#ClickChicks Photo Challenge – FLOWERS

Welcome To The Click Chicks Photo Challenge

This week’s Prompt is something I haven’t seen in, well a few months.  Not because I don’t miss them but because the frost and chill in the air have kept their time to bloom at bay…today’s prompt is: FLOWERS


Hosting with the amazing Krystal from Krystal’s Kitsch who came up with this lovely idea of having a once weekly photography prompt to help challenge the inner Photographer inside most Bloggers is such a great experience. Sharing my love of photography is so much fun and at times an adventure! Also joining us is the awesome Lesha from TheLovelyPhotog who is no stranger when it comes to capturing the beauty of life through a lens.


This week I had an extremely difficult time trying to come up with the prompt.  Flower.  Where could I find flowers in the weather I’ve been having?  Snow, Ice, Frost and now close to 70 degrees… LOL  So I had to get a bit creative and although I couldn’t find any fresh or in glorious bloom I have indeed captured Flowers.


Yes, those are toy planted flower bushes but hey they are flowers right?  I did play with the lighting a bit so this week I have three versions of my flowers Challenge.

Have any flowers broken through the frost near you?

If not, how creative can you get?

A pattern, a drawing or even a toy?

Link Up and share your flowers with us!

Read This Too  Turn It Up Tuesday | We Have A WINNER!
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Still To Come in February…

2/27 – Handwriting

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8 responses to “#ClickChicks Photo Challenge – FLOWERS”

  1. Krystal Avatar

    This is awesome! I think the lighting on the right looks best, it seems bright! Love it. See ya next week! 😉
    My recent post Sail Away: North Captiva Island

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks…Can\’t wait!

  2. thelovelyphotog Avatar

    Creative! I haven't seen or gotten any fresh blooms either but I shared by showing photos I've taken before of flowers 🙂 This was a great theme! 🙂 I can't wait for next month!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I didn\’t have any in storeage…LOL So I had to go to my Kiddies toys… 😀 It was fun though…a real challenge. Me either…!

  3. Renee@ Mommy Goes On Avatar
    Renee@ Mommy Goes On

    I love that you created your own flowers for this. How creative! I'm joining in the challenge this week. Can't wait for next week 🙂
    My recent post Valentine’s Day Bouquet | #ClickChicks Photography Challenge

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I had to think \’outside\’ the box for this one because there are definitely not any flowers blooming yet… LOL
      Can\’t wait to have you! 😀

  4. lydiaf1963 Avatar

    I'm really enjoying #Click Chicks. It's helping me to learn Photoshop Elements AND it's a break from my regular blogging. I'm trying to figure the Tumblr system out as well (My tumblr blog is for challenges like Click Chicks and Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop) Never stop learning, right?
    My recent post Of Vegetable Broth

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So happy to have you and that it is helping you with your photo skills. It is truly fun each week to be ‘challenged’a bit and have to push yourself outta the box… 😀 I have Tumblr as well, that’s a great idea to dedicate it to specific topics/themes. Yes, I call myself the forever student. LOL Thanks for joining us and I can’t wait to see your future photos.

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