing anything. They couldn’t be further from right. Still they always approached me with curiosity instead of judgment. So I never felt threatened.
I think that’s where this felt different. I dedicate myself to the quality and content on my Blog. To me my Blog is my Brand, a digital representation of who I am and who I want to be as a business. When I speak about my content, brands, etc. I do so as I would for any job I have had in the past. Professionally and with Pride. Perhaps that is why my Blogger Pride was hurt. I am proud of what I have created and what it stands for. I know the work, hours and at time tears I have put into it. I see MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter as an extension of myself and not only a way to let our my inner voice but also a potential income for my family.
Is your Blog or my Blog any less respectable than any other entrepreneurial pursuit? If we were selling services or goods would we have more respect than sharing our thoughts and opinions? If someone were to answer my friend’s question by saying they received ‘perks’ from their 9-5 would she have said “9-5s Are So Last Year!”? Probably not. So where is the difference?
I strive to present my site and role as a Blogger as so much more than a hobby or even distraction. This is my passion. I am dreaming and working to make those dreams come true. No I’m not in a typical office or even under a traditional pay roll. Yet this is still work. I have daily tasks to complete, goals to meet and commitments to uphold. So if I expect a level of respect for it am I wrong? I say no. I have decided even if I have to break down stereotypes, give insight and fight for that respect, I want it just the same.
Blogs are NOT last year!
We are current, we are valuable and we have influence across many different areas of people’s lives, goods and daily commerce. So to my fellow Bloggers out there be confident in your craft, art and passion. They are a part of who you are, they are your Brand and they are current.
Have you ever had anyone describe your role as a Blogger
as nothing more than a hobby or a ‘phase’?
How did you react?
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
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