Brianna The Ballet Fairy By Julia Dweck {Kite Readers Book Review}


BriannafairyBrianna The Ballet Fairy written by Julia Dweck has become an instant favorite for my 5 and 6 year old daughters.  As soon as we swiped to the first page of the story they were in love with Brianna “the smallest sprite who sprinkles sugar through the night”.  My older daughter loved the purple plums and Brianna dress which was illustrated so perfectly by Kimberly Soderberg.  She was amazed at the purple plums and how much bigger they were than Brianna and the other sprites.

We did have a bit of a discussion on the differences between Fairies, Sprites and Pixies since we met all of these lovely magical creatures as we read.  I love how Julia let’s the children see the difference in Brianna’s happy and joyful personality versus the sneaky ways of the Trickster Pixie!  My Girls were so certain that the Pixie was up to no good and as we read they were hoping and wishing that Brianna would realize it too.

I think Julia Dweck did a wonderful job of teaching the lesson that if you want something bad enough the true ‘magic’ for making it happen is within yourself.  when I asked my older daughter what she learned she said that when she has a dream she doesn’t have to ask anyone else to give her a magic way to make it happen.  She can do it with her own magic. I was so happy that she completely understood the story just as it was written.  Even my younger daughter said that she learned that people who want to help aren’t always telling the truth and may just want to trick you.

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For Julia to be able to get these simple yet important messages across to such a young age group is amazing.  The story of Brianna the Ballet Fairy is one I would recommend to help boost a child’s confidence and belief in their ‘magic within’.


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2 responses to “Brianna The Ballet Fairy By Julia Dweck {Kite Readers Book Review}”

  1. Shawn Avatar

    Sounds like a really lovely book! I'm sure little girls will love it! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is…Mine definitely do… 🙂

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