Christmas Time Is Here Tag!




So the other day I get a notification from Google+ and Guess What?!?!  I’d been tagged!  I was tagged by Maritza from Surprise You Are A Mom for a Christmas Time Tag created by Hope from Beauty & Bliss!  I headed over to Maritza’s to see what it was all about and it looked like fun.  This Tag is all about Christmas and the traditions, obsessions and memories we love!  Who doesn’t like sharing that stuff, right?  So here we go…


1.What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

Family time for sure.  I love the Spirit of the Season and simply being together.
2. When you were a kid, what did you leave for Santa on Christmas Eve?

I never really had that tradition.  My Grandmother was very clear in telling me there was No Santa.  So I missed out on all of the childhood Santa traditions.  I think it would have been fun to leave cookies and milk though.
3. Do you and/or family have any Christmas traditions?

Our main tradition is making that day all about our immediate family.  We spend the entire day together and simply hang out.  No rushing off to be anywhere or worrying about any schedules.  Just us and our home.
4. When decorating, do you go all out or just do a small amount of decorating ?

Oh we go All Out for sure.  This year decorating outside and we went major.  It was a blast and I can’t wait to add even more lights and such for next year.  I plan on hitting up the after holiday sales because I never realized how costly a few strings of lights can get!
5. What is your favorite Christmas dinner food?

I’m not sure if many people know what this is or not because every time I mention it to anyone I get weird looks.  My favorite Holiday food is actually a dessert.  It’s called mince meat pie.  NO the kind I’m talking about has NO MEAT in it at all.  I’m actually not even sure what’s in it.  My Grandmother got one every year at when you bake it they smell like Christmas itself.  I mean it is simply Aaaaahhhhmazing!  I have to search stores all over to find them (I don’t know how to make it) but when I do I get a few for the Season.

Read This Too  The Your Channel Or Mine YouTube Hop Is LIVE!

6. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

My FAV movie is Polar Express…I love the story and moral behind the movie.  EVERY child deserves a Christmas memory, present and belief.

  1. What is your favorite Christmas song?

Ooooh!  This is a hard one.  I love ALL Christmas songs for the most part.  I’m actually listening to some as I type.  Which is making this even harder.  I’m going to go with my fondest childhood memory when my Grandmother would bring out her Christmas cassette tapes…she had one of Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas”.  Whenever I hear that song now I immediately know that it’s officially Christmas time.

8. What was your favorite gift you’ve ever received?

I think the year I got the Atari was the best year EVER! I know I may be aging myself but I wanted that game so bad and when I got it I was so happy I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I often say I’m an undercover NerdGirl Gamer and boy was she happy that year!




  1. What is your favorite Christmas memory?

I go into length about my favorite Christmas Memory here BUT it involved a trip to pick up my own Christmas present with my Grandpa and our own lunch date afterwards.  Let’s just say I was never under the impression that Santa brought my gifts!  😉
10. Does it snow where you live?

We live in North carolina so when or IF we ever see snow it is usually a dusting or some combination of rain and slush.  Nothing like the reall snow I’m used to from home in New York.
11. Do you own an “ugly holiday sweater”?

No!  But I want one SO BAD!  Is that weird?  LOL  I woul dlove to have an ugly sweater party.  I was actually talking about this just last night with one of my #BloggerBFFs…who knows maybe next year?
12. Hot Chocolate or eggnog?

I would have to say Hot Chocolate since I’ve never had Eggnog.  I know weird BUT Hubby has made me promise I will try some this year so who knows maybe my answer will be changing soon… 🙂
13. Have you ever been kissed under a mistletoe?

Nope.  I don’t even think we’ve ever put up any mistletoe.  Don’t think that stops me from getting my smoochies though!  😀

Read This Too  Pin Me Right Round {2}


SO this was tons of fun and because it was I can’t wait to TAG and few friends of my own!

Come On Ladies…Get Your Tag On!


I found out after that this is also a YouTube Tag

SO Feel free to Vlog OR Blog!


Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Ophelia from Latina Mama Rama

Tracie from Phenomenal Mama

Michelle from MaMade Creations

Shauna from MommaCandy

Stephanie from Life As Mommy

Effie from EffieGirl


 ‘Christmas Is Here’ Tag by Beauty & Bliss Questions:
1.What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
2. When you were a kid, what did you leave for Santa on Christmas Eve?
3. Do you and/or family have any Christmas traditions?
4. When decorating, do you go all out or just do a small amount of decorating ?
5. What is your favorite Christmas dinner food?
6. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
7. What is your favorite Christmas song?
8. What was your favorite gift you’ve ever received?
9. What is your favorite Christmas memory?
10. Does it snow where you live?
11. Do you won an “ugly holiday sweater”?
12. Hot Chocolate or eggnog?
13. Have you ever been kissed under a mistletoe?

My BONUS Question: What’s your favorite Holiday Ornament? Snap a pic and tell why it’s your favorite!


Here’s Mine:

This is my Starbucks 2013 Ornament.  This year I really became a true Lover of Starbucks and was inittiated into the #PSLGangstas and the #RedCupGangstas by my BloggerBFF Mrs.AOK.  So this means bunches to me! 😀


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8 responses to “Christmas Time Is Here Tag!”

  1. adrienne Avatar

    I think its funny that you want an ugly holiday sweater. Thanks for coming from SITS!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know… A bit odd ;). I think it\’s fun though…lol

  2. Christy Garrett Avatar
    Christy Garrett

    I miss the old atari system. I remember playing it at my friends house when I was younger.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Those joysticks were so fun..up – down – left – right…that was it! I think my son would loose his mind if that was all he could do…LOL

  3. @MzM40 Avatar

    Thanks for the tag! 😉 I thought I was the only person I know who likes Bing Crosby! LOL! Have you seen the video or heard the song with David Bowie- The Little Drummer Boy & Peace on Earth? It's worth a Google!
    My recent post My Anthem

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Anytime! I love Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Fred Estair…I watch all the old Christmas movies they made. LOL. Hubby thinks I’m nuts. He hates musicals. I think I’ve heard it but I haven’t seen the video. I’ll have to Google it 🙂

  4. Susannah Avatar

    This is awesome!!! I LOVE Christmas so much and this post was fun to read. 🙂
    My recent post On the Second Day of Christmas – Stocking Day

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I do too and it was so much fun to write! 😀

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