Committing Thanks.

committing thanks

Sometime last week I left a comment on a post by Allison from Embrace the Struggle.  She wrote a truly thought-provoking post reflecting on a song for the Thanksgiving Season. When I wrote my comment I was thinking on how there are times we allow our busy-ness to allow us to forget what the real meaning of Holidays are.

A portion of what I wrote:

“…being thankful takes no planning simply commitment…”

Long after I clicked Post Comment the thought was still stuck with me.  My holiday week had been beyond hectic.  I had two Birthdays a mere two days apart.  My Teenager was turning 17 and my baby Girlies was turning 5.  The Teenager wanted to shop and have a movie day but then he came down with some kinda bug and I was Nurse Momma instead.  While doing that I was still planning my 4 soon to be 5 year old’s birthday party (with 10 Kiddie guests) plus her weekend of activities.  

During our celebrations I was still preparing for Thanksgiving Day itself.  We had guests and family coming for dinner and some who were to stay as well.  Somewhere in the midst of it all I think I was letting myself loose my commitment. Where was my Thanks?  I had the Holiday part of everything down but was I Committing Thanks?

Commit is defined as a pledge or bind to a certain course or action; devote, apply or dedicate. I know when you first here the word to commit or committing you think of someone doing something negative or criminal but realistically we can apply it to anything we want to do on a consistent basis.

Read This Too  As For Me And My House…

I looked back on my days leading to Thanksgiving and realized that I was letting life, schedules and plans get in the way of my being Thankful.  After reading Allison’s post I wanted to renew my commitment and focus more on Committing Thanks.

I want my daily life to be one of recognizing the small blessings.  The basic meeting of my needs and desires.  Not the wants and wishes but the necessities.  Life, Shelter, Food, buy adipex, Love, Friendship.  The things that may at times be intangible yet still felt and very much a part of my life that would be missed if not there.

Thanks is simple.  It is kindly grateful thoughts.  Gratitude.  An expression of Gratitude.  To be Thankful takes no costs or anything away from you but simple to express your thankfulness.

So today I want to ask…

Are you Committing Thanks?

How do you stay Thankful beyond the Holiday?

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12 responses to “Committing Thanks.”

  1. Carin Kilby Clark Avatar
    Carin Kilby Clark

    What a great post and reminder that thanks doesn't happen by accident; we have to commit to thanks. Every day I purposefully find things to be grateful for and I especially try to ensure my children are always expressing their gratitude. Not just on Thanksgiving, but every day.
    My recent post The Most Unique Footwear You’ll Ever Own {From Mi To You Embellished Junk Chuck’s Review & Giveaway}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you. Passing on that habit of thanks is something I try to focus on daily. It can be defied docile at time but when you see you children take it up on their own you know you\’re doing something right. Thanks so much for coming by. I look forward to a new Blogger connection 🙂

  2. Melissa @ Completely Eclipsed Avatar
    Melissa @ Completely Eclipsed

    I try to find five small things to be grateful for each day. I try and push myself past the general ” my family, my health etc” and be really specific. For example I’m grateful for finding a parking spot close to the mall or I’m thankful that I was able to get in a run today. Helps me keep an eye out for the little things that bring me happiness that I might overlook.

    Stopping by from sits

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! That\’s a great idea!! I try to do that weekly with my #828Blessings Post…I reflect on my week for the blessings that I may not have noticed as they happened or even expected. God is always working in the seen and unseen. 😉

  3. Stephanie Avatar

    I love this idea, too. Some days are harder than others to take a moment and be thankful. I try to talk with my kids about it too, so they take that moment as well.
    My recent post Christmas Song Mix – Twisted Mix Tape 36

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. It truly can be hard at times but as you said if we can just commit to that moment. Once we make it a habit. The difficulty decreases and the consistency will increase.

  4. alisonhector Avatar

    "I want my daily life to be one of recognizing the small blessings." Loving that commitment, Tiffany! It's hard work, as you described, with a million other things tugging at your mind, time, heart, and energy, but once we get it settled in our spirit that we're about that thankful life (LOL!), we're on to great things.

    Great post!
    My recent post The heavens are telling

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Alison! You\’re encouragement is the main reason this post came about. Yes the \’settle I\’m our Spirit\’ is definitely what we need.

  5. Stacie Patterson Avatar
    Stacie Patterson

    I love this! It’s so easy to forget to be thankful after a rough day or when things don’t seem to be going your way, but taking a step back and re-evaluating your life really puts things in perspective!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I was seriously moving on auto pilot and I needed that wake up moment…

  6. dishofdailylife Avatar

    Ali's posts always make me think. I have been trying to keep this more in mind as well.
    My recent post Bookboard Reading Service Giveaway!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. I love going by her place for a bit of encouragement. I am never disappointed.

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