A Click-A-Day !

Did you know that there is an easy way to show support to your fellow Bloggers EVERYday? It only takes a Click-A-Day on a few buttons that are probably already familiar to you from some of your favorites sites but do you know what they are all about?  Let me take a minute and give you a bit of info…



These buttons are Voter or Endorsement based and by giving them a Click-A-Day you can help support your favorite Blogger friends and their sites.  Each click can help their site gain rank, increase their influence, earn points and at times even become eligible for Authorship and Review Opportunities plus Giveaways. How great is that? Plus if you have any of the same buttons on your Blog giving support often times leads to receiving support.

In using the term ‘Click-A-Day‘ I am simply referring to a site which allows a Visitor to vote Once A Day for a Blog they are visiting.  To Click takes almost no time and the buttons are usually set as “target-blank” which allows them to open in a new window upon being clicked.  This lets your Reader keep their place on your site and still vote for you in a new tab or window. These sites require no further information or entry from the Voter.  Merely Click and a Vote is entered for that site.

Interested in adding any one of these button to your own site?  Sign Up is easy!

Top Mommy Blogs Requirements

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The MAIN requirement to Join Top Mommy Blogs is that your Blog be an active (consistent posts and activity) for at least 3 months.  The remainder of the requirements are rules regarding how you can obtain votes (no bribery, requirement as part of a giveaway, etc.) and letting you know how you will obtain votes.

Once you Sign Up you simply need to place the Top Mommy Blogs Badge in a prominent place on your sidebar (preferrable above the fold) to begin generating votes.  With Top Mommy The more votes you generate during this initial process the quicker your application may be processed.  The approval may take up to 14 days.

Top Mommy Blogs helps a Blogger gain a larger Social Media presence by giving you a place among Blogs within your focus area and helping you gain exposure through their ‘circle of awesomeness’ which is the seemingly endless list of Bloggers, Readers, Companies and PR Professionals.  This can help you obtain Brand and Review offers as well as bring more Readers to your site.

Find Top Mommy Blogs Here:

Web Twitter Facebook  Google+

Mommy Hot Spot Requirements

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Mommy Hot Spot has no minimum activity rule but they do want for your site to be an active Blog meaning that you have a consistent archive of posts.

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Similar to Top Mommy Blogs, once you Sign Up you simply need to place the Mommy Hot Spot Badge in a prominent place on your sidebar (preferrable above the fold) to begin generating votes.  The approval process usually takes between 24-48 hours.

With Mommy Hot Spot your Readers have the Click-A-Day vote opportunity where they can only vote once every 24 hours from the same IP address BUT according to Mommy Hot Spot: if they want to vote from their home computer, work computer, and smart phone in the same day, that would count for 3 votes! The 3 different IP addresses would all register as separate votes.

Mommy Hot Spot offers several benefits to it’s members including entry into vote contests based on the number of votes you receive to your site.  With this you can earn Gift Cards of varying values and increase your vote ranking at the same time.  As a member you can also earn Bonus Points for referring other Bloggers; have the chance to be Blogger of the Month which will gain you exposure throughout the Mommy Hot Spot membership; become a Contributing Author giving you the opportunity to have your writing published to millions of Readers.  Mommy Hot Spot also offers a Widget which will generate relevant topics from your own posts and also return Readers to your site and so much more!

Find Mommy Hot Spot Here:

Web  Twitter  Facebook

photo 2Sverve is a Blogger endorsed based site.  Sverve invites your fellow Bloggers to ‘endorse’ you in the areas you specify as those you consider yourself to be an influence in.  Like many other voter or endorsement based membership you should place the Sverve badge in a place on your sidebar where it will be noticed by your Readers so that they will be able to give you that Click-A-Day to help you score increase. *Note: At times Sverve hold an endorsement for a bit longer than 24hrs but check back often to vote for your favorite Influencers as well as Like and Share new Tips.

