Changing Things Up

Changing Things Up |

For some time now I have been searching through different themes and designs trying to find a new, cleaner look for TheMrsTee. I really wanted to start changing things up a bit and that included the look of my site. I am getting ready to head to my first major conference and I want to make a great first impression.

Changing Things Up |

The main change I wanted to make was to have a Static Page where my Readers could get a glimpse of what my site is all about and then click through to different areas of the site itself including my About Me, Posts and Media Policy.

I have been looking for at least two months and found several wonderful themes but once I would start messing with them I found that even though the preview would show the landing page I desired I could never actually figure out how to make it happen. Then yesterday I prayed. That’s right folks I pray about every little thing that means anything to me and this was no different. I’m actually not even sure why I waited so long to do it. I prayed that God not only help me find the right theme for my site but also help me figure out how to design and tweak it on my own.

For awhile I had been considering hiring someone to do it but OCD in tow I probably would not have made the best client. So I knew that if I really wanted to do this it was most likely something I needed to do myself. So back to that prayer. It was super long or super deep. More of a quick whisper from daughter to Daddy asking for a bit of help and advice.

There is no desire, wish or dream too small to ask God for. He cares for you and all that is you. So stop running in circles and just ask.

Then I searched again. I came across a theme that looked perfect from the outside. So I installed it. Then I found a PlugIn that would give my Readers a pretty little message when they stopped by saying that I was making a few improvements but would be back soon. Then the work began. The theme is a Genesis framework but not something I have worked with before. Still I was determined. I Googled, clicked and worked every computer code I have in my brain.

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Slowly the site began to look like something that could feel like me. Still there was that darn Static Page. I just couldn’t seem to figure it out. I whispered another quick prayer as I typed in “how to create a static page” in my search box. *Let’s just say there are thousands of results with little or nothing to do with actual instructions*

After feeling utterly defeated, I pieced together instructions from several different sources and there it was! My Static Page, not yet perfect but there. I could barely contain my excitement! I kept working, kept typing and kept praying and after about 3 hours I had what I saw in my mind these past few months: The NEW

It’s so weird because this started out as an introduction post to the New look but now I feel that it is more than that. Yes, I want you to click, explore and check out the new look around here but I also want to leave you with a bit of a testimony.

[tweetthis]”Be sure to visit, click and check out the New + Improved ! [/tweetthis]

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20 responses to “Changing Things Up”

  1. spiritedlife Avatar

    I really like it! I need to change mine, I just haven't found the time. I also am wary of the cost. Janine at J9 Designs did mine last time, but this one will be much more intricate, that I don't think I can let someone else do it without it costing me everything that I've made over the last few months. 🙁 One day, one day…

    I've made my own laundry soap, and actually used the Blue Dawn instead of grating soap. Worked great. Then we moved and SUPER inexpensive!

    Thank you for linking up with Creative Style Linkup! Have a blessed weekend!

    Your co-host, April
    My recent post Turn it Up Tuesday Helps You Earn Extra Holiday Money

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I wanted something a bit cleaner and more organized. I just want it to be functional and work for my Readers. Janine is awesome…and she is great at trying to understand exactly what you want even if your not sure what that is. I was going to use her too but decided to try a bit of DIY to save a bit. I get what you mean on that end…LOL

      Thanks for hosting!

  2. Tenn Avatar

    I do it everyday, all day, lol, so I know exactly how you feel! I'm always redoing my blog, even when I'm not making premade themes. As a designer, I'm never satisfied, which is why I hate redoing my site, but I get bored so easily. I literally dread redoing my site, but can't resist! I'm glad you got everything figured out and learned some new things in the process. Good job and I can't wait to meet you at BBC next month! Yay!

    P.S: If you ever have any questions about blog design or Genesis Framework, feel free to reach out! 🙂
    My recent post Being Southern

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      This was my first major redesign. It was a bit daunting but not to difficult so I am glad about that. Now I\’m just trying to make sure it is functional and works for my readers.

      I can\’t wait for BBC either…WooWhoo! 😀

      Thanks so much I will!

  3. stephanickeety Avatar

    Blog remodeling is never fun, lol. I swear every time I do it, something goes totally wrong. But, your static page looks great!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      This is my first major remodel so I count myself lucky that it went rather smoothly 🙂 Thanks so much!

  4. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Get it!!! I still want to do more to my blog but honestly I'm afraid to ruin it. Not that it matters, considering my own firewall has blocked me from HTML and images…
    My recent post Mommy Monday #BlogHop {62}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank Lovie! I was wanting this for so long but getting my ideas across to someone else (not to mention the cots – wait did I just mention it?) was just so hard. So I pulled up my sleeves and DIYed it…probably the only DIY I can be proud of…LOL
      I saw that the other day!! I hopes it was temporary…did they give you any ideas on when it will be fixed?

  5. Jeanae Avatar

    I love the new look! 🙂
    My recent post Deals & Savings of the Week

    1. MrsTee Avatar
  6. andreamcopley Avatar

    I think your blog looks great. Love the new design!
    My recent post birchbox: august 2014

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Andrea 😀

  7. Louidam1 Avatar

    I like the new look. Are you attending the Type-A conference? I believe you said you were going to Bloggy Boot Camp but wanted to make sure.
    My recent post Enter to Win Dr. Oz's Celebrity Science Fair

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lovie! No, I\’m going to the ATL Bloggy Boot Camp which will you be attending?

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          Cool! I can’t wait to meet… Be sure to look out for me and I’ll do the same 😀

  8. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    Love the new look! I plan on making a few changes to my blog this week. I've been reading Blog
    Design for Dummies and I think I'm ready to try out a few changes.
    My recent post Netflix Binges & Weekly Goals

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lovie!!! I probably should have read something first…I did it all with my BFF Google and prayer…LOL

  9. Skye@PlanetJinxatron Avatar

    Blog remodeling projects are very much like home remodeling projects – always harder than you think they're going to be!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That is so true! I\’m just glad I got it done… 😀

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