Cortana | Her Story My #LumiaSwitch

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For the past 6 weeks I have been a part of a challenge called the #LumiaSwitch. During the challenge we have gotten to know our Microsoft Lumia phones in many different ways. From Syncing, Finding Apps, Photography and even Videos. Getting to know this phone has been one learning experience after another. One that I truly enjoyed was getting to know my Lumia830’s Virtual Assistant – Cortana. I was impressed by her ability to adapt to my preferences and needs but I was even more fascinated by her story.





As I said, Cortana is the Windows answer to iPhone’s Siri. She is a Virtual Assistant who is there to answer any questions you can think of from how’s the weather today to where should I go for lunch. Cortana is able to suggest these things based on your personal tastes, preferences and habits. She also anticipates what you may need in different situations and helps you with things like local events, setting alarms, reminders for appointments and even directions.. For me Cortana definitely gave Siri a run for best Virtual Assistant.


On top of being thoroughly impressed by her skills I got a chance to get to know Cortana on a more ‘personal’ level after talking to my Teenager a bit about who she is – her story. My Teenager is an Xbox fan to his core and when he realized the Lumia830 is not only Windows based but also fully incorporated with Xbox (it’s a Microsoft phone after all) he started to tell me that Cortana is actually based off a character from XBox‘s popular game HALO.

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According to my Gamer Teenager, Cortana has been an active character within Halo the very 1st version and  made it all the way to Halo4.  She’s secretly in love with Master Chief one of the main characters within the game.  He said she’s been with him since he joined the USNC. Cortana is alleged to die in the last game. Master Chief takes it hard when she dies. Cortana is also close friends Master Chief’s friend Sergeant Johnson. Of course, when I asked Cortana she had a something a bit different to say about the matter…




I found this to be so fascinating. Not only does Cortana excel and finding me what I need exactly when I need it but she has her own story to tell. Call me silly but somehow it made me like her just a little bit more.


Will I Make The #LumiaSwitch?



Now you all know me and you know that I am an iPhone User to my core still there were a few things that I did like right off the bat from the Lumia 830. At first glance I fell in love with the screen size of this phone. It is slightly larger than my iPhone 6 which is 4.7 inches while the Lumia 830 is 5 inches. Just big enough to give a bit more for videos but not too large for my hands.


Thanks to our amazing team #JaelAndCo and our work for the #LumiaSwitch I was able to get to learn how to download and sync everything from my iPhone, how to customize my screen and colors plus how to tape a Vlog using a few of the Apps offered in the App Store.


When it came to the Windows side of the Lumia 830 it took me a bit of adjustment time. I am so used to my Apps and Icons that the whole Live Tile feature of the Windows System and the Store were a bit daunting. After a while I figured out how to use them but I must say I still prefer my Icons and Apple Store.

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So as of today, I can’t really answer this question yet…



Have I fallen in #LumiaLove or am I still iPhone at heart…?

What do you think…?

**Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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29 responses to “Cortana | Her Story My #LumiaSwitch”

  1. luciecarpenter Avatar

    I had never heard about this before your post! I'm really curious now!
    My recent post † Fashion † My Polyvore Sets

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha..neither had I until my Teenager schooled me. Interesting isn\’t it? 😀

  2. jolizie Avatar

    This almost makes me want a smartphone again. Let's just say I had a horrible experience with mine and decided to go back to an old school cell phone. Thanks for sharing this.
    My recent post Project 52 – Doctor's Appointment – Week 12

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      No Smartphone??? Girl you are strong! I don\’t know what I would do with an old school cell phone… if you ever do go back I would definitely recommend the Lumia830 🙂

  3. Bianca Avatar

    Oh my!! Im anxious to know what you decided to do!
    My recent post Video: Morning Routine

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I am too… LOL

  4. westfamily1216 Avatar

    Learn something new every day. Nevee knew she was based on halo character
    My recent post #Girl Crush

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Right?!?! LOL..that\’s how I felt when my Teenager told me.

  5. ashandcrafts Avatar

    That's so awesome that you were able to participate in this challenge! Great and honest review!
    My recent post Springtime in Paris

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. It was definitely a great opportunity. Happy you stopped by 🙂

  6. Mimi Avatar

    I've tried to move away from iPhone and I just keep coming back. I think you will stay loyal!!
    My recent post Blueberry Morning Bake

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…I think I may as well (for now)…there were just too many factors impacting my BlogLife and VlogLife that would make a switch hard.

  7. birdhousebooks Avatar

    This is really neat! I had not heard of Cortana before reading this helpful post.

  8. Madaline Avatar

    I want a new smart phone! I’m not a huge iPhone lover so this might be the perfect phone for me.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The Lumia830 is definitely an all purpose smartphone great for staying organized, photography, gaming and much more!

  9. @visuallyKita Avatar

    What a new and improved Siri how nice. I am a droid user so I am not use to anything Siri if I need a question I have to go to google lol I would love to hear your final thoughts

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh no, Cortana isn’t a new and improved Siri. Siri is strictly Apple…Cortana is the Windows answer to Siri. Cortana is exclusive to Windows 8.1 and up phones. Cortana can answer anything you need to know from Bing and other sources…a great assistant for sure.

  10. redheadbabymama Avatar

    HA! She's taken from HALO? That's hilarious to me! I'm not a gamer, so I never would have known.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yup! I’m a gamer but not so much on Xbox..I play more on Playstation but my son is a total Xbox geek so he let me know. I think it’s really kinda cool 😀

  11. nutrifitmama Avatar

    It is totally like an advanced Siri…as much as I love my iPhone, I bet Cortana is easier to get along with than Siri- LOL!
    My recent post Crazy Easy Paleo Italian Stuffed Peppers & Garlic Cauliflower “Rice”

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      She really is. Cortana is a lot more personable and easy to get along with. Poor Siri LOL 😉

  12. Amanda Made Avatar
    Amanda Made

    This is crazy! That is so neat that they use an actual character! It seems like it would be more meaningful to get advice and tips from a character who has a face and a story over something that is just a voice! The Lumia is something that I am going to check out it seems really helpful and awesome! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas!! Good luck choosing!
    My recent post {Blogging for Books}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I thought is was so cool when I found out. You’re right her tips advice and reminders are so much neater knowing there’s been a bit of effort put into who she is – even as an AI/Virtual Assistant. I hope you find that the Lumia is the right fit for you 🙂 Thanks!!

  13. Courtney Avatar

    I have loved following your journey with this big switch!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Courtney!! 🙂

  14. Crystal Avatar

    Can't wait to see your final thoughts and if you will switch. I am an iPhone user, hands down. I always tell my husband that I would never switch. But then again, I've learned to never say never!
    My recent post {A Grateful Heart}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I can’t either Crystal!! I said never and now Cortana has me having second thoughts 🙂

  15. Holly Avatar

    Crazy!! It's like an advanced Siri! Neat, thanks for the info 🙂
    My recent post Lets talk about Beauty and the Newfoundland..

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yeah. She’s so cool I feel like I’m betraying Siri…LOL Thanks for coming by Holly 😉

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