For instance, if you are a Fashion Blogger, you may have your Areas of Influence listed as the following (you are allowed up to 5): Beauty, Blogging, Fashion, Make-Up and Nails.  Or if you were a Mommy Blogger you may list your Areas of Influence as Parenting, Blogging, Kids Activities, Family and Mom Blogger.  The Areas of Influence can cover everything from a Crafty DIY Blogger to a Christian Blogger.

Each day a Fellow Blogger visits your site it will only take a Click-A-Day for them to endorse you in any or all of your Areas of Influence.  With each ‘endorsement’ your Sverve Score will increase.  Your score is also based upon your Social Media presence (you link your Facebook and/or twitter accounts) as well as submitting Tips within your Areas of Influence as well as your support of other Sverve members.

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Sverve’s main benefit is it’s ability to connect a Blogger with brand and companies looking for exposure from Bloggers in specific Areas of Influence.  Based on your level of influence (your Sverve Score) you are connected with brands and many of the opportunities are paid or product exchange based.  There are two ways to connect with brands and companies.  Sverve will send you an e-mail notification when campaigns within you score range are available or you can browse the site and Apply for campaigns as you see them within your score range.

Find Sverve Here:

Web Twitter Facebook

*Disclosure-As a Sverve Affiliate I receive compensation for every referral and successful Sign Up to Sverve


picketfence2Picket Fence Blogs is a free Ranked Blog Directory created especially for a Blog which may not otherwise gain much exposure.  To register you create a LogIn and Password then you enter the requested information including your site’s URL and a few other simple questions.  Picket Fence Blogs is a ranking system which relies on a Click-A-Day from your Readers to help increase your site’s ranking in your chosen topic area (Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, etc.).

A bonus with Picket Fence Blogs is that in addition to adding your Blog to their site listing you are also able to link your posts so that they are automatically updated to the site.  This will allow you the possibility of generating new readers based on visitors to the picket Fence Blogs site.

Picket Fence Blogs also has a place where you can add any Giveaways you may be offering on your own site to help promote and gain entries.

Find Picket Fence Blogs Here:



It Only Takes A Click-A-Day!  

4 Easy Ways to Give & Gain Support!  

Have you given out your Click-A-Day yet?





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11 responses to “A Click-A-Day !”

  1. @beingawordsmith Avatar

    Hey Tiffany, I have seen the We're on the Fence banners before, but didn't know what they were about. Thanks for sharing this. I'm pinning, clicking, and sharing.
    My recent post Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party #3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So glad I could help! I know I used to wonder too so figured of share the knowledge…lol. Thanks for the Share Support!!!

  2. LaShawn Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! I've been wondering exactly what Sverve was! I've been seeing it in everyone's sidebars lately!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday: iPhone roundup

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You Welcome! So happy you found it helpful…I had a few stumble moments and figured I would share what I learned along the way 🙂

  3. Stevie Avatar

    Thank you for sharing about this. I have seen some of these badges on blogs but I wasn't familiar with what they were or how they worked. The only one I have used is Sverve and I'm still feeling my way around there.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your Welcome! I was feeling my way around them for a bit too so I decided to share a bit of the information I learned…if you need any help just let me know 🙂

  4. Karen Avatar

    wow…there are so many cool and important parts of blogging, it's hard to remember them all. Thanks for the reminder and the explanation babe

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know right! I felt my way in the dark through learning the buttons and such so I figured I\’d share a bit of the info. Thanks for coming by!

  5. DownSideUpMommy Avatar

    Wow T,
    THanks so much for posting this. I never knew what any of those things were. or I had a vague idea. Now I have to go join them all. Well, I have sverve. But if theres referral links just send them to me and you get dibs 😉
    Bobbie Jo
    My recent post Lets get our readers back!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your Welcome! I know I’ve been feeling my way through them so I figured I’d share. I’m not sure about links but Mommy Hot Spot has a place where you say how you heard of them. Just enter my email. MrsTee {at} Mrsteelovelifelaughter {dot} com 😀

